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Past lives/regression

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posted on Sep, 12 2003 @ 11:39 PM
Well, after drinking a bottle of wine and now in somewhat of a funky mood-I decided to post something, in order to have your opinions and thoughts or even some name calling will do

First question-Has anyone here ever had a past life regression? If so, what happened?

Do you folks believe in past lives? What makes you believe? Or not, for that matter?

I have many more questions and some thoughts too..but I'll save them for a bit later as to not bombard you right off the bat.

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 12:13 AM
I havent particularly recalled any past lives, but my mother has had reacurring memories from her past life, apparently it was around the victorian era. I havent asked her much about exact dates or street names, certain clues yet but maybe I should see if she can recall anything.

As we know information and memories are passed and stored in our brains by use of electricity. Knowing that electricity is energy could it be possible that when our bodies die our conciousness and our memories are stored in energy form and leave our body? As certain theories about quantum physics state that energy is able to move freely through time and space, it isnt at all impossible that we could just be reborn in new bodies, never really dying at all. This could attribute for past lives and even OBE's and Astral Traveling.

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 12:17 AM
If I had memories of a past life, I would believe in them. I was born with no such thing.

I do not see the point in reincarnation myself. What would be the point to it if you do not remember your previous lives? If some do, why not others? It is my belief that there is no reincarnation, or that if it exists, it is a form of torture/hell as not only is it seemingly inescapable, but you forget everything you've done prior and you wind up becoming a mortal who has to exeprience all the pain and tedium of life over again without reason or understanding of why.

If reincarnation exists, I will make every attempt not to come back.

[Edited on 13-9-2003 by heelstone]

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 12:23 AM
That is true also, maybe some people enter another plane of existence, that would attribute for what we would consider "ghosts" or "spirits" when they interact with our plane of existance that is. My thoughts on the higher plane of existance is a purely energy based one.

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 12:25 AM
IT IS said ... reincarnation exists for learning. You die, leave and reflect and decide on what you need to learn and come back again. According to others, uh, you may or may not go specifically to Earth. You may end up on Sirus 7 or something.

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 12:26 AM
Hi Mags,

Good to see you posting again...

To answer some of your questions:

Has anyone here ever had a past life regression? If so, what happened?

Yes. What happened? Well...I discovered (or perhaps 're-discovered') things I already knew, things I did not know...and some things didn't want to know.

Do you folks believe in past lives? What makes you believe?

Yes. What makes me believe? Memories. Thoughts. Images. Dreams. Places and times that I never was in this life, things I have never done in this life, familiarity/connection with people I have never met in this life.

Drive...what makes me who I am. Why I am the way I am...why I do the things I do. Why things just feel 'right'...and other things just feel 'wrong'. Sense of purpose...sense of connection...sense of grief, atonement, joy etc.

...probably didn't really answer your question...but there ya go


posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 02:46 PM

As I've mentioned on some other threads in various forums...I've seen corraboration from different methods (such as automatic writing, psychic consultation with friends I believe can tap into it, and ouja, etc.) of a few different past lives...(one of which, explains why I seem to know the words to most 50's songs, even though I've never heard them before....)

Assyrian farmer
Renaissance Scientist/Alchemist
Female witch (around the 1800's, and put in an asylum)
Black Army grunt in Korean War

Some of which, started as nightmares of how I died back in each life...or remembered emotions, smells, music, etc.

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

As I've mentioned on some other threads in various forums...I've seen corraboration from different methods (such as automatic writing, psychic consultation with friends I believe can tap into it, and ouja, etc.) of a few different past lives...(one of which, explains why I seem to know the words to most 50's songs, even though I've never heard them before....)

Assyrian farmer
Renaissance Scientist/Alchemist
Female witch (around the 1800's, and put in an asylum)
Black Army grunt in Korean War

Some of which, started as nightmares of how I died back in each life...or remembered emotions, smells, music, etc.

Can you possibly figure out any names from the Korean War grunt life you led? It wouldn't have to be your own name, but one related to your life. Records and people from that era still are around and quite verifiable.

