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Who is the most powerful paranormal gifted?

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posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 07:50 PM
Having had about 50,000 experiences with visions, I can write that manifested matter occurs to an innocent, such as myself, as though it is real matter. It is as though a holographic image pushed me or landed on me. ( as in the case of a nickel sized bug or a small spaceship, it also hit a box taking off and made a thack noise.) There are lots of other examples of the collective consciousness of mankind appearing to manifest real things before me. And through the ages many of the visions that mankind came to worship as false gods were nothing more than the memory of some old bearded guy a few generations before that made a visual and emotional impression on the people. This memory was passed down through DNA and a collective living memory force, hence we get gods like Zeus and a lot of the Norse gods and goddesses. People embellish tales.

For a single person to project either a object that seems real or one that seems hologarphic is just a channeling of the common consciousness. The difference being the projection of one that seems real takes more energy. But the effect is to deceive the beholder. So what this statement "In which case, David Blaine and Criss Angel both have a stronger Gift than Darren Brown." means is that a stronger gift must be given to one who is not deceived. For what manner of entertainer, would bear false witness, a violation of Gods commandment, and also actually enjoy doing it while making money? This person(s) are no better than a hired killer.

One who understands the gift is more powerful. Go now, have your 50,000 visions or believe on my word, your choice. Seriously

love all
Honor Seed

Mod Edit: Quoting Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 6-3-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 06:19 AM

It's nice that you have gifts. Many have them. Some are more powerful than others. Mine is the Gift of Discernment and it is given to me from discarnate Saints.

Having visions is commonplace among psychics, mediums, mystics, etc. It does not require an abundance of energy, just a certain degree of skill from the source.

It is my conclusion through many years of research and experience, that all dreams are channeled from Spirit. This is in stark contrast to the Freudian psychological understanding. Sigmund Freud did not embrace the reality of the higher dimensions or that life continues on after death but in another form. His conclusions were thereby distorted. When one goes to sleep at night, one part of the brain does not turn on to produce dreams. Instead, when resting, one becomes more receptive to telepathic messages from spirits and these messages are usually sheathed in symbolic representation.

Looking at it this way, since dreams are commonplace and since they are synonymous with visions, then it is not much of a stretch to conclude that basically everyone has visions quite often when they sleep. If we were to all tally up the number of dreams that we have had in our respective lives, it would number in the many thousands.

I am certainly one who believes that discernment is very important. But energy is energy and the more energy that is channeled, the greater the telekinetic manifestation. To bend and even break metal forks telekinetically - as Criss Angel did recently in a John Gibson interview on FOX - is not as impressive or as powerful as Sai Baba manifesting food and jewelery.

Visions and holographic projections are not the same thing as material manifestations. Granted, it takes a lot of experience to be able to discern the difference at times. For example, when David Blaine held a cup of coffee over the lap of a street-person and the coffee changed into US currency coins without his hands leaving the cup, that was not a telepathic projection, as the camera caught the transformation from coffee-to-coins clearly and these were seen to overflow the cup. Telepathic projections cannot be filmed while holographic projections can be. The latter is usually a still picture while the former does not have to be.

Examples of holographic projections from one or more large Group Entities are the various sightings of the "Virgin Mary" (e.g., floating in the air) in Yugoslavia and Egypt that occurred many years ago, whereby thousands of people witnessed them. At times, these holographic projections were accompanied by healings. To heal a number of people at once of major physical affliction is also something which requires more energy than just receiving dreams, visions, and telepathic projections.

All this avant garde understanding has taken me many years to research and uncover. The process of learning is ongoing.


posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 07:58 PM
I was describing my awake visions, about 50,000 of them as either holograph like or solid looking. Both types moved. I think there may be a little confusion in your last post regarding this. Discernment is indeed a great gift. Perhaps it would not have to be so used if someone like David Blaine turned sand in the palms of your hands to coins. I am not going to take the time in the near future to research Baba and Blaine. I have been researching Emanuel Swedenborg lately and his mistake was believing the messages he received were from God, not from telepathic mankind. Your gift of discernment is from mankind also, not from God. If it were from God you would know what the questions people are going to ask you before they asked. This true of Menguard also. Your answers come from the collective consciousness of mankind. However both you and Menguard show considerable skill and style in answering questions, so does Toralyn and a few others here, Blackguard among them.
I still caution anyone relying on a telepathic input for answers to make decisions in everyday life. What may be right for a hundred people may not be right for you.

relax and have fun
Honor Seed

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 08:25 PM
What is more powerful reading minds or seeing the future? Or actual contact with God who will not interfer with world events but let you know he is there?

