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Many Dead In Fire At Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport

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posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 12:14 AM
At least 11 people died after a fire broke out at a detention center at Schiphol international airport in Amsterdam. Norwegian media say at least 11 died, BBC is currently at 10. They say the death toll could rise. The detention centre was housing mainly suspected drugs traffickers awaiting deportation.

BBC: Ten die in Amsterdam airport fire

27 October 2005

At least 10 people have died, and 15 are injured and in hospital, after a fire set buildings ablaze at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport.

The blaze broke out soon after midnight in a detention centre at the airport, which police said houses mainly suspected drugs traffickers.

The Dutch news agency ANP reported that it was not contained for several hours, and said the death toll could rise.

The building houses people awaiting deportation from the Netherlands.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

This is a suspicious fire and I doubt this was an accident. Schiphol is one of Europe´s most trafficated airports if not the most. I have been at this airport myself but that was as a passenger, I was not in the detention. The dutch newspaper De Telegraf say there were about 350 people in the building when the fire started.

Related Links:
De Telegraf: Dodelijke brand op Schiphol (in dutch...)

[edit on 2005/10/27 by Hellmutt]

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 04:30 AM
Same old story, some stupid criminal burned his bed to escape, and see, more then 10 criminals escaped the scene.


posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 10:05 PM
The Schiphol fire disaster hotline has received 1,500 requests to track down victims and The Red Cross has been able to give callers favourable news in 100 cases. I have heard that the detainees calls for help were ignored by guards, but I cannot confirm if that was indeed the case.

Expatica: Hundreds call Schiphol fire hotline

28 October 2005

The hotline set up following the Schiphol fire disaster has received 1,500 requests to track down victims since it was activated.

The Red Cross has been able to give callers favourable news about family and friends in 100 cases.

The Schiphol fire disaster hotline is: 0800-1351.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 11:54 PM
Here´s one last update. Authorities as well as guards are blamed for the death of the 11 "illegal aliens". 8 are still missing. They might be dead or they might have escaped.

'Overheid schuld aan dood illegalen' (in dutch...)

De overheid heeft onverantwoorde risico’s genomen door vluchtelingen te huisvesten in geïmproviseerde cellencomplexen met slecht gekwalificeerd personeel.

Die beschuldiging uiten asieladvocaten en de vakbond AbvaKabo na de brand in cellencomplex Schiphol-Oost, waarbij elf mensen om het leven kwamen.

,,Deze mensen zijn dood doordat de overheid ervoor kiest ze op te sluiten in provisorische complexen,’’ zegt M. Collet van de Vereniging van Asieladvocaten en Juristen Nederland.

,,De overheid heeft boter op het hoofd,’’ zegt AbvaKabo-bestuurder Dieten, die zich bezighoudt met het gevangeniswezen. ,,Eerst is er zwaar bezuinigd op gevangenissen, daarna moesten er halsoverkop complexen voor bolletjesslikkers en vluchtelingen worden bijgebouwd.’’

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Translates to (dutch to english) :

Authorities debt at death illegal aliens'

The authorities has taken qualified irresponsible risks to house through refugees in improvised cells complex with bad personnel.

That accusation utter asylum lawyers and the union AbvaKabo after the fire in cells complex Schiphol-East by which eleven men came round the life.

,, These men are dead because the authorities for it chooses they on to close in provisional complexes,'' says M. Collet of the Association of asylum lawyers and Lawyers the Netherlands.

The authorities has says butter on the head,'' AbvaKabo-driver Diets that self occupies with the prison being. ,, Firstly there heavily has been economized on prisons, after that must there in a hurry complexes for bolletjesslikkers and refugees become bijgebouwd.''

I´m sure this case will be dominating the media for a while. At least in Holland...

Here from an article in "real" english:

Sydney Morning Herald: Guards ignored fire alarm, says detainee

Aftermath ... the Immigration Minister, Rita Verdonk, and Justice Minister, Piet Hein Donner, at a press conference. Photo: Reuters

Guards at a detention centre at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam have been accused of negligence after at least 11 illegal immigrants burned to death in a fire.

The head of investigations at the disaster management institute NIBRA, Ben Ale, said the fact that the fire engulfed an entire wing indicated that either the complex was poorly designed or that firefighters had been called in too late.

The building on the east side of Europe's fourth-largest airport is surrounded by a three-metre fence and barbed wire. Set up in 2002, it is used to detain people who arrive by air and have been refused entry to the Netherlands, including drug dealers and failed asylum seekers. "They were illegal aliens waiting to be extradited to their countries of origin," the Dutch immigration service said, adding: "We are still busy trying to confirm their identities."

One detainee said the inmates had tried to raise the alarm, but were ignored by guards who told them nothing was wrong.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

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