posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 08:29 PM
Welcome Laz,
I'm interested to hear about your awakenings during your quest to find your true self. What were some of the best books you attribute in helping you
find the way?
Big Question...i will try to give a little answer. Jung, Chopra, Blavsky (spelling?), Kabbalistic texts, Most religions, Sci Fi writers Heinlien,
R.A.Wilson. Crowley, Gnostic Gospels, Enochian Writings. Some were for positive ideas, some were for negative ideas to be wary of.
So may others... I absorbed about a book or magazine per night... Probably forgot more than most "sheeple" ever know... That is why i am so glad
to have found people like you that can ask enlightened questions for discussion. Oh, and don't think i have found Nirvana, or all the asnwers to
life...I haven't, But i have a peace of mind and comfort of knowledge.