posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 10:07 PM
"There is no explicit right to privacy in the United States Constitution. The Supreme Court has ruled that there is a limited constitutional right of
privacy based on several provisions in the Bill of Rights. This includes a right to privacy from government surveillance into an area where a person
has a "reasonable expectation of privacy"[2809] and also in matters relating to marriage, procreation, contraception, family relationships, child
rearing and education.[2810] Some states within the country have incorporated explicit privacy protections into their state constitutions.[2811]
However, the United States has taken a sectoral approach to privacy regulation so that records held by third parties, such as consumer marketing
profiles or telephone calling records, are generally not protected unless a legislature has enacted a specific law.[2812] The Court has also
recognized a right of anonymity[2813] and the right of political groups to prevent disclosure of their members' names to government
Points out how commercialized privacy has become.