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The America I would like to see...

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posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 03:47 PM
Being Christian, Conversative, and Pro-Life/Anti-Choice and to the Religious Right.

I would like to see an a Ultra-Leftist government, more leftist than President Clinton's America. Where all churches get taxed. Laws are passed to derail the Amendments, like the 1st and 2nd amendments, and laws getting passed to increase the consitutional powers of the 5th and 14th amendments.
Saying publically "Jesus Loves you!" or "Budha Love you!" would get you arrested, cited, or fined etc. as Hate Speech. Handing out Religious materials in the public square will also get you in trouble for hate speech. This would make everyone happy. This goes everyway...Preaching Religion or Spirituality period (Christianity, Islam, Budhism, Wicca, Hindism) can get citied or even arrested.

- Abortion on demand in ALL 50 states. except, for minors, would still have to get parental consent if they are 15 or younger.

- Voluntary Prayer OUTSIDE of school. Group Prayers Inside school prayer constitutes a criminal act of breeching the peace. Prayer Groups would be tandamount to criminal gang activity.

- Legalizing Marijuana for those 21+. "You Grow it, you smoke it." laws

- Legalization of prostitution males/females over 21 years old, that to be left in the State's decesion.

- Open and Free Homosexual marriages (obviously for those 18+), under 18, required parental consent. (which is also required for hetrosexual marriages)

- Homosexuals are not barred from any jobs, they are to be given approval and affirmation of their lifestyle. Such as Military/Armed Forces.

- Homosexual life partners are to be given same rights and responsiblities as their hetrosexual "counterparts"

- No more tax-exempts for churches! A Non-Profit status will become a much harder task to prove.

- Higher taxes on everyone. Higher Taxes on All alcoholic beverages, Tobacco, Marijuana,. Computer Tax, Internet Tax, Gas Tax, Junk Food tax, TV Tax.

- Alot More social services for the needy.

- We need More government in our society, but not in our personal lives.


- In instances of Federal Circuit Court Vacancies, the people in those districts shall elect a Federal Circuit Court judge by Popular Election.

- In instances of Bankruptcy Court Vacancies, the people in those districts shall elect a Bankruptcy Court judge by Popular Election.

- In instances of Federal Appeals Court Vacancies, the people in those districts shall elect a Federal Appeals Court judge by Popular Election.

- In instances of Supreme Court Vacancies, the people of the United States of America shall elect a Supreme Court Justice and vote on the Supreme Court Chief Justice by Popular election.

There will be more later. What do you think?

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 06:20 PM
Why would you want this stuff to come to pass?

Are you being humourous? Or CS Lewis-like?

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Godzilla1985
Being Christian, Conversative, and Pro-Life/Anti-Choice and to the Religious Right.


As personally opposed to abortion as I am, I support a WOMAN's right to choose. Seems the anti-choice movement forgets one very salient fact, God Himself gave man free will. The religious right seeks to remove that God-given right. By what authority?

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Why would you want this stuff to come to pass? Are you being humourous? Or CS Lewis-like?

Is Satire considered humor? Anyways, The part about electing Federal judges, particularlly Supreme Court Justices and Chief Justice should be left in the Hands of the people. President, Congress, Senate etc all nominate someone, The People decide in a Popular vote.

The rest I am against, even though it's posted "The America I would like to see" I would just like to see change, either left or right, I don't care anymore, poltics just needs to move.

EastCoast Kid

As personally opposed to abortion as I am, I support a WOMAN's right to choose. Seems the anti-choice movement forgets one very salient fact, God Himself gave man free will. The religious right seeks to remove that God-given right. By what authority?

Why did you comment on Abortion? But not on drugs, prositution, gun bans, over turning the second amendment.

Edited for errors

[edit on 2-7-2005 by Godzilla1985]

[edit on 2-7-2005 by Godzilla1985]

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by:
EastCoast Kid

As personally opposed to abortion as I am, I support a WOMAN's right to choose. Seems the anti-choice movement forgets one very salient fact, God Himself gave man free will. The religious right seeks to remove that God-given right. By what authority?