If you have 50'000 visions then someone is trying to speak to you to get your attention hope you look in the right place or its a Holy gift and not negative. What a co-incidence we have both been brought here.

The Book of Joel
The Day of the LORD

28 "And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.
29 Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days.

30 I will show wonders in the heavens
and on the earth,
blood and fire and billows of smoke.

31 The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.

My ATS points are 1666 on this moment.

[edit on 7-3-2006 by The time lord]

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 12:35 AM
Originally posted by Paul_Richard
In the DVD, Blaine does his body levitation feat a number of times. The television version of this segment included a time when he did it on a roadway and became ill. So ill that he literally crumbled to the grass in pain. That wasn't faked. There is no reason to fake that. I know from experience that telekinetic energies can cause that to happen.

No reason to fake it??? How about the millions of dollars he makes from selling his magic??? If all of your proof is just your feeling that he wouldnt fake it - then I have to say that your argument is pretty weak.

In his DVD there is a segment whereby he goes to a street person and asks him, "If you could wish for anything you want, what would it be?" The man replied that he would like to win the lottery.

David Blaine then brings the man to a convenience store and gives him money to buy a scratch ticket for a lottery. The man, dubious of what this is leading up to, goes in and buys the ticket. David Blaine then has the man scratch the ticket. Lo and behold, the man wins - or at least appears to from the winning ticket.

Still dubious, the next scene is the street-person in line at lottery headquarters. His winnings are counted to him from the teller, totaling well over a thousand dollars.

You can practice magic for decades and still not have a Gift of Magick to be able to pull any of the above off.

Ok - first of all you only saw this on a DVD, so you would have only seen what he wanted you to see. Theres a great segment off a show that has David Blaine Bloopers. He tries his mind reading trick numerous times - AND FAILS. It also shows a lot of the preparation that go into his tricks. You know his - throw the card through the window trick? Doesnt look so great when you see his assistant hiding inside the restaurant with a deck of cards ready to stick the appropriate card (after seeing which one he pulls out) to the window - from inside the shop.

Again, If you are constructing your argument on David Blaine DVD's I would seriously urge you to do some more research.

There are more handsome and more skilled and more entertaining illusionists out there who cannot duplicate their feats on city sidewalks.

Sorry you're wrong there - as has been mentioned before, just about anybody with the skill and determination can do those tricks. Ive seen the Levitation trick done heaps of times. Yes it looks impressive the first time but after that its just kinda lame.

Another telekinetic feat that Blaine does in his DVD is to bring an animal back to life. He goes for a walk in a park with a bird enthusiast (and a pet bird) and comes across a dead pigeon. This bird was not stunned; it was dead. I've seen a number of dead birds in my day and this one fit the bill. Blaine is wearing a T-shirt. Nothing to pull a live bird out from. He picks up the bird, gently strokes it and it slowly comes back to life and then flies away.

Please excuse my disbelief - you can identify wether the pidgeon is dead or not - from a DVD? That sounds like magic right there.

Magicians have been manipulating animals - especially birds for centuries.

David Blaine walks up to another street-person and takes in his hands the cup of coffee that the man is holding in front of him. Without removing the cup but holding it at the same place, the coffee in the cup turns into US currency which he gives to the street-person (who humorously breaks out into song). If you look closely, you can actually see the coffee transform into coins. No sleight of hand. Blaine's hands never leave the cup.

I'll say it again - ITS A DVD! You only see what David Blaine wants you to see. Do you honeslty believe that if he could turn coffee into coins he would waste his time 'levitating' on street corners? Or that someone in the US government might not have got wind of it and though "Hmm we better stop that Blaine fella turning all our Nescafe into quarters..."

Sorry for the rant - and sorry to seem like I'm trying to shatter your illusion, but like the site says, DENY IGNORANCE

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 09:34 AM
Awww Ezekiel at the start of your last post i was ready to give YOU the answers you wrote untili realised u were shooting someone down. By the way, the levitation trick IS CRAP. I can do it, u simply stand on the ball of one foot, and when he does it 5 foot high hes on wires infront of ppl dresseed like the people in the street. and then they use the reactioneers reactions (makes no sense i know) like cut sequences. Hes a trickster not a paranormal prophet or anything.


posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by The time lord
What is more powerful reading minds or seeing the future? Or actual contact with God who will not interfer with world events but let you know he is there?

