posted on Oct, 14 2003 @ 09:20 AM
Ok, well here is an unordered, incoherant rant about drugs. .
Well I mean it's pretty obvious to me that the illegalization of most drugs is illegal itself. The reason cannabis was first criminalised in America
was propaghanda against the Mexicans who at that time smoked pot after work to relax, it was a part of life. Anyways that doesn't really matter. For
a start making drugs illegal has caused more death and more crime. If governments only realised that because gangs and evil drug barons control drugs
around the world, the laws are creating crime and at the same time not stopping anyone from doing drugs. Drugs are widely available. In Britain
something like 12% of 12 year olds have tried drugs. The laws they have made obviously arn't working. If the government actually moderated and
controlled drugs it would :
A) Stop crime, deaths related to crime and put evil drug barons ( lol) out of business.
B) If the government quality controlled drugs it would save many lives. Literally millions of people take ecstacy in great Britain every weekend.
Around 12 people die from it a year but the numbers are going up. The reason for these deaths is usually because people have cut the pills with rat
poison or some other terrible chemical.
C) Regualtions and age restrictions on drugs would stop children trying drugs way too young.
The benefits go on. I mean I do not think that crack and heroin should be sold in chemists but It's obvious that the drug "problem" is never going
to be tackled the way it is. I'm not a christian but surely god wouldn't create pot, mushrooms, peyote , coc aine, and opium plants if they
weren't there to be used?> they are a gift from mither nature. Ciggerettes alon kill more people than all drugs put together do. Alchohol cause far
worse effects socially and medically than pot ever will. I mean what is more dangerous? Sombdoy who is staggering around drunk and violent, a danger
to himself and others or sombody who just wants to eat loads of food and play playstation? And i mean magic mushrooms have to be illegal....the last
time i took mushrooms i sat in aa field for 4 hours thinking "GOD i LOVE EVERYTHING" Thats a real danger to our world.
Ok I'm going to end this madness. I think i'm starting to gibber on and on. . . . . . .
Edit: any questions and i will further continue this debate although a new thread is probably needed on this subject
[Edited on 093131p://222 by earthtone]