Originally Postedby Godzilla1985: Why did you comment on Abortion? But not on drugs, prositution, gun bans, over turning the second amendment.

Because that seems to be the biggest dispute going.

drugs? I've commented on what I think of drugs being illegal or not. I say LEGALISE IT! Say NO to the religious fundamentalists strangle-hold on personal choices people make. Say NO to the private prision industry in this nation that has made so many slaves out of otherwise law-abiding citizens. Way too many people are in prison because of marijuana. It's unconscionable.

You must be new here; otherwise, you would know I support the second ammendment. Very much.

[edit on 7/2/05 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 04:42 PM
The Big Two...
Abortion Debate will rage on forever and ever. The Homosexual Marriage debate will eventually end, with the LBGTQ community coming out victorious.

The Lesser issues...
The Gun Control Debate.. I forsee the NRA being the clear winner.

Marijuana Legalization. The courts, Congress, Senate and President are going to flip-flop on that issue for years and years, from administration to administration. Like Abortion, this issue will never end, it will only come and go out of the media.

Prosititution - Expect this to remain always and for all times illegal in 49 states!

Churches will remain Tax exempt, I believe that is going to be safe for many years. I do forsee the IRS taking a closer look at churches to see if they are truely Non-Profit organizations. I forsee alot of churches getting hammered on failure to report Sales Taxes on taxable items out of ignorance of the law or misunderstanding.

Higher Taxes on everyone is coming, whether you like it or not.

A Private Prison Industry is the potential wave of the future. Prison Corporations is likely. The prison industry makes on average $1.1 Billion dollars a year, producing everything from License Plates, Clothes, Office Supplies, road signs, etc. Which is why the corporations want to tap into this industry and cheap labor! An inmate making .15 cents to .45 cents an hour!

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Godzilla1985
The Big Two...
Abortion Debate will rage on forever and ever. The Homosexual Marriage debate will eventually end, with the LBGTQ community coming out victorious.

They'll win in the short-come. I don't know if they'll be winners in the long-term, though. Things in this country are getting dangerous. History proves it is the homosexual community that eventually becomes a first target of repression. Homosexuals run a great risk, honestly, being so "out and proud."

Legally their victory might be that, but spiritually, I wouldn't call a victory, if you know what I mean? I'm speaking as a Christian, there.

The Lesser issues...
The Gun Control Debate.. I forsee the NRA being the clear winner.

The idea of gun control in this nation may as well be a utopian dream. Though it may make progress in certain areas, within cities mainly, no one will ever root gun ownership out of the American life. It's far too entrenched.

Marijuana Legalization. The courts, Congress, Senate and President are going to flip-flop on that issue for years and years, from administration to administration.

This is what should be a states' rights issue. The Federal Government has no business (constitutionally speaking) dictating policy onto states in the regulation of matters within their individual borders. And as for the interestate commerce provision, each state could stipulate up front, all inter-state traffic, of say pot, would not be allowed. And that be strictly enforced.

Prosititution - Expect this to remain always and for all times illegal in 49 states!

Prostitution should be illegal. It is a public health hazard.

Churches will remain Tax exempt, I believe that is going to be safe for many years. I do forsee the IRS taking a closer look at churches to see if they are truely Non-Profit organizations. I forsee alot of churches getting hammered on failure to report Sales Taxes on taxable items out of ignorance of the law or misunderstanding.

Churches need to get their collective acts together. If not, let them be taxed. It's as easy as this. No preacher has any business telling his parishoners how to vote.
If he/she's so big on making political stump speeches, let them go forth and work for the candidate.

Higher Taxes on everyone is coming, whether you like it or not.

That's what happens when presidential administrations and the congress are fiscally retarded in their policies. Our nation is as good as bankrupt. Our children and their chidlren will enjoy as each year melts into the next, unprecedented devaluing of their incomes. The standard of living they have will be markedly lower than that of the baby boom generation and those handful that have followed. And our wonderfully patriotic corporations keep sending more and more of those few solid jobs left, to nations, like India, that will turn on us quicker 'n greased lightnin'. And people wonder what is going on?

A Private Prison Industry is the potential wave of the future

It's slave labor, pure and simple. not that I sympathize with convicts. But this is clearly what is going on.

