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Tired of everything (almost)!!!

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posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 06:58 AM

If there was a smily for rolling my eyes, it would have been at the end of that sentence.

Why would you roll your eyes, because you dont believe it to be true, that is your opinion, so roll away till your eyes fall out for all I care.

So I guess you'd be just fine if somebody walked in to your home, stole all your stuff, and then murdered you family.

Nope, murder is a personal thing. No reason for you to get involved or any government imposed laws. You think because there is government and laws, that stops people from getting murdered and/or stops people from murdering? So what exactly is your point then?

I guess you wouldn't want the majority of people to have homes, then. Because if it weren't for a governing body, there would be no jobs, which means no home builders, which means anyone who wants a home will have to build it with his/her own hands and stuff he/she finds.

This is all not true. It is called supply and demand, free trade.

And you can forget about the Internet. In fact, you can also forget about electricity and running water. Better go build your house next to a fresh-water river then, and hope that everybody else doesn't have the same idea. Oh, and that language you're speaking: gone. Why would everyone speak the same language if there was nobody teaching it? People have to work together to achieve thigns, and whether or not you like it, it will always boil down to some kind of government.

Also all not true. People DO NOT have to work together to achieve things. They could if they chose to. But IF I chose to work with you, how does that boil down into a government? Are we the government? Nope. Just 2 people personally working with each other. No third party needs to interject. Your just a scared little person, huh? TIODS.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 12:40 PM

Nope, murder is a personal thing. No reason for you to get involved or any government imposed laws. You think because there is government and laws, that stops people from getting murdered and/or stops people from murdering? So what exactly is your point then?

No government imposed laws against murder!? And you think that people would just stop murdering? You can't seriously be naive enough to think that laws against murdering people don't stop them from murdering. If there were no laws against murder, I'm pretty sure I'd be dead. Most likely you too! If somebody doesn't like your views, *Bam*. Anytime two people get into a fight, one could end up dead, and you don't think there should be laws against that? Face it: if there were no laws against murder, what incentive would people have for not murdering people? Some pissed off drunk with a gun could just walk outside and start shoot some guy, and you would be fine with him not being punished? It still happens, occasionally, in a place with laws, but the people who do the shooting wind up in jail or dead, which is incentive to the other people not to murder. This is kindergarten level logic here. I shouldn't have to explain it to you.

This is all not true. It is called supply and demand, free trade.

A government needs to be involved for there to really be a working economy. If not, where does one get the resources to build their business? Just walk out, and...make their own supplies from scratch? I guess they could buy a lawn mower off of somebody then sell it for...oh wait, never-mind. No lawn mowers
. No money either! Well then they could make some bread...oh wait, they would have to buy that somewhere...dang... I guess they could find someone who knew how to make bread from nothing, and trade them for something else! Then they could harness some electricity, and bake it in an oven... That is if they don't get beat up for their bread and possessions on the way home, because there would be no laws to protect them. And if they made it home, they could just hope that nobody has broken into their self-made home, and stolen all of their stuff, because there would be no laws against stealing.

Also all not true. People DO NOT have to work together to achieve things. They could if they chose to. But IF I chose to work with you, how does that boil down into a government? Are we the government? Nope. Just 2 people personally working with each other. No third party needs to interject. Your just a scared little person, huh? TIODS.

Do you really think that the Internet would be here if it weren't for a government? Who would have funded the creator of it? The electricity, the bills, without a government, there would be almost nothing. How would you pay for the internet? Certainly not money, because money would be worthless without a government. No monetary system, no real economic system. I guess you could give the internet provider something for your internet service... But then who's to say he doesn't just keep it and cut off your internet? There would be no laws against such things. Plus, where would the internet come from? Computers?

Look, we've seen what happens when there's no government control. New Olreans? Looting, killing, stealing, all these things had arisen within days of that city being destroyed. Why? Because the government had no control and the people knew that they could do what they want. People have ALWAYS had governments. It's a basic need and an instinct for survival. Look at some of the primitive tribes that still exist today. They always have some kind of head figure to dictate what they're doing and make sure that people don't just run rampant.

Scared? I think not. Logical? I think so.

And I don't know what TIODS means...

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