I saw the cover of Weekly World News yesterday and it said something about Hillary Clinton being caught with an alien. It showed a picture of Bill
Clinton with a black eye. Here is a link to the story www.weeklyworldnews.com...
This is the funniest thing i have heard in a long time. I guess the Clinton's just cant help themselves from having sex with anyone. If any one has
the article can you post it. I just couldnt stop laughing last night after i read the cover.
I wonder if aliens use advance technology during sex. Maybe they have invented something that gives you a hard-on for a week. Maybe they are so
advance they do it all telepathicly.
Sex, at least the sensations of it, are at their most fundamental level a series of nerve impulses. Telepathic sex could "feel" just as real as the
real thing if it would be possible to stimulate the nerves that produce those sensations without physical manipulation.
Netchicken will you make one of your funny pictures of an alien giving it to hillar in the back door. Nothing bad enough that it can not be posted on
the board.
"Why is this $hit in the alien forum?!? Ahem, a little moderation, please... "
Not being tied to the laptop 24 hours a day we get around to these things when we can and if we want to. However the great judge in the sky rules in
your favour and this has no place on this board.