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Two Scenarios: Only One Can Be Correct

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posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 10:38 PM

Secular mainstream scholarship of any discipline universally agree the entire history of mankind prior to the Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, and the invention of the printing press to be easily characterized as pre-scientific times. These three events would mark the absolute earliest anyone could objectively identify the inception of the scientific era.

Yet advanced scientific times unquestionably began when the old Soviet Union shocked the world with the launch of Sputnik I in 1957 ushering in the Space Age.

It was data from this orbiting satellite that enabled modern scientific mankind to know for sure the exact dimensions of the Earth.

Dr. Adam Rutherford F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., in Egypt 1925, 1950, 1963-5 "Pyramidology Book 1" [London, 1957] Tinsley Publishing

Pages 75, 76:

"On making a scientific examination of the Sacred Cubit in the Pyramid, it is found to bear an exact relationship to the size of the Earth. This cubit is discovered to be the exact 10,000,000th of the mean distance from the center of the Earth to the Poles, or in othe words the precise 10,000,000th part of the Earth's semi-polar diameter. The results of the latest geodetic research since the International Geophysical Year 1957-8 reveal that the mean polar radius of the Earth, as deduced from observation of the orbits of artificial Earth satellites is 3949.9 miles. Dividing this figure by 10,000,000, the result is 25.0266 British inches (corrected to four places of decimals), the precise length of the Sacred Cubit of the Great Pyramid.

Thus the Earth's mean polar radius measures 10,000,000 Sacred Cubits or 250,000,000 Pyramid inches; hence the Pyramid inch is the 500,000,000th of the Earth's polar diameter.

French savants conceived the idea of instituting a unit of linear measure based upon the size of the Earth, and invented the meter, which from a scientific standpoint is very faulty.

The French meter was arrived by taking 10,000,000 part of the so called quadrant of the Earth as calculated from the North Pole to the Equator, along a meridian passing through Dunkirk. The Earth IS NOT a perfect sphere, the said distance is not a true quadrant, hence it is not truly scientific to determine a unit of straight measure from such a curved surface.

Scientifically, a unit of straight measure should be based on the straight distance corresponding to the curved semi-meridian, namely the semi-axis or polar radius of the Earth, as has been done correctly in the case of this Sacred Cubit.

Furthermore, the Earth's axis is the only LONG CONSTANT NATURAL STRAIGHT LINE on our planet, and it is also truly international, for all nations rotate round it once every day. How appropriate that the Pyramid's units of measurement should be accurately based upon it !

Thus the Designer of the Pyramid long forestalled modern man in the scientific idea of having a unit of measure based on the size of the Earth. Indeed, the Pyramid's Sacred Cubit is really the French meter scientifically and mathematically corrected over 4,000 years before the French scientists even thought of the idea of having a unit of linear measure based on the dimensions of the Globe.

When the meter was brought into existence, a French mathematician named M. Callet in his book "Logarithmus", published in 1795, suggested that the meter should be the 10,000,000th of the Earth's mean polar radius instead of being based on the irregularly curved surface of the Earth. Without being aware of it, M. Callet was suggesting the truly scientific Sacred Cubit in the design of the Great Pyramid."

Researchers and surveyors like Rutherford wondered why the British inch almost fit as the perfect measuring unit in the Great Pyramid. I say ALMOST because it was minutely off by the distance of 1/1000th of an inch. This distance (1/1000th of an inch) made researchers conclude the British inch that they were using had indeed lost the amount in question over time.

When Great Pyramid researchers augmented the length of the British inch by 1/1000th - this unit fit perfectly as the measuring unit used to build the Great Pyramid.

Over thousands of years, the British inch deviated and lost 1/1000th over the centuries - not bad.

In the Rutherford quote above, the augmentation of the British inch,
that is its lengthening by 1/1000th is confirmed as accurate and
justified because the Sputnik satellite produced the scientific
measurements for the polar diameter of the Earth.

