A friend sent this to me by e-mail. I had to stare at the picture for quite a while before I could see the ghost, but it was really obviouse once I
made it out. My friend also said that there was audio with it where you could hear ghostly whispers, but I had the sound up all the way and couldn't
hear anything.
I #ing hate screamers. I hate the little bastards that write these #ty things. They have totally #ed albinoblacksheep.com, which used to be the
funniest place on the net.
Good to see some of us tretain our wicked sense of humor..however my fellow Marines are probably wondering wht the hell just hapened in here since I
had a 550-watt system up full blast.
I agree. I got a different one that was supposedly a test on eyesight. At the end of the test, I kept hitting the button for the result, then I got
the screamer and a scary picure of some bloody woman.
It left a very bad imprint in my mind's eye. I hate screamers and those that trick others into geting one.