If you have 50'000 visions then someone is trying to speak to you to get your attention hope you look in the right place or its a Holy gift and not negative.

[edit on 7-3-2006 by The time lord]

I hope I have not quoted more than I am suppose too, but this series of sentences intrigues me. What is with the idea one form of paranormal ability is more powerful than another? Explain yourself, if you please.
No one tries to speak to me, I translate feelings received telepathically into word(s) and sentences to better understand myself and relate to others' actions in real life situations. I could be deceived like many and think that these words are from an angel of God. However in the labels people give people I do not think anyone would call me an angel of God. NO these emotions that come in are from living people. And I do think that most people would describe emotions as God. You have called God a he, obviously females have emotions also.
I'm not sure if your belief system can handle this, but consider it. What if every mention of visions, including revelations, was caused by peoples collective consciousness being picked up by one person? That in fact, no one of this world has ever been in contact with God until after their death.
And in fact no one can even come close to describing the majesty of spiritual Heaven even using this Heaven on earth as a basis? That all hell is, is just a bunch of people essentially whinning that they don't like the body their eternal spirit has been placed in and wish to get rid of it and return to the way they were before being born? For it is written some people would be better off never having been born, what if that included all but the very few? What faith do you have in the power of people and what faith do you have in the power of God? ME personally, I am still questing for answers to these questions and may find no answers till the day I enter spiritual Heaven without my body. Until then I will be content with sending off telepathic vibrations. At this point in time, those are curiousity, hpe and happiness

love all
Honor Seed

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by HS
I was describing my awake visions, about 50,000 of them as either holograph like or solid looking. Both types moved.

My wife, Ashtara, has had many waking visions. She would have pages of typed up visions that she would ask me to interpret with the help of Spirit. She is the most clairvoyant person I have ever known. It is like she has a cable set-up in there or something.

Originally posted by HS
I think there may be a little confusion in your last post regarding this. Discernment is indeed a great gift. Perhaps it would not have to be so used if someone like David Blaine turned sand in the palms of your hands to coins.

A Gift of Discernment given from discarnate Saints, although not as immediately impressive or as entertaining as a Gift of Manifestation, is actually more valuable in the long run

Originally posted by HS
I am not going to take the time in the near future to research Baba and Blaine.

Too you would find many instances of telekinesis and manifestation. Anyone who delves into this subject would learn a great deal from doing research about those individuals, as well as Criss Angel and Uri Geller, among others.

Originally posted by HS
I have been researching Emanuel Swedenborg lately and his mistake was believing the messages he received were from God, not from telepathic mankind.

Emanuel Swedenborg is considered by many to be the Father of Modern Day Spiritualism. In addition to being a mystic, he was also a scientist, statesman and theologian. It is documented that he accurately saw a fire in a city that was hundreds of miles away, while it was happening. Swedenborg wrote a number of books which described his mystical experiences and the insight that he received. His most well-known work is Heaven and Hell.

As far as receiving messages or Gifts from God, no one does
The First Coming has yet to occur, which is why there are so many religions and the miracles in all of them do not outshine those in the others. Most Gifts of the Spirit come from Group Entities which consist of (at best) basically spiritual souls or angels and at worst consist of spirits of common spirituality or subangels.

Originally posted by HS
Your gift of discernment is from mankind also, not from God.

Yes, it would be difficult to have a Gift from something that doesn't exist in this timeframe. As I have stated before, my Gift of Discernment comes from discarnate Saints.

The Original Creator, who manifested The Big Bang, had the power in The Light Of The God Force to manifest BILLIONS of galaxies. The power to do that translates into much greater miracles than the angel prophets throughout history have been able to do.

When a true God Realized being emerges in The Light, it will be obvious to many down here, as the miracles of telekinesis, manifestation and healing will be far greater than anything you or anyone else has ever been able to perform before. Like the healing of MILLIONS of people at once for example. Until we see that kind of energy being utilized, which is well beyond even the largest Group Entities, we can rest assured that there are no true Ascended Masters yet in the Spirit.

Originally posted by HS
If it were from God you would know what the questions people are going to ask you before they asked.