From the Rutherford quote:

"Mean Polar Radius of the Earth: 3949.9 miles"

Again, from the Rutherford quote:

"Dividing this figure by 10,000,000, the result is 25.0266 British inches (corrected to four places of decimals), the precise length of the Sacred Cubit of the Great Pyramid. Thus the Earth's mean polar radius measures 10,000,000 Sacred Cubits or 250,000,000 Pyramid inches; hence the Pyramid inch is the 500,000,000th of the Earth's polar diameter."

This cubit is divided into 25 equal parts called the "inch" and this inch = 1.001064 British inches.

But in reality a more accurate description of this unit would be "polar diameter" inch. One polar diameter inch = 1.001064 British inches = measuring unit of the Great Pyramid.

[source: Valentine, "Great Pyramid Man's Monument to Man", 1975]

From the Sputnik satellite data the polar diameter of the Earth was determined. This figure x 2 = 7899.8

That is 3949.9 x 2 = 7899.8

7899.8 divided into 500,000,000 equal parts = polar diameter inch = the unit which perfectly fits as the measuring unit in the GP = 1/1000th of an inch longer than the accepted length of the British inch today.

Above is the evidence and reasoning for correcting the British inch to ITS TRUE LENGTH, which was only 1/1000th of an inch.

25 of these inches, called the polar diameter inch = what is called by Rutherford as the Sacred Cubit.

"Earth, Radius, Polar ...... 3949.90462476 mi.

The link above confirms the Rutherford data as to the polar radius of
the Earth being 3949.9 miles.

The same link provides the figures for the length of the Sidereal,
Tropical/Solar, and Anomalistic years:

Sidereal Orbit
(365.256 36042 + 1.1 x 10-7 TE) days

Tropical Year
(365.242 19878 - 6.14 x 10-6 TE) days

Anomalistic Year
(365.259 64134 + 3.04 x 10-6 TE) days

The figures above can be verified at any site as it is common
undisputed knowledge.

The link above depicts the facts below:

AB = 365.242 Sacred Cubits (SC = 25 PI") = number of days in Solar Tropical Year.

AEFB = 365.256 SC = number of days in Sidereal Year

AbB = 365.259 SC = number of days in Anomalistic Year ("b" obscured between "w" and "x")

The diagram was produced by Rutherford and is the result of his
measurements of the Great Pyramid done in Egypt in the years already

Notice the lengths from the World Mysteries link MATCH the 3 measured lengths of the GP's side. That is the colored portions match exactly.

Conclusion thus far:

The Sidereal, Solar, and Anomalistic years were known by the builders
of the Great Pyramid as the figures match exactly.

That is the 3 measured base lengths of the Great Pyramid as shown in
the diagram perfectly match the lengths of the Sidereal, Solar, and
Anomalistic years.

365.242 = a measured length of the Great Pyramid base AND the Solar

365.256 = a measured length of the Great Pyramid base AND the Sidereal

365.259 = a measured length of the Great Pyramid base AND the
Anomalistic year.

The British inch corrected to its true length, called the polar diameter inch, that is its justified lengthening of 1/1000th of an inch is the measuring unit which fits the GP.

To have the Pyramid inch as a unit perfectly increment the polar
diameter of the Earth, and the base lengths match the three years
above, means: the builders of the Great Pyramid knew the Earth was
round and its dimensions and the lengths of its orbit around the sun.

Nobody suggests the GP was built before 2700 BC, that is the earliest it could have been built was 4700 years ago, a time period in history unquestionably believed to be pre-scientific. Ancient Egyptians thought the sun revolved around a flat Earth. Joshua told the sun to stand still as he was raised in Egypt. The Bible is not saying the sun revolves around a flat Earth, but is REPORTING what Joshua said, which also confirms he was in Egypt. The point is the Egyptians, as well as the Hebrews, did not know what the builders of the GP knew; that is the Earth was round, revolved around the sun, and its orbits. These facts alone decimate any assertions that primitive North African idol worshippers had anything to do with building a World Wonder. Ancient Egypt had just emerged from the Stone Age and idiot Egyptologists would have us believe they built a World Wonder.

