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Crystal children

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posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 03:20 AM
Just wondered what anyone thought of these so called gifted children. I believe in gifted children or adults mind you but the idea of lableling them as "crystal" or "indigo" just seems well a little out there....

posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 03:28 AM
It just appears as more labelling that adds to the perceived separation within humanity. And it's freakin creepy. I'm all for bending the spoon but the only thing that stops others from doing it is themselves. And there is nothing wrong with that. Making others out to be "better" or "gifted" only makes it harder for the other people to overcome their own belief constaints. I could be wrong though.

posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 03:30 AM
yet indigo on the color spectrum is a very brilliat color...

posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 03:34 AM
I feel its just another way of labeling people making them "special" or stand out in some way. Imagine if you were at school and someone put the lable of "indigo" on you how would other children react and treat you. Very bad mistake in my opinion. And the website to me is almost cultish.

posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 03:37 AM
but is your mind...
not to question for i believe that you are both correct in your assumptions...
another ploy used to make pawns out of those with gifts...

posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 03:39 AM
Seems to me the author of the website is just trying to make up for some short comings in life by taking her gifts and giving them a special lable. She calls herself a violet adult... makes me wonder if she is trying to just create a race of super children or something.

Actually from her website it seems as if they are trying to lable those that don't conform to societal norms as "indigo"

Did your child come into the world acting like royalty?

Does your child have a feeling of deserving to be here?

Does your child have an obvious sense of self?

Does your child have difficulty with discipline and authority?

Does your child refuse to do certain things they are told to do?

Is waiting in lines torture for your child?

Is your child frustrated by ritual-oriented systems that require little creativity?

Does your child see better ways of doing thing at home and at school?

Is your child a nonconformist?

Does your child refuse to respond to guilt trips?

Does your child get bored rather easily with assigned tasks?

Does your child display symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder?

Is your child particularly creative?

Does your child display intuition?

Does your child have strong empathy for others?

Did your child develop abstract thinking very early?

Is your child very intelligent?

Is your child very talented (may be identified as gifted)?

Does your child seem be a daydreamer?

Does your child have very old, deep, wise looking eyes?

Does your child have spiritual intelligence?

[Edited on 29-9-2003 by TheyWatchYouToo]


posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 04:34 AM
hmmmm she does seem to be going somewhat overboard in describing a trait I have found recognised elsewhere on the net as Highly Sensitive People (see any of Elaine Aron's books or

I am an HSP and realising this only recently has explained a lot about my personal tastes, life problems and potential solutions. It's nothing supernatural - Aron treats it as a natural trait possessed by 15-20% of the population.

posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 07:20 AM
For me, I answered yes to all those questions. And I'm from generation X. And I'm certain that there were people 2000 years ago that could answer them all yes. They make it sound like it's some new occurence. People have been coming here to help others for who knows how long. There's nothing new about it and there's nothing special about the people that others can't achieve themselves. That I think is the whole point. Living examples to help break free the minds that are enslaved on this planet.

Synopis: It's a way to misdirect attention and take away from the important work being done here.

posted on Sep, 29 2003 @ 08:15 AM
It seems more of the same Cottage Industry stuff...

you know...Dr. Phill type, tactile, touchy-feeley 'connections'...................................YUCK!!!

there is a wise saying...'let the buyer beware'

'it' may be good for you, but not for me, thank-you

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 02:58 PM
I believe that the reason for the term indigo and crystal children is not so much designed to separate them from us, as it is meant to recognize an increased number of individuals born in a given time period, who all seem to have or share certain pronounced personality traits than would otherwise be observed in people born before (as well as during) the years prior to either of these two groups. It is a concept precipitated by those in the new age/spiritual growth community in response to the growing number of reports by parents and teachers to explain the sudden increase of children displaying unexplained, and sometimes unnervingly similar abilities and aspects of their personalities that in the past would have manifested in a much lower percentage of individuals born. Belief and acceptance of these claims is somewhat contingent on a person's acceptance or belief in the idea that our earthly human existence is governed by a higher spiritual purpose, and that most of us live our lives unaware of our spiritual existence or the higher spiritual reasons for choosing the life each of us are born into. That said, Indigo children are said to have been incarnating for the past 100 years, however in the 70's a major wave of indigo's were born who would just now be entering into adulthood. These people all have a warrior like spirit who's main purpose in life is to call into question anything that no longer works for the good of mankind. They are self-reliant, revolutionary, hot headed and outspoken with an uncanny ability to know when someone is being less than truthful with them. Because they believe that respect is earned they are often disruptive and refuse to give in to the notion that a person in a position of authority demands respect, as was the case with generations born prior to theirs. Instead, they are more likely to show respect to those they believe deserve it, instead of to those people who the "norms" of society have traditionally setup to receive. An example might be a situation where a student is labeled a trouble maker because he refuses to conform to the rules or show the appropriate measure of respect to a School Principal, yet has a mature and respected relationship going with that school's janitor.

The reported purpose for this mass migration, in the 1970's, of indigo souls into the population is to mash down old systems that no longer serve us. They are here to quash government, educational, and legal systems that lack integrity. To accomplish this end, they need tempers and fiery determination. Those adults who resist change and who value conformity may misunderstand these Indigos. They are often mislabeled with psychiatric diagnoses of Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and are subsequently maintained or controlled by the use of drugs in various combination.

The Crystal Children began appearing around 2000, and where their predecessor's The Indigos were revolutionaries sent to pave the way, the Crystals are the generation who benefit from the Indigos trailblazing. First, the Indigo Children lead with a machete, cutting down anything that lacks integrity. Then the Crystal Children follow the cleared path, into a safer and more secure world. One of the first things people notice about Crystal Children are their eyes, which are said to be large, piercing and able to see deep into a person's soul. Parents and Teachers claim these children have a heightened sense of telepathy and often answer before a question is put forth. These children are wise, forgiving, and largely prescient. They are accepting and loving and can often heal themselves and those around them. Because of their heightened telepathic ability, a question which may appear unanswered, might actually be a case where the child forgets to answer verbally. These are extremely powerful children designed to take humanity to the next step of evolution.

Or so I hear!

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by TheyWatchYouToo

Half of those questioned, I could answer yes to and half of them I could not. Such as "if I looked like royalty when I was born", no.
If I am creative and spiritual, yes.

Being indigo or crystal is just another way of labeling those who have no idea how to find out who they really are and what the purpose of life is, which is to just be in the now. Even if you are creative, spiritual, royal, normal, black, white, void, angry, peaceful, intelligent or dumb... Wisdom is a trait you are not born with, but is given to you by showing that you truly want it.

The only thing different about indigo opposed to other people are; They will have to look longer to find the key to unlock the spirit and mind. And by the time they find that key... They can no longer be called indigo.

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