It is very easy for people in the Spirit to read the minds of those in the flesh. That is why when someone goes to get a reading from a medium, the answers come out so quickly, as the questions were tacked well in advance of the physical asking.

Oh...and by the way... sometimes I am in fact led by Spirit to explain a certain line of understanding ahead of someone asking about it. I have even had people tell me that I was answering a question that they had thought about.

Originally posted by HS
This true of Menguard also. Your answers come from the collective consciousness of mankind.

The Jungian theory of the collective unconscious is what you are referring to. I don't agree with it but I do agree with his overall approach to psychoanalysis.

Originally posted by HS
However both you and Menguard show considerable skill and style in answering questions, so does Toralyn and a few others here, Blackguard among them.

Everyone has Gifts. The idea is to cultivate them sincerely and only use them constructively

Originally posted by HS
I still caution anyone relying on a telepathic input for answers to make decisions in everyday life. What may be right for a hundred people may not be right for you.

I agree.

We must always be careful with what we accept and we must always consider the source.

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
In the DVD, Blaine does his body levitation feat a number of times. The television version of this segment included a time when he did it on a roadway and became ill. So ill that he literally crumbled to the grass in pain. That wasn't faked. There is no reason to fake that. I know from experience that telekinetic energies can cause that to happen.

Originally posted by Ezekiel
No reason to fake it??? How about the millions of dollars he makes from selling his magic??? If all of your proof is just your feeling that he wouldnt fake it - then I have to say that your argument is pretty weak.

Critical thinking is needed here.

Blaine makes those millions of dollars from his feats which are very hard if not impossible to duplicate through trickery, not from his explanation of how they are performed

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
In his DVD there is a segment whereby he goes to a street person and asks him, "If you could wish for anything you want, what would it be?" The man replied that he would like to win the lottery.

David Blaine then brings the man to a convenience store and gives him money to buy a scratch ticket for a lottery. The man, dubious of what this is leading up to, goes in and buys the ticket. David Blaine then has the man scratch the ticket. Lo and behold, the man wins - or at least appears to from the winning ticket.

Still dubious, the next scene is the street-person in line at lottery headquarters. His winnings are counted to him from the teller, totaling well over a thousand dollars.

You can practice magic for decades and still not have a Gift of Magick to be able to pull any of the above off.

Originally posted by Ezekiel
Ok - first of all you only saw this on a DVD, so you would have only seen what he wanted you to see. Theres a great segment off a show that has David Blaine Bloopers. He tries his mind reading trick numerous times - AND FAILS.

I'd like to see that. Please provide us with a link.

Gifts of the Spirit do not work all the time. Stage illusion is more reliable. That is one of the lesser tip offs as to what is going on. One does not know that unless one does a lot of research.

Originally posted by Ezekiel
It also shows a lot of the preparation that go into his tricks. You know his - throw the card through the window trick? Doesnt look so great when you see his assistant hiding inside the restaurant with a deck of cards ready to stick the appropriate card (after seeing which one he pulls out) to the window - from inside the shop.

That's amazing. Notice that I don't use that example, as there are other feats that are much more impressive.

Like how he makes a street person win a scratch ticket lottery.

Originally posted by Ezekiel
Again, If you are constructing your argument on David Blaine DVD's I would seriously urge you to do some more research.

I have. When I see some evidence that contradicts my conclusions, I will change them. Life is a learning experience.

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
There are more handsome and more skilled and more entertaining illusionists out there who cannot duplicate their feats on city sidewalks.

Originally posted by Ezekiel
Sorry you're wrong there - as has been mentioned before, just about anybody with the skill and determination can do those tricks. Ive seen the Levitation trick done heaps of times. Yes it looks impressive the first time but after that its just kinda lame.

I have seen up close and personal a number of telekinetic manifestations. If they are the real thing, they are very impressive.

Originally posted by Paul_RichardAnother telekinetic feat that Blaine does in his DVD is to bring an animal back to life. He goes for a walk in a park with a bird enthusiast (and a pet bird) and comes across a dead pigeon. This bird was not stunned; it was dead. I've seen a number of dead birds in my day and this one fit the bill. Blaine is wearing a T-shirt. Nothing to pull a live bird out from. He picks up the bird, gently strokes it and it slowly comes back to life and then flies away.