The following evidence and material is from the book "Fingerprints of
the Gods" by Graham Hancock, [1995]

Page 180:

Livio Catullo Stecchini (Harvard Ph.D.) world renown authority on
ancient monuments:

"The basic idea of the Great Pyramid was that it should be a representation of the northern hemisphere of the Earth, a hemishpere projected on flat surfaces as is done in map-making....The Great Pyramid was a projection on four triangular surfaces. The apex represented the pole and the perimeter represented the equator. This is the reason why the perimeter is in relation to 2 pi to the height. The Great Pyramid represents the Northern hemisphere in a scale of 1:43,200" (quoted from Appendix, Peter Tompkins, "Secrets of the Great Pyramid", page 378)

Page 178:

"The principal factors involved in the geometry of any pyramid are:

1) height of summit above the ground.

2) perimeter at ground level.

Great Pyramid: ratio between original height (481.3949 feet) and
perimeter (3023.16 feet) is the same ratio between the radius and the
circumference of a circle (2 pi).

Height x 2 pi (like one would with a circle radius to calculate its
circumference) = perimeter (481.3949 feet 2 x 3.14 = 3023.16 feet).
Reverse the same for the height.

This precise mathematical correlation cannot come about by chance, thus the builders were indeed conversant with pi and incorporated its value into the dimensions of the Great Pyramid." (height and perimeter figures: Edwards, "The Pyramids of Egypt", pages 87, 219 (1949))

Page 177:

"The orthodox view is that Archimedes in the 3rd century BC was the man to calculate pi correctly at 3.14 (Brittanica 9:415)

Scholars do not accept that any of the mathematicians of the New World ever got anywhere near pi before the arrival of the Europeans in the 16th century."

The builders of the Great Pyramid knew and used pi. In between the building of the GP and Archimedes is thousands of years, and between Archimedes and 16th century Europe when pi reappeared is additional thousands of years. This evidences knowledge regression or undulation.

Modern scientific man did not know the exact dimensions of the Earth until 1957. The builders of the GP as evidenced by Rutherford and Stecchini knew the Earth was round and much more. Again we have knowledge regression or undulation.

The Great Pyramid contains modern scientific knowledge, yet ALL
mainstream scholarship concludes the ancient times of antiquity
"pre-scientific times".

This belief that ultra-ancient times to be pre-scientific is refuted by the physical facts about the Great Pyramid.

Modern man did not know the dimensions of the Earth until space flight, but the builders of the Great Pyramid knew in 2700 BC/4700 years ago.

Great Pyramid = Contrast of Impossibility = ultra-scientific built in ultra non-scienitific time period of history = proof of Divine involvement.

Two Scenarios: Only One Can Be Correct

Evolutionary Scenario:

Mankind begins as an animal and gradually evolves into his present ultra-intelligent state from an ape ancestor. This process of improvement from animal/ape to modern human being took millions of years of matriculation through an almost endless maze of directionless dead ends, but nontheless, resulted in what we are today.

In other words, the Evolutionary scenario claims a one-way improvement process: animal dumbness very slowly progressing into modern mankind intelligence.

Biblical Scenario:

This scenario is exactly opposite of the Evolutionary scenario. Adamkind or mankind is suddenly created ultra-intelligent by God and lives extremely long, then he slowly regresses into a way lesser state of intelligence best described and understood by the pre-scientific and primitive times of all history up until the Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, and invention of the printing press. These three events mark the sudden upward departure of mankind into the modern scientific age.

In other words, the Biblical scenario has mankind starting out ultra-intelligent, then becoming very dumb and backwards, then rebounding back into his initial state of ultra-intelligence.

These two scenarios are diametrically contraposition and conceptual and cannot be reconciled.

