posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 01:31 PM
Nans in response to your question:
1. The Messiah is prophesied in the Bible with passages that start with Genesis and continue throughout the Old Testament (Daniel, Isaiah, etc.). We
shall not delved into Biblical prophesies for the coming of the Messiah. However, these Messianic Prophesies existed for at least a thousand years
before the birth of Jesus Christ. The early Christians (Peter, John, Paul, etc.) were able to convince the early Jewish followers that indeed Jesus
fulfilled the Messianic Biblical prophesies.
2. The early Christians were �bucking the system� as far as forming a new religion to spread in the Roman world. It was the wrong belief system for
that culture. If they were making up a religion for �control of the masses�, they would at least not base such a belief system on a crucified person.
In fact very few of the Apostles died natural deaths and some died horrible deaths (crucifixions