Originally posted by Ezekiel
Please excuse my disbelief - you can identify wether the pidgeon is dead or not - from a DVD? That sounds like magic right there.

You think that they used trick photography? Take a look at the DVD.

Originally posted by Ezekiel
Magicians have been manipulating animals - especially birds for centuries.

Yes, that's true. On occasion it is not done with a bird up the sleeve, which is extremely hard to do.

Blaine was wearing a t-shirt.

Originally posted by Paul_RichardDavid Blaine walks up to another street-person and takes in his hands the cup of coffee that the man is holding in front of him. Without removing the cup but holding it at the same place, the coffee in the cup turns into US currency which he gives to the street-person (who humorously breaks out into song). If you look closely, you can actually see the coffee transform into coins. No sleight of hand. Blaine's hands never leave the cup.

Originally posted by Ezekiel
I'll say it again - ITS A DVD! You only see what David Blaine wants you to see. Do you honeslty believe that if he could turn coffee into coins he would waste his time 'levitating' on street corners? Or that someone in the US government might not have got wind of it and though "Hmm we better stop that Blaine fella turning all our Nescafe into quarters..."

Must be trick photography again.

Originally posted by Ezekiel
Sorry for the rant - and sorry to seem like I'm trying to shatter your illusion, but like the site says, DENY IGNORANCE

I find it enjoyable to occasionally have a heated debate and provide illumination.

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 04:38 PM
The ability to pass on knowledge easily and enforcingly, with simple yet powerful words.

The ability to, with words, change conciousness from negative to positive.

Charisma goes a long way.

being able to make sense to everyone is the ultimate paranormal gift.

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 05:34 PM
We have a vote for the Gift of Manifestation, one for the Gift of Discernment, and one for the Gift of Charisma.

Any others?


posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 11:37 PM
By your labels and comprehension I vote for the Gift of Healing.
Actually by faith that all people are gifts from God, it is called the Healing of the Gift.

When I contemplated this Healing of the Gift as my vote, I heard the words in my mind "750,000 stood and cheered". This is my tribe, living now on this earth, Baba may be among the brethern. Some great, some small, but all receive a place in the eternal spiritual life without a body. The one who is least will heal nations with the true power of God. This living entity will be considered as a Leaf from the Tree of Life for the healing of nations.

There is also one who has healed many thousands, maybe even millions without this person, or the healed, knowing it happened then. There is no Gift of Incarnate Saints that can discern this knowledge.

love all, Honor Seed

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 07:12 AM
A vote is given for a Gift of Healing.

Yes, I think that is an important Gift too.

Originally posted by HS
There is no Gift of Incarnate Saints that can discern this knowledge.

That's true.

Simply because one cannot have a Gift of the Spirit from incarnate anything.

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 08:29 AM

follow that link for an explanation of the coffee to coins trick.

really quite mundane

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 09:42 AM
Quite so within the genre of stage illusion.

But only if preparation is made in advance.

Now let's see someone do it for a street person and a non-rigged cup.

Oh...that's has already been done.

By none other than David Blaine.

Anytime you wish to accompany me to Washington, DC and go up to a street person and duplicate this feat without a trick coffee cup, I'm up to the job.

Are you?

I highly doubt it.

posted on Mar, 13 2006 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
Quite so within the genre of stage illusion.

But only if preparation is made in advance.

Now let's see someone do it for a street person and a non-rigged cup.

Oh...that's has already been done.

By none other than David Blaine.

Anytime you wish to accompany me to Washington, DC and go up to a street person and duplicate this feat without a trick coffee cup, I'm up to the job.

Are you?

I highly doubt it.

So you were there with David Blaine when he did the trick? And saw the whole thing from start to finish? And knew for certain that the cup wasnt planted?

Oh no thats saw it on a dvd.

posted on Mar, 13 2006 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by Antony_Tony
Awww Ezekiel at the start of your last post i was ready to give YOU the answers you wrote untili realised u were shooting someone down. By the way, the levitation trick IS CRAP. I can do it, u simply stand on the ball of one foot, and when he does it 5 foot high hes on wires infront of ppl dresseed like the people in the street. and then they use the reactioneers reactions (makes no sense i know) like cut sequences. Hes a trickster not a paranormal prophet or anything.