The facts of history confirms the Biblical scenario and falsifies the Evolutionary scenario based on the massive amount of worldwide physical evidence proving ancient men possessed ultra-intelligence and capabilities surpassing our own today. They knew the shape and EXACT dimensions of the Earth, how to locate and align any position with true polar north, were advanced mathematicians who employed pi in their geometrical and trigonometrical abilities, and could extract out of quarry, transport, cut with optical precision, dress, and lift blocks weighing up to 70 to 400 tons apiece without cranes or any modern equipment.

The Evolutionary scenario has man emerging from the primitive Stone Age while the facts of history for the same time period exhibit him with extraordinary ultra-intelligence and ability conducive with the Biblical scenario of being suddenly created ultra-intelligent by God. The Evolutionary scenario cannot account for, nor does it have the room to accomodate this database of facts substantiating intelligence undulation from super smart to primitive and non-scientific, rebounding back to super intelligence of today. 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th century Europe rediscovered pi lost to history since Archimedes in the 3rd century BC, and for the most part prior to Columbus thought the Earth was flat. In between these revolutionary centuries of change into modernity and the Stone Age is the primitive times of pre-scientific history that lasted for thousands of years. But the Evolutionary scenario would have us ignore these facts of intelligence undulation because their ape-to-man story is irreversibly spoken up for.

The Biblical scenario falsifies the Evolutionary based on the evidence of ancient men possessing advanced scientific knowledge that Europeans/Westerners only recently discovered. Darwinism has man progressively improving and this concept is smashed by the facts of history.

Ray Martinez

[edit on 27-2-2006 by RPM]

[edit on 27-2-2006 by RPM]

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 08:11 AM
Why do you feel that these are the only two possible scenarios?

How come other creation myths, ie: Sumerian, Shinto, Cherokee or otherwise not considered?

Evolution being not true, or falsified in part, doesn't make biblical creation then true by default.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by RPM
To have the Pyramid inch as a unit perfectly increment the polar
diameter of the Earth, and the base lengths match the three years
above, means: the builders of the Great Pyramid knew the Earth was
and its dimensions and the lengths of its orbit around the sun.

Nobody suggests the GP was built before 2700 BC, that is the earliest it could have been built was 4700 years ago, a time period in history unquestionably believed to be pre-scientific. Ancient Egyptians thought the sun revolved around a flat Earth. Joshua told the sun to stand still as he was raised in Egypt. The Bible is not saying the sun revolves around a flat Earth, but is REPORTING what Joshua said, which also confirms he was in Egypt. The point is the Egyptians, as well as the Hebrews, did not know what the builders of the GP knew; that is the Earth was round, revolved around the sun, and its orbits.

So you're saying that egyptions didn't know the earth was round but the ones that built it did? I do not think a dubious personal opinion of a charactor in the bible could ever represent the thoughts of an entire civilisation. Maybe he was just a little slow.

These facts alone decimate any assertions that primitive North African idol worshippers had anything to do with building a World Wonder.

North Africans weren't smart enough? :shk:

Modern man did not know the dimensions of the Earth until space flight, but the builders of the Great Pyramid knew in 2700 BC/4700 years ago.

Or they were good atronomers.. as were whoever built stonehenge and the Amercan pyramids. Funny thing about studying the same constellations for thousands of years.. you tend to actually learn somthing about them. Perhaps this was the case.

The facts of history confirms the Biblical scenario and falsifies the Evolutionary scenario based on the massive amount of worldwide physical evidence proving ancient men possessed ultra-intelligence and capabilities surpassing our own today.

And you conclude god intead of.. space faring aliens for instance? Why is that? Is god interfearing in his creation more likely than aliens visiting us from a galaxy full of billions of planets? How is this a plausable scenario for those who do not believe in your god?

The Evolutionary scenario has man emerging from the primitive Stone Age while the facts of history for the same time period exhibit him with extraordinary ultra-intelligence and ability conducive with the Biblical scenario of being suddenly created ultra-intelligent by God.

Actually several thousand years ago the human brain mutated and we became more intelligent. The dawn of philosophical thinking correlates with fossils where the brain cavity changed shape to modern human. I can't remember the specifics off hand but this accounts for why humanity changed so drastically in the last ten thousand years.