It's not the wave of the future; it is right now.

[edit on 7/3/05 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 12:07 PM
Godzilla, you seem to know little about your belief, the way this government was supposed to be or the hiostory founding it, and the concepts of being "conservative".

A quick rundown for you, without going point to point.

Homosexuals have the same rights in this Christian nation as heterosexuals do. They have those rights as human beings. They have no rights, including marriage to another deviant of the same sex, as a homosexual. They do, however, have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

See how that works? As the nation was clearly expected to be a Christian nation, and as homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord, it is clear that the government has no business giving permission for that. On the other hand, the government also has no business surveiling bedrooms to see what people are doing.
Besides, the government didn't invent marriage, God did. Do you think He accepts their blasphemous attempt at being valid?

Now, to point out an area where you are dead on right: pot. If you grow your own, and consume your own, is this a violation of any commercial law? It certainly isn't a violation of the constitution. Personally, I do not want to sit down and relax to a joint at the end of a hard day, but others might, and as long as you do not use federal reserve notes to purchase it, how is it that the government should involve themselves?

It is very simple, how things ought to work. We've allowed them to make it complicated, so tha twe'd just shut up, drink watered-down beer and watch TV.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 12:33 PM
Hey T.C. Good to see you here!

On this point you made..

Now, to point out an area where you are dead on right: pot. If you grow your own, and consume your own, is this a violation of any commercial law? It certainly isn't a violation of the constitution. Personally, I do not want to sit down and relax to a joint at the end of a hard day, but others might, and as long as you do not use federal reserve notes to purchase it, how is it that the government should involve themselves?

Very interesting. I've never thought about it in those terms before.

Would y'all believe that when I was in the Army (back in '90) it was still legal for troops in Alaska (and Alaskan citizens) to possess a certain amount of weed? (No more than a half ounce) I only heard about it b/c the (first) Bush administration finally outlawed it. No wonder all the troops LOVED being stationed in Alaska!!!

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 12:54 PM
What i would love to see........ Easy a nation that follows it's own Constitution!
Our Goverment as well as our (kangaroo) Court System have been so far out of whack as to be in direct conflict with the principals which this country stands for!
How about a nation that is a true democracy instead of one that is ruled by those in power, special interest groups, etc.

ECK and Godzilla- I have to disagree with you on the abortion issue. It is not a just a religious based law. According to the medical community, life begins at the moment of consception not at some arbitrary point down the line. Heck a feotus has it's own identifiable brain wave at the age of 14 weeks!
Legalization of Marijuana-let's just say that I have been a standing member of NORML for decades! I agreed with ECK and TC the courts way oversteps the bounds of their position by using a part of the constituion that regulates interstate comerce in order to overturn a states law.
Homsexuality.... not that I like it but I am not against it either. Not for me. Should a person be persecuted or denied the rights granted to others just based on thier genetically based sexual orientation? Heck no. They have the same rights as everyone else.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 12:56 AM
Thanks, ECK; and I'll not be a stranger. (Acually, ECK threatened me with bodily harm if I didn't become a PTS participant. I'm not afraid, just prudent! LOL!)

Of course you didn't think of that topic in that light, ECK; you've been conditioned not to think in those terms. All the clues are in full view, but if you allow them to distract you with sleights of hand, it is not their fault, but yours.

You know that I'm a long-time student of our nations beginning and the associated documentation, and you know that is how I judge the onsgoings of the current events. For you others who might not know me, let me say that I am not in favor of smoking pot or using any other illicit drug, I am merely weighing that particular topic IAW the constitution, as well as commercial statutes.

Now, the only way I can see that they would have the right to anything such as the two cases discussed in this editorial: that, because you have a "residential" address and receive your mail with a zip code, this connects your "residence" to the Feds. As such, this attaches you to the D.C., and further removes you from your God-given, constitutionally-protected rights.

