Here's the original message I posted on Solomon's site, that has apparently resulted in my being banned. (I posted under the name, "ATS_Admin")
Hello kind members of Politics Forum.
I thought I might alert membership to events on another forum where someone from here engaged in very unsavory Troll-like activity. He/she registered
under the name "PoliticsForum" and used links to this site in his/her signature. We assume this person may be connected to this site, because the
registration e-mail was max@(
Here is a brief overview of some of the subject titles of your Troll:
WARNING!!! HARD CORE Atheist in the house!!!!!
:::Sex with Babies and Animals is OK:::
:::Reparation for Slavery?:::
Religion: The Root & Cause Of Evil
The Omnipotent God?
What Loving God?
Jesus The Idiot: Is This Your God?
The Illuminati Manifesto (this was disallowed advertising for: )
We encourage and embrace open debate, and on their own, these titles may be appropriate discussion points. However, your Troll was not visiting to
debate or discuss, but preach and condescend.
In reality, I'd rather not say who this person is, as we know and are familiar with his abusive nature (he's been on our forum, and banned
I thought it appropriate to notify members of this forum of this activity because this is quite sad. In the past, we've had collaborations with
other like-minded websites and discussion boards, and it appears that there could have been an excellent collaboration with this one, if initiated
properly. However, due to the nature of this "first contact", the majority of our regular members are now tainted against this website, and that's
a shame.
(I just noticed... I certainly hope "Max" is not your administrator... what a shame indeed.)
[Edited on 5-9-2003 by William]