The Biblical scenario falsifies the Evolutionary based on the evidence of ancient men possessing advanced scientific knowledge that Europeans/Westerners only recently discovered. Darwinism has man progressively improving and this concept is smashed by the facts of history.

Your post was quite interesting to begin with.. well researched. You took calculations of a building.. it looked like you were going to say something astonishing and most impressive.. yet it denograted to just another godunnit and Adam and Eve must have existed despite many human like ancestors preceeding 6000 years ago. You really stretched this 'connection' until it was unrecognisable but in the end all you have provided are assumptions that in reality require complete and unquestionable faith in the bible to be taken seriously.

BTW. The spanish had known for quite some time that the earth was round, as did other civilisations. It was religion that made this belief.. 'unpopular' [amazing how ignorant people are willing to become when threatened with death and dismemberment].

[edit on 28-2-2006 by riley]

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by RPM
Yet advanced scientific times unquestionably began when the old Soviet Union shocked the world with the launch of Sputnik I in 1957 ushering in the Space Age.

What about the detonation of atomic bombs over Japan? What about the developments of quantum theory and relativism with Max Planck, Erwin Schrodinger, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Johannes Rydberg, Louis de Broglie, and many others? They explored the limits of what matter IS. Yes, the Russians had a neat little machine, but these other scientists brought us to the verge on the discovery of what the heck EXISTANCE is.

What about the kinematic laws proposed by Copernicus, Galileo, Newton and Kepler? People were able to estimate the speed of light over 200 years ago with NO notion of quantum mechanics. They were able to (with great accuracy) estimate the size, mass, and orbital speeds of the earth and planets in the solar system.

The rest of the stuff that you posted was just a bunch of people's opinions on how to measure the meter. Today, a meter is how fast light travels in a specific fraction of a second. The speed of light is established exactly by doing this.

Satellite technology is just Newtonian kinematics in practice, with a dabbling in relativism for communication to the satellite.

[edit on 28-2-2006 by Ralph_The_Wonder_Llama]

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 01:19 PM
Why can only one be correct? Where did you come up with that theory? I know I be talking alittle crazy here,... but here me out why can't they both be completely true? I'll give you awhile to think about it.

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 01:51 PM
Your very first comment is demonstrably false. Back in the days when the Egyptian empire was in its heyday an effort to measure the shape and size of the Earth was undertaken (not by the Egyptians). Using two different water wells separated by a considerable distance, the angle of the sunlight inside the two wells was measured. When the Sun was directly overhead of one well, it was found to be at a different angle inside the other. Using only that information the experimenters deduced that the Earth was substantially round and then they calculated it's circumference--Their calculations were suprisingly accurate. A record of the experiment was kept at the great library of Alexandria and was one of the few manuscripts to survive the fire there.

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 02:09 PM
Dude when starting a thread try to make it that your first paragraph isn't completely false and maybe next time I will read what you have to say. Science started with the renaissance??? Advanced science started with Sputnik???

As for the rest of your theory I don't know thats as far as I got.

posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 02:13 AM
Anybody read the recent news article about the 2000 year old astronomical computer found in a Roman shipwreck. Yep, its bronze, has wheels & gears & such inside it and apparently actually worked as a mechanical computer to calculate the positions of various stars and even when certain astronomical events would occur. But wait, that can't be right the device was created way, way before the reformation.

posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by Astronomer70
Anybody read the recent news article about the 2000 year old astronomical computer found in a Roman shipwreck. Yep, its bronze, has wheels & gears & such inside it and apparently actually worked as a mechanical computer to calculate the positions of various stars and even when certain astronomical events would occur. But wait, that can't be right the device was created way, way before the reformation.

It was found in 1901. It's an astrolabe type machine and is called the Antikethera. It's advanced but not THAT advanced for the time (they made gears and screws and items like that as far back as Archimedes (300 BC and earlier.)