If you have figured out specific details, have you attempted to contact relatives to the soldier's life? If you met or talked to anybody and got a reaction, I would like to read it.

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 12:35 AM
I have SO many thoughts on this particular subject & I promise to return soon to this thread..

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 12:38 AM
I myself can never say that I can recall living a past life.

I always have Deja Vu though, and sometimes I think of something right before a person says it, or it happens, I know that has nothing to do with past lives.

Do I believe in them?

I can't say yes, or no, best I can give you is I don't know if I do.

[Edited on 15-9-2003 by Lysergic]

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 08:19 AM
My awareness of past lives comes primarily from my channelling where I have asked and been told about some of them. Apparently there have been many!

In my present life I do notice that I have certain behaviours, fears, qualities, and beliefs that may well be based on past experience not gained in this life. I think most of us must run up against this once in awhile.

Someone brought up the question if we have past lives why do we not remember them? Well that is an excellent question, more than you realize.

The answer is we are supposed to actually but we were tampered with and that is why not. Our DNA was corrupted so that we would not advance as quickly as we might so that we would spend more time in this realm than necessary.

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 10:45 AM

Can you possibly figure out any names from the Korean War grunt life you led? It wouldn't have to be your own name, but one related to your life. Records and people from that era still are around and quite verifiable.

If you have figured out specific details, have you attempted to contact relatives to the soldier's life? If you met or talked to anybody and got a reaction, I would like to read it.

Great question! I can remember hearing someone say "William!" or "Williams!" (they were almost at the chopper, when I got hit (either a mine, or more likely, a grenade got me) and he turned around after the explosion and yelled. I really hate those dreams.... It's like I can feel every single piece of metal inside me, and the blood, etc. Then all I see is the sky and the chopper blades, and feel the grass, etc.

Given the tendancy in the military to just use last names, I'm thinking it was Williams... I started looking into black Williams'es that served in Korea, and it's actually pretty lengthy... I keep feeling I was from someplace like Kansas, but I've never really gone back and dug... would be neat though. I remember that my prom date's name started with a "P"...
and I remember the prom music, etc. and I remember getting into a white car that had red leather interior, but that's about it...

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by THENEO
The answer is we are supposed to actually but we were tampered with and that is why not. Our DNA was corrupted so that we would not advance as quickly as we might so that we would spend more time in this realm than necessary.

Forgive me if I don't buy into that story. That would have to be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt for me to think that.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 02:19 AM

but there is no doubt that humans are missing dna,
scientists have been saying this for years,
the reason is why? and how?

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 02:39 AM
Well, I was looking online all over the place after you mentioned missing DNA, and I did come across some incredibly recent articles regarding the human genome mapping project and missing DNA, but nothing relating to scientists knowing for a fact that humans are missing DNA. Nor have I read anything beyond what you've typed regarding missing DNA and reincarnation.

This article further states that genes are there, but they have been unable to extract them easily using their current methods. So it really doesn't sound like genes aer missing in the human genome.

Using a revolutionary and even radical combination of genetics and maths, University of Queensland researchers believe they may have the tool for revealing the secrets of the human genome�s missing 400 gaps.

Currently bits of the human genome�s DNA can�t be easily sequenced because they are toxic to the medium (E.coli) they are usually grown in to determine their molecular make-up.

So it doesn't seem like they are completely missing, but hard to extract using current methods.

And as I wrote previously, I've seen no connection theories between missing DNA sequences and reincarnation.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 10:48 AM
I'm not following the DNA connection? I just don't understand what that would have to do with reincarnation. I don't necessarily feel that our past life info is stored there(in DNA). I mean, would we have the same genetic make-up in each lifetime? I certainly believe we carry the same soul, but who really knows what exactly makes a soul? I think info is stored there from previous lives, but not real sure if DNA is..

For instance, someone born mentally & physically handicapped in this lifetime may have been perfectly normal in a past one or vice verse?

Gazrok~Most of your past life memories came through dreams and visions? Did it change you in any way after you saw who you used to be and some of the things you went through? Did it possibly settle any fears that you might carry in this lifetime? Learning or seeing certain past life experiences is suppose to be theraputic (so I've read) it can help us to better understand our psyche in this lifetime. Do you feel it has helped you Gaz?

