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World of Warcraft? WoW? WhY?

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posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 12:46 PM
I’m thinking of trying the game, though I’m afraid of being sucked in like I was to Runescape oh so long ago. So…people, would you mind telling me some details about the games like what I do, or what the graphics are like?

[edit on 5-1-2006 by iceofspades]

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 12:57 PM
I started playing 2 weeks ago and boy I tell you talk about addicting(I almost lost my wife because of it).
The graphics are sweet the gameplay is really good. It's really freaking big and it will take up allot of your time. The sucky thing about it is that you have to pay for it other than that it's and awsome game.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 01:22 PM
Its kind of hard to sum up WoW in what would be considered a decent post, because there is so much to the game. If youve got prior experience with MMORPGs then some things are a given like quests, groups, etc.

You have trades you can learn such as blacksmithing (to make armor and weapons) leatherworking (mostly armor, clothing and other type things), enchanting (enhancement of weapons through magic) and quite a few more. You can pick up skills like first aid (which allows you to create bandages that restore health quicker than the normal rate at which it comes back), cooking, fishing, etc.

The grouping system is very cool in that you can form a normal party up to I believe six people, or when you want to engage in large and difficult quests you can form raids of 20 people (or perhaps more, I'm foggy on the numbers) to make short work of larger bosses and more difficult tasks. Joining a Guild lets you identify with a large group of people which often will help you in quests and other things when necessary as well as providing a source of learning if your new.

Seasonal events such as the Darkmoon Faire come around during the holidays and provide unique quests during a specific time frame and gives out special items that are only available during the event. Decorations come out depending on the holiday and add a unique twist to the standard experience.

SIZE!!! I cannot begin to explain just how freakin huge the world is in World of Warcraft, its got two main continents with a third coming in the expansion pack. If your playing a trail get on a gryphon (or other flying creature depending on your location/race) and take a flight to another zone, its the only way to really appreciate how huge things really are.

Not a complete summary but it hits on some of the very cool aspects of the game I think, for a better descriptiong of things head over to and read around, there is a wealth of information there.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 01:30 PM
If you have been addicted to MMORPG's in the past you will become hooked on WOW easily. It's a great game but it will suck you in. I was lucky, I had to go out and work on a ship with no internet for 4 months, and even though I would like to play some more, I have been fighting off the urges to open my account back up. Check out these sites before you buy.

posted on Jan, 14 2006 @ 02:57 PM

Its just an evil money-making scheme that Blizzard made so they can waste your life away...and get paid doing it.

posted on Jan, 14 2006 @ 03:51 PM
WoW, lets see, its great if you want to play with abunch of immature children. The gameplay was great. The graphics are great. But the staff at Blizzard are more worse then Origin in the day. (If you got that joke gratz).

If you want a good game, but don't worry about graphics, try Ultima Online. With the player run servers, you can find something for everyone, and best off the player run servers are free.

posted on Jan, 14 2006 @ 04:35 PM
my lvl 20 mage

just casting a shield spell in town

posted on Jan, 14 2006 @ 05:11 PM
Heh. I've recently lost a friend to WoW, so be warned.

He has dropped all contact with us and stopped visiting ATS and Ignorance Denied. Last I heard from him, he said he wasn't on as much because he was "addicted to World of Warcraft"

Its very sad actually, no one has been able to reach him since early December

Be careful with that game.


posted on Jan, 16 2006 @ 11:30 PM
Im never going to buy this game, cause I'm bad with big games like these... I'll just rot in the chair I'm sat in now.

I'm also putting off playing Civilization III for a loooooooooong time, as I know it will take over my life (again...) .

posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 03:03 PM
My Hunter hit 58 last night, have a 20+ in all the other classes.

Yes, id say it was addictive.

Should get 60 in the next 10-14 days, but then ill need to cplete my epic gear, then when I get about done with that, they will spring the expansion on us and BAM!!! 10 more levels and more epic gear to feed our need.

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 12:12 AM
don't play WoW, it is a timesink, and abotu as boring as watching paint dry.
once you hit level 60, you get totally disenfranchised with the game, because all the fun you had in getting TO 60, is gone, and the game ends up being a clone of EQ.

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 07:32 AM
Look at the productive ATS members who have posted to this thread and still manage to enjoy the game. Just another point that proves its all about the personality of the gamer that leads to addiction, not the game. Also about hitting 60 and getting bored well then you can either get the expansion to up the level cap or just reroll with a different class/race/faction and enjoy learning new professions and different skills.

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by alternateheaven
Look at the productive ATS members who have posted to this thread and still manage to enjoy the game. Just another point that proves its all about the personality of the gamer that leads to addiction, not the game. Also about hitting 60 and getting bored well then you can either get the expansion to up the level cap or just reroll with a different class/race/faction and enjoy learning new professions and different skills.

The expansion will not be out till June and a dedicated gamer can hit lvl cap in 2 weeks. Of course just cuz you reached cap doesn't mean your character is any good as that is when the real game starts. Raids and PVP really starts to get interesting at 51+.

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 10:29 AM
World of Warcraft is an excellent game. The best MMORPG that I've played so far. And you're talking to someone who's played EQ, Star Wars Galaxies, Earth and Beyond, Planetside, Guild Wars, EQ Online Adventures, EQ II.

I love the game. At the begining I used to play it all the time because I "had to get to 60"!!

But some advice.... dont rush through the game, play at your own pace and enjoy it. Now after a year of playing I have a Lv 60 Mage, I run my own guild on Earthen Ring and everything is awesome. Now I only play 1 or 2 hours 3 to 4 times a week since I work part time and college.

posted on Feb, 2 2006 @ 10:41 AM
Well thanks for your advice ya'll. Unfortunately, my car went dead so I spent a couple hours playing Runescape and got sucked back in...

This is bad.

I need my car back.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 05:03 AM
That game is G8!
too bad i got banned (cause I put my address to Greenland 4 safety reasons)
do you think i should give them my real address (and get sucked back in)

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