posted on Oct, 13 2003 @ 02:55 AM
p.s. good for all seekers...
sts=service to self...
sto=service to others...
dont get lost in the abyss...
Our reality is masked as a medium for growth. And what we are growing is our Will which, when aligned with a given Thought Center, allows that Thought
Center to manifest its Will in our reality to the extent we are in alignment and can be amplified! To be in alignment with the STO Thought Centers
results in an increase of Spiritual consciousness and a diminishment of the "sleeping" consciousness of matter. To align with the STS Thought
Centers, as we ARE, results in an increase of the "sleeping consciousness," or "Wishful Thinking" of matter, and a diminishment of Spiritual
Karl von Eckartshausen tells the tale of the Path to the Temple of Secrets:
The Temple of Secrets is located on a high mountain, and everywhere thorns are covering the path leading to the Temple. The inconceivable, mysterious
height of the mountain is the reason why many people doubt the existence of the Temple of Secrets. Some think of it as a Fairy Tale, some consider it
an old Myth and others believe it to be the Truth.
At the entrance of the narrow path stands IGNORANCE, with her sisters STUPIDITY and LAZINESS, and they tell awful tales to the travelers and of
horrible adventures the travelers will encounter if they set foot on this path. That is how lazy Human Beings and fearful Human Beings can easily be
persuaded to turn back.
There are a few Human Beings on which ignorance attempts her deceptions in vain. They climb up the first part of the thorny steep path, and when they
are about half way up the mountain, they reach a plateau on which they find the Temple of Self-Love. Next to this Temple stands Self-Conceit, Pride
and Know it-All and they offer the traveler a cup, out of which he drinks his own Self in great gulps and thereby becomes intoxicated with himself,
with his own "I."
These travelers then become so intoxicated with themselves that they imagine that their Temple, the Temple of Self-Love is the Temple of Secrets and
there is nothing, but nothing, above them. The inscription on this temple, the Temple of Self-Love, reads as follows: The Sanctuary of the Wisdom of
the World.
Desires, passions and wantonness are the servants of these priests. However, those whose heart searches for the truth will not find any satisfaction
with this and they will keep on searching.
A few thousand steps from this Temple you will find a very secluded little hut, inhabited by a hermit, with the following inscription above the door:
The Residence of Humility.
The man who lives here guides the strangers to the residence of humility, which in turn leads them to Self-Recognition. This Divine Beauty becomes the
traveler's companion, and with her, he conquers the inaccessible mountain. Whosoever tries to reach the Temple of Secrets without this Divine Beauty
can very easily be misled by his Self-Love, and as a result, will follow the wrong path. His greed for knowledge will lead him to the Temple of
Curiosity. The inhabitants of this Temple are: fraud, seduction and deception, the founders of most of the secret societies, and those Human Beings
who , in search for the Truth and for the Temple of Secrets will, if they join these Secret Societies, be robbed of the ability to see with their
Soul. They are then led to the top of the mountain, where they fall into the abyss or into the labyrinth or maze, in which they will walk in circles
for eternity without finding the Truth.
Humility alone is the best guide. This alone will lead the seeker to the Master of Teachers of all secrets. This Master Teacher is the PURE WILL.
This pure will becomes the friend of the highest of knowledge and they enter into a bond of eternal union.
The knowledge of the effects of the Eternal Light of godliness in all created beings is True Magic in Theory.
The conception of this Light, or the transition from the intellect to the will, is True Magic in Practice. [Von Eckarthausen, Magic: The Principles of
Higher Knowledge, 1788]
Now, note the sequence above; those who align with the Thought Centers of STS manifest IGNORANCE, STUPIDITY and LAZINESS in the sense that they
believe awful tales and horrible adventures of travelers, and they are easily be persuaded to turn back. That is to say that they are persuaded that
knowledge will bring them to grief, or that "asking questions" is a manifestation of "lack of faith," which will earn them condemnation at best,
and a quick ticket to Hell at worst. The comparison between this analogy and the Parable of the Talents in which the servant who buried his talent
because he was afraid and was cast into outer darkness are interesting especially when we consider the end result of the STS alignment, which is to
recycle into primal matter. I would suggest that such as these are "eaten" rather quickly just as the seeds that fell by the wayside were
immediately consumed by the birds in the Parable of the Sower.
Then, we have another class of STS alignment. They aren't easily put off by terror tactics, so special deceptions are set up for them. They DO reach
the "plateau on which they find the Temple of Self-Love. Next to this Temple stands Self-Conceit, Pride and Know it-All and they offer the traveler a
cup, out of which he drinks his own Self in great gulps and thereby becomes intoxicated with himself, with his own "I." We can see that these are
the ones that achieve the higher levels of STS orientation. The key in the analogy is that they "become so intoxicated with themselves that they
imagine that their Temple, the Temple of Self-Love is the Temple of Secrets and there is nothing, but nothing, above them." This is what the
Cassiopaeans have described as "Ultimate in Wishful Thinking." And, of course, these are the purveyors of most of the deceptions in our world today
because, one of the things that these individuals most Wishfully Think is that they are the purveyors of the Wisdom of the World!
Von Eckartshausen tell us that "Desires, passions and wantonness are the servants of these priests." And we know from this that these individuals
may be very high in the STS Hierarchy themselves. And they use the "Predator's Mind" which is the nature of Hunger within humanity to do their
Q: (L) It says here: In 1979, Project Phoenix, with the assistance of the Grays, was successful in producing a mind amplifier. This was used in
conjunction with putting people with exceptional psychic or mental capabilities under drug influence, hooking them up to this machine and keeping them
in a state of pre-orgasmic sexual excitation wherein they were able to create some type of physical form. They say: "The fire within man that is
characterized as passion is the secret that can be utilized. The secret to all things is passion. With passion all things are possible. The
amplification experiments of the Phoenix Project have been explained as having amplified brain waves. In fact, it amplified the passion of the
subject. It was that 'inner will' of the subject that was amplified, that inner spirit within all of us is that driving force is manifested as
electrical energy. Master that force and you cannot be controlled, the universe is yours. Master the inner spirit and you shall master the physical."
Comments please.
A: "Passion" does not set one "free," quite the opposite!
Q: (L) But what if your passion is for knowledge? What is it that gives some people this drive, this steamroller compulsion that they are determined
to get to the absolute bottom of everything and strip away every lie until there is nothing left but the naked truth? What is the source of this
A: That is not passion, it is soul questing. It is simply that one is at that point on the learning cycle. At that point, no drive is needed.
Q: (L) So, you more or less are there because some critical mass has been reached that 'jumps' you to the point where seeking truth is simply who
you are? It defines the parameters of your being?
A: Yes. [Cassiopaeans, 1996]
However, there is a kind of person who has some sort of "inner inclination" for Truth. They are simply unable to accept anything else. They cannot
be satisfied until they have peeled the onion to the very core. And these keep their eyes on the goal of Truth.
The seeker of truth continues to gather knowledge in the same way the servants in the Parable of the Talents continued to "invest" their money.
Gathering knowledge without prejudice inevitably leads to humility. Humility added to knowledge inevitably leads to self-recognition. And
self-recognition becomes the companion that enables a person to navigate the emotions and illusions that seek to distract us and blind us! Finally,
self-recognition, which is the ultimate state of Humility, leads us to PURE WILL.
Now, notice, it didn't say STRONG will, just pure. A person's "will to be" is his natural frequency. And, when you marry will to knowledge, you
have hope of using the will in a particular way. This Will is the "mustard seed" of the Biblical parable.