An example would be.. someone who has consistant neck problems and/or tension in that area *may* have been hanged in a previous life and by having that memory surface-can settle the pain through the understanding and realization of what happened to them.

I myself have a severe fear of the ocean. And to my knowledge, there is no reason why I should be so terrified of it. So I often wonder if that fear could be past life related, and that's one of the reasons I would like to find out about my past..I do have many dreams where I am standing near the ocean or dreams of tidal waves and things like that, but that could also relate to my fear or they might be dreams/visions of a past life..

Anyway, thank you for sharing your thoughts here and look forward to reading more and sharing more as well..

[Edited on 9/16/03 by magestica]

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 12:11 PM
Oddly enough, my fiance' has a fear of the ocean at night as well as a fear of suffocating...and has no idea why...thuogh she is fascinated with anything about the Titanic (and this was way before the movie)....

Gazrok~Most of your past life memories came through dreams and visions? Did it change you in any way after you saw who you used to be and some of the things you went through? Did it possibly settle any fears that you might carry in this lifetime? Learning or seeing certain past life experiences is suppose to be theraputic (so I've read) it can help us to better understand our psyche in this lifetime. Do you feel it has helped you Gaz?

Most through dreams, but some other things, like knowing the words to songs, familiar things, etc. I think it has helped... I certainly seem to be able to empathize with African Americans a lot more since the identification of that well as respect the harsh reality of war. It has also kind of reassured me that the death of this life isn't the end of me, and that has a certain calming effect....

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 12:29 AM
I was just thinking, yeah, uh oh right? I absolutely 100% believe in reincarnation, and I have no real evidence or clue why, I just do and always have as far back as I can remember. Anyway, what I was thinking about was why do the stories and memories seem so overly dramatic? Seriously, if I were to die tomorrow(hope not) and return again, I cannot imagine remembering *this* life as most of the past life stories people remember. It almost gives me a sense of less importance right now..not that I think my life is crappy, by far, but it certainly isn't as dramatic as a past life memory or something I would even care to dwell on in my next life. Does anyone understand what I am saying?

Could it be that we actually make up a past life full of drama in order to add more spice to this one? Or was there just more 'life' in previous times? Maybe I'm just in my last life ever and I'm just reflecting on all the other lives I led? Someone, please inform me here with any thoughts pertaining to this..

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 12:43 AM
The missing DNA represents missing parts of the 'computer program' that designs and runs and empowers the human. Most of the brain is not used or underused. One reason for this is lack of DNA to run and regulate its higher level functions. See Pineal gland for example.

Anyways the point is if the human is impaired then it has lost certain advanced abilities it was designed to have from inception. Those abilities are claimed by some to include ability to access past lives, likely through a channel to the universal unconscious where all information since the beginning of the universe is stored.

What I believe is that we were designed to have past life and even future life recall but that has been severely tampered with.

the above page mentions 400 gaps (pairs) missing?

this page says they 'may' be able to recover them using some new method, assuming that the genes actually still exist of course and are not removed.

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 01:23 AM

The attached FAQ provides information on the concept of reincarnation as well as resources with respect to isolating these experiences.

Majestica, its possible that with respect to past life experiences, the drama is due to the fact that the events, which are dramatic, leave the strongest impression. These events also often pertain to a purpose or act, which defined what in that lifetime was significant in regards to making a contribution in respect to mankind, society or the culture one
belonged to.

To be honest these experiences are very interesting but underlying each of them and also fascinating, is with respect to what is occurring in between (perceptually).

A friend of mine once allowed herself to be hypnotized for that very purpose, her response was altogether very unique. She stated she found herself immersed in water up to her neck, the sky was dark and devoid of stars. But the water seemed to produce its own light, which made it possible to for her to see what she saw.

While she sensed that beyond her head and neck she did have body she could not see one and neither could she move.

My interpretation of this experience was that it was analogous to perceiving herself as being one with the vast ocean of space-time. The immensity of which overcame her ability to interact beyond what she was experiencing at the time.

Any thoughts?

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