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archived Corso/Lazar/Sherman/ Dean/Bearden/UNITEL documents

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posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 10:17 AM
Recent archived documents (in MS-Word format):

A) -- CNI News interview with Col. Philip Corso, co-editor William Birnes, and Philip Corso, Jr.

B) -- former ELINT Sgt. Dan Sherman responding to questions regarding his involvement with "Project Preserve Destiny" and NSA-sponsored "intuitive communications with ETs" on the United Kingdom's UFO Network on Ultranet. More historic interviews are archived at the page devoted entirely to him.

C) -- Though not embraced my traditional mainstream physicists (who are still trying to find experimental evidence of the extra dimensions postulated by extrapolations of Kaluza-Klein theory), some alternative theories are based on phenomena Tesla, Rife, Keely, Priore and others have stumbled upon and adhere to so-called "scalar" models of the type popularized by Col. Dr. Tom Bearden. Insight into the modus operatus of UFOs and the legendary Philadelphia Experiment are mentioned in this extract from his book on Soviet scalar weaponry and remote-viewing. (Compare the part on the P-X to the Chica Bruce - Bob Beckwith interview from Chica's book "The Philadelphia Experiment Murder" at

More of Col. Bearden's essays on engineering difficulties over-unity devices are at, and medical applications (such as regrowing burnt and severed limbs, true StarTrek-type technology!) are at

[Before I am accused of taking "sides", I feel that both theoretical camps have the world's best minds. It's unfortunate that research proposals are ridiculed by those whose theories maintain impossibility. In the final analysis maybe no theory will be 100%. Some will "work" better in certain domains (e.g., relativity, quantum mechanics) and will prove to be a sub-set of something more universal. Like a lyricist at war with rival composer, the experimenter/engineer may challenge the theorist(s) as Edison did when he frequently scoffed at their best advice.]

C) - An e-mail from UK-based electrical engineer/remote-viewer Thomas Skeggs who remote-viewed the Montauk Project. This updates what he reported at

The "presence" of a remote-viewer is generally unknown to those who are being "viewed". The Soviets reportedly have engineered alarms which can detect the "presence" of an rv-er. Legends maintain that unlike humans, aliens/ETs not only are aware of an rv-er but frequently act irritated at the intrusion and will actively "confront" the rv-er. (Other reports hint at their ability to manipulate or falsify images/events that are "viewed" by human agents.) Tom has taken this a step further (maybe unintentionally duplicating what may have done in the Montauk experiments at the Plattsburgh AFB missile silos) by projecting a fully-visible and interactive holographic remote-viewer in his "Star Chamber" design at

D) Bob Lazar certainly didn't help his cause by lying on his background credentials. The government's vigorous prosecution for him helping a Nevada brothel computerize their records perplexed even the presiding judge. His critics have used these to argue that everything he ever said about Area-51 is untrue. Therefore it follows that Area-51 doesn't exist and the U.S. government has never, ever been involved in anything concerning UFOs.

C'mon � give me a break and get a real life! Whether he personally worked on projects as he said he did or is just passing on rumors he heard from fellow Los Alamos co-workers, that is not that important to me. Do these projects exist (regardless of who worked on them) is the important issue. I tend to believe what the man is saying. Now whether his superiors fabricated the stuff about Element-115 and the ET "Yellow Book" and planted that in briefings to him is another issue. But he would be telling the truth in passing on these. I can't imagine why else they would try to erase all his employment and high-school and birth records and make him in effect a "non person" (an old Soviet trick whenever someone falls out of a favor with the party). [a side note: The Air Force is generally eager to work with Hollywood producers on movies that portray the military. Public-Relations � a no-brainer. But when Area-51 was written into the script of "Independence Day", the military reportedly threw up a "cold shoulder" and offered no more friendly consultations.]

Some of the previously-posted articles at apparently had their basis in these originals: - KLAS-TV interview (11/13/1989) ; - George Knapp radio interview (12/09/1989) ; - responding to questions on the Billy Goodman "Happenings" show (12/20/19189).

E) - 21st Century Radio interview with former NATO SHAPE attach� Sgt. Robert O. Dean concerning NATO's assessment of the UFO "threat". Michael Hesemann did a background check on Mr. Dean at

[note: There are some short video clips of interviews with Dean, Lazar, Corso and others at . Many are available as downloadable zip-ped files which can be unzipped to either .rm (RealPlayer) or .wmv (WindowsMediaPlayaer) format.]

F) - Cornell physicist Ed Halerewicz, Jr. continues to act as a sounding board as UNITEL's Larry Maurer and Mike Miller try to "back-theorize" the quantum laser propelled teardrop-shaped UFO craft they witnessed in a 1981 Eugene, Oregon sighting (see Maurer draws from his experience at the defunct Avco company which proposed a closely-adhering electron cloud to shield the Shuttle from re-entry heat and radiation (similar to the Soviets use of "plasma stealth" instead of the US's approach using RAM coatings???). Dr. Halerewicz did preliminary mathematical reviews at and which suggests that there may indeed be a basis for UNITEL's conjectures although more "revisions" are necessary unless the rules of physics are rewritten.

Mike Miller maintains it is the unique quantum structure of Niobium that makes quantum laser propulsion feasible (see Niobium was used recently by Cal Berkeley Labs to break the world record for generated magnetic field strength (see

A key technology in UNITEL's design, "Chirp Amplification" of lasers to achieve enormous "spot" power densities has been reported in Scientific American (see These may even serve as a "spark plug" to ignite mixtures in a new breed of fusion reactors. Unfortunately -- for us/them as well as UNITEL -- these technologies seem to be a materials engineering challenge and may still be decades off. The entire UNITEL story is preserved at .

Finally, before you start taking yourself too seriously, if you have a mischievous streak in you peek at to see if there is anything there that you can use to stir up some trouble in your little world. Don't use your name so you can act surprised and blame it on somebody else!

[edit to correct long title]

[Edited on 2-9-2003 by William]


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