posted on Oct, 6 2003 @ 06:35 PM
I'll go through it:
1) AMD is not illegal. I have that. You can get it from any computer store. ...and your processor has no real affect on hacking other than going
2) It is spelled Linix. Linix is not just an OS, it is also used for servers (For big business as well as small).
3) Just because an OS is not Microsoft, doesn't mean it is illegal. Microsoft has not monopolizing OSes yet.
4) Hacker manuals... Those are known as Computer Security manuals, the manuals for your OS, and so forth. The way a hacker works is by knowing how
stuff works so they could even go into the help files and learn much.
5) Electromagnetic radiation from your computer... If that is hurting his grades, he wouldn't be hacking. Math is very much needed for hacking.
If he is getting stupid from that, he wouldn't be hacking...
6) Change of appearance and lock down your weapons... So called "gang style" clothing and glow sticks may just be his style. I wear baggy pants.
That doesn't make me a hacker. Clothes don't matter. That mostly sounds like he is a ganster instead of hacker. seems the kid is stupid and
wanting the weapons. Hackers don't kill people (well, until they catch computers on fire from viruses
7) We had the perfect American family. HA!!!!! Right, I bet you did. Maybe he was thinking, perfect military family. "We don't believe in
fun." Sad....
8) "If we don't use it, it is illegal!" That's at least what he is sounding like. "That car is from a third world country! Illegal!"
9) The guy's research on stuff is poor. I don't think third world countries would be making purely clean computer parts in sweat shops using child
labor. I don't think they would be using a laser...
There's more but I'm going to stop. FUNNY SON OF A B**** HE IS!
...hey hackers. Let's find out who he is and hack 'em! We will use a firewall to get into his computer! Then we can give him illegal programs
such as yahoo messenger since it is not microsoft....
I hope you people realize I was not serious about that last paragraph...