Lol - sorry to dissapoint you mate, looks we are on the same side of this one =)

I have to agree with you, he's an illusionist and a trickster. Personally I think its great that people have a belief in a greater power, just sad to think that they attribute that greater power to a millionaire illusionist who performs 'miracles' for money =)

[edit on 13-3-2006 by Ezekiel]

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 07:51 PM
First off remember the introduction of the post and new readers should go to page 1 to introduce the foundation of this site. But like to say thanks to all people who have come here to write there comments also.

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 08:00 PM
I think the most paranormally gifted person in the world is and will probably always remain unknown.

As for people currently in the public, I think Chris Angel has full control and mastery of whatever esp/mind reading skill he has.

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by HS

Originally posted by The time lord
What is more powerful reading minds or seeing the future? Or actual contact with God who will not interfer with world events but let you know he is there?

If you have 50'000 visions then someone is trying to speak to you to get your attention hope you look in the right place or its a Holy gift and not negative.

[edit on 7-3-2006 by The time lord]

I hope I have not quoted more than I am suppose too, but this series of sentences intrigues me. What is with the idea one form of paranormal ability is more powerful than another?
Explain yourself, if you please.

The time lord, reply:
The whole idea is on a scale of what I originally posted who is the most employable or useful if lets say the army needs you. But it depends also what purpose suppose. A mind reader could stop a world leader from nuclear war. Or a future seeing talant could tell you where the bombs will hit or are placed. Or a communicator with God can save millions of followers in spirit. Also there are both dark forces and good that can contribute to certain talants. People can be healed by the power of fallen Angles that go against the belief and teachings of God. Maybe God can help gift a counteract to these false teachings and practices.

No one tries to speak to me, I translate feelings received telepathically into word(s) and sentences to better understand myself and relate to others' actions in real life situations. I could be deceived like many and think that these words are from an angel of God. However in the labels people give people I do not think anyone would call me an angel of God. NO these emotions that come in are from living people. And I do think that most people would describe emotions as God. You have called God a he, obviously females have emotions also.

The time lord/ reply
Also I understand the point here above but the Bible from what i read says that you need to test God him self rather than accepting anything. If these talants are not from him then who by? and the Bible does show this as an example. As Moses did when had a Staff (stick) he could turn it into a snake. Exodus 4 and 7. So the magicians did the same in front of the Pharaoh but Moses Staff(stick) which turned into a snake ate the magicains staff which turned into snakes and the Pharaoh became angry.
Moses had more power over them even if it was just for that case.

I'm not sure if your belief system can handle this, but consider it. What if every mention of visions, including revelations, was caused by peoples collective consciousness being picked up by one person? That in fact, no one of this world has ever been in contact with God until after their death.

The time lord/ reply
I have no problem with peoples people's opinions about faith so I can handle most things and easy going.
The Bible does say there has been contact with God and people can interact, just have to believe and ask depending how deep you go to reach that level, sometimes maybe God wants you and awakens you to him. I know where I get my tricks from, not by man not by evil but by God as I have tested him to be sure. Not sure if its limited to me on a personal scale because we all need individual faith to know him or answer us. It may or may not work for you. I can not heal we are no longer supposed to anyone that does for another person is being decieved from the teaching. My signs are big on scale even out side of the earth God will show. But like to keep discreet its a personal relationship with him as others need to find him not me for answers.

And in fact no one can even come close to describing the majesty of spiritual Heaven even using this Heaven on earth as a basis? That all hell is, is just a bunch of people essentially whinning that they don't like the body their eternal spirit has been placed in and wish to get rid of it and return to the way they were before being born? For it is written some people would be better off never having been born, what if that included all but the very few? What faith do you have in the power of people and what faith do you have in the power of God? ME personally, I am still questing for answers to these questions and may find no answers till the day I enter spiritual Heaven without my body. Until then I will be content with sending off telepathic vibrations. At this point in time, those are curiousity, hpe and happiness

The time lord/ reply
I think you have Holy Spirit detection and maybe in tune to how God works his ways with seeing the signs but not sure what the are. Yes you say the same for me also but I am more in tune to being certain rather than guessing it could be this or that, yours based without evidence without scripture to back it up. Have a go ask who you are speaking to is it God? Maybe I can test you in my own way but maybe have to speak face to face to do so not sure.

love all
Honor Seed

I have no problems with anyones opinions but thanks to all who have read this post and especially contributed, not had one that has reached a 3rd page so thanks.

[edit on 15-3-2006 by The time lord]

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