Here's a good article on it (it's been authenticated, and archaeologists and scientists have said it's genuine):

They don't really teach the history of technology in school, and as a result, most folks seem to think that we humans were wandering around in the bushes and banging rocks together until 200 AD or later.

posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 03:37 AM
Ummm.. the inch is old, yes, but not that old. It'd been mentioned in old documents from the 10th Century AD, but the length is somewhat inexact. The length of three barleycorns was one definition. I'd like to see someone build a pyramid based on that!

posted on Jun, 7 2006 @ 06:40 PM
To think what amazing advances were being made back around 2500 years or so ago up to around 2000 years ago and to realize just how much of that knowledge was lost to mankind for well over 1000 years makes you want to weep. Where might we be now?

posted on Jun, 18 2006 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by RPM

...bla bla bla...

The facts of history confirms the Biblical scenario and falsifies the Evolutionary scenario based on the massive amount of worldwide physical evidence proving ancient men possessed ultra-intelligence and capabilities surpassing our own today. They knew the shape and EXACT dimensions of the Earth, how to locate and align any position with true polar north, were advanced mathematicians who employed pi in their geometrical and trigonometrical abilities, and could extract out of quarry, transport, cut with optical precision, dress, and lift blocks weighing up to 70 to 400 tons apiece without cranes or any modern equipment.

The Evolutionary scenario has man emerging from the primitive Stone Age while the facts of history for the same time period exhibit him with extraordinary ultra-intelligence and ability conducive with the Biblical scenario of being suddenly created ultra-intelligent by God. The Evolutionary scenario cannot account for, nor does it have the room to accomodate this database of facts substantiating intelligence undulation from super smart to primitive and non-scientific, rebounding back to super intelligence of today. 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th century Europe rediscovered pi lost to history since Archimedes in the 3rd century BC, and for the most part prior to Columbus thought the Earth was flat. In between these revolutionary centuries of change into modernity and the Stone Age is the primitive times of pre-scientific history that lasted for thousands of years. But the Evolutionary scenario would have us ignore these facts of intelligence undulation because their ape-to-man story is irreversibly spoken up for.

The Biblical scenario falsifies the Evolutionary based on the evidence of ancient men possessing advanced scientific knowledge that Europeans/Westerners only recently discovered. Darwinism has man progressively improving and this concept is smashed by the facts of history.

You jumped from one conclusion (that the pyramid builders knew the Earth's size) to another (that evolution is wrong) without any logical connection between them.

In order to build something that is proportional to Earth, you only have to play with light and shadows, as a post above correctly indicates.

Furthermore, you forget the scenario that many thousand years ago there could have been a human civilisation which was as advanced as ours, but it got destroyed either by a physical disaster like an asteroid or by a global war with advanced weapons.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by mattison0922
Why do you feel that these are the only two possible scenarios?

How come other creation myths, ie: Sumerian, Shinto, Cherokee or otherwise not considered?

Evolution being not true, or falsified in part, doesn't make biblical creation then true by default.

very true

why couldn't a completely unimagined creation be true, something that we not only can't comprehend, but is impossible to prove.

heck, why couldn't it have been a flying spaghetti monster?

also, back to the original point.
socrates, plato, aristotle, euclid, pythagoras, and all the other great greek thinkers.
as well as all the muslim scholars who preserved the works of the above (that's how they got back into europe), are all considered to be great scietific people.
thesis is wrong.
point is moot

[edit on 6/19/06 by madnessinmysoul]

posted on Jul, 29 2006 @ 01:40 PM
the pyraminds were used to generate energy to power the civilization extracting the harmonic energy from mother earth. they did this thru the detailed manipulaton of mathematical anlges and universal constants coupled with the manipulaton of soundwave energy amongst other things mentioned by dunn which culminated at the apex of the pyramid researcher chistopher dunn details his findings which i read in a book called "forbidden history" which sheds light on many inconsistencies in science and history as well as the scientific theory itself.

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