I'd definately go into the future to see where we are at and what technology is available and how far we have progressed and what's happened,
Then i'd take all the tech i can and zoom back to the days of the pyramid to check it out and see how they built it.
Then zoom forward to Jesus and see what he's on about and what's going on there.
Then zoom back to the days of moses and watch the "red sea part" and a few Egyptians drown.
Then zoom forward and watch Hitler rise to power but before that happens i'd knock him out, kidnap him, shove a dildo up his anus, tattoo "I love
Jews" at the bottom of his feet, knock him out again, then leave.
Zoom back again to the medievil times with a PARA, thats right, those big machine guns, and a sniper rifle (AWP), as well as a deagal .50, and ammo +a
couple hundred hand held grens, +3 tonnes of C4 or dynamite, tnt, whatever, take back a tank sucha sthe US's newest one now, and also a bullet proof
armoured Humvee or 4X4, couple colts with silencers, flamethrower, grenade launcher, Apache helicoptor fully loaded, harrier jump jet, ummm...yeah ,
then try and take over one of those castles or a whole country by destroying the monarch and taking the throne as my own, doing my own shocka nd awe
by flying around the country first just above the speed of sound and letting the sonic booms really rattle them up
I could take on a whole country
and not get a scratch.
And once i've taken over my country, and possible the entire world, i can just as easily go back in time just b4 any of that ever happened and NOT
do any of it so hey if i dont do any of it and everthing is back to normal as it was b4 i even started it, it never really took place
Imagine assaulting a castle with a tank, a helicoptor, an airplane, an armoured humvee ;P,
You'd scare the living begeebus outta everyone.
Just watch a tank roll in coming for the castle.
"My liege, there seems to be some huge beast rolling towards the castle with a snout like an elephant" WHAT???
Crshhhhh Booom. What was that? The castle door has been blown to bits, it's gunna roll right through into the castle/city.
Our archers seem not to harm the beast, nor our swordsmen, it's useless.
Oh no. It's turning it's snout towards us.
Then i'd zoom forward to roswell and take the aliens that crashed as prisoners and take thier alien technology, learn as much as i can, then zoom
back b4 it even happened so it didn't happen and i didn't do any of that ;P
But i'd really like to be there when the peasants revolt against the king/queen in England and off with thier heads. ;P
Then i'd zoom forward in time even mor ethan before and check things out, then even furthur in time, etc. Then i might go back 100k years and check
things out then, etc, then forward 200k years.
I'd jsut be zooming back and forward all through time watching things, checking it all out, but befor ei leave i'd zoom back to b4 i got there and
not do anything so i never change history or the future.
[Edited on 15-9-2003 by DaRAGE]