Remember, the patriot is always wrong and the government is always right. Your job is to figure out why. The clues are always there so that they can remind you that ignorance of the law is no excuse; you just have to recognize what is going on.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 11:48 AM
Why cannabis and prostitutes for those over 21? Why can't everyone have a right ? By doing this you only degrade their stance by saying they didn't have any of these rights previously, I definitly don't like rights of the people to be assessed by color, creed, sex, or sexual preference, but maybe this is the way of the Democrat: appease a certain group and gain their vote. People electing judges???
Higher taxes? They'll have a noose around you neck. And why more beuracracy? It's what killed the CIA and let 9/11 happen.

[edit on 5-7-2005 by Thomas Crowne]

posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne

Homosexuals have the same rights in this Christian nation as heterosexuals do. They have those rights as human beings. They have no rights, including marriage to another deviant of the same sex, as a homosexual. They do, however, have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

If homosexuality is proven to be a genetic flaw; will this change your opinion that homosexuality is deviant or an abomination to God?

[edit on 6-7-2005 by whaaa]

Edited quote that was three times larger than response.

[edit on 6-7-2005 by Thomas Crowne]

posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Homosexuals have the same rights in this Christian nation as heterosexuals do. They have those rights as human beings. They have no rights, including marriage to another deviant of the same sex, as a homosexual. They do, however, have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

What happens if they wish to have a Union? Not a marriage under God but under the state? If they are not allowed does this not go against their right to happiness? A lot of people have a high reguard for that piece of paper.

posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 04:32 PM
Whaa, we could play "what-ifs" all day long, but I will say this; just because someone with a degree jumps up and makes a claim doesn't mean I'll be dumb enough to believe them. I've been fooled by anthropolgists making claims such as Lucy, the Peking Man, etc., only to find out that they were wrong and won't admit their error in the same manner they shout their "discovery" to the world.

A "Civil Union", you are talking about? Again, the government of a Christian nation has no business recognizing something that is an abomination.

Do I see a way around it? Sure, put it up for a popular vote.

Another idea is to have a nation-wide vote to separate our present and future from our historical past. If the population voted to not be a Christian nation any longer, then anything and everything would be fair game. However, remember that one has to take both sides of any coin. Once it is decided that this is a secular nation, that means that we give up the notion that the Creator endowed us with certain unalienable rights. If this be the case, then we hand over authority to the government to take away those rights if they see fit.

Darn those two-edged swords; they can be difficult to wield.

posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 06:45 PM
The old, pre/9-11 me would launch into a tirade attacking the Godless liberal establishment for pushing down our throats the sanctioning of marriage between homosexuals. Something as ridiculous, to my sober view, as wearing only dirty drawers to wed the love of your life.

My argument would have went.. man can write all the contracts he likes.. but that will never change God's eternal hegemon over man. His law. As Thomas Crowne pointed out, or paraphrased, in the Old Testament it quotes God as saying that homosexuality is an abomination. God's emphasis.

With 9-11, a whole paradigm shifted in me. It's unexplainable. Like what it was like watching those airplanes soar into the towers. Surreal. But, oh so real. Maybe I saw for the very first time.

I am a different person.

So, back to civil unions.. We now find ourselves living in the New Testament era. Living under the doctrine of the new covenant. Grace. Jesus be His name. That aspect of Christianity always goes without note. Probably because it takes power away from the church hierarchy.. but I digress..

Have you ever heard someone say, Jesus never addressed homosexuality - in the bible and as far as we know? What to make of that? I find that to be quite odd. Very out of line from Old Testament teaching. Which Jesus did teach. (He cut his teeth on that.
) It's interesting.

Let's be honest. Gay people love each other every bit as much as straights do. The only difference is one group's perception and fear of that.

If 50% of Americans get divorced at least once in their life, how in the holy h e double L are civil unions going to destroy marriage?! If anything, those pompous pushers of morality should be more concerned with two people making a life-long committment to each other. Take those evil bodies off that market!

The way I feel about it at this point is, if a state wants to allow civil unions, so be it. It gives couples personal and property rights that their straight married counterparts have. That is fair. In my opinion every human deserves to be married to the one they love. As long as Lucy ain't a goat.

On the other hand, such a ruling would not compel the church to adopt or recognize those standards. As I said before, man can't change marriage in the sight of God.

Let it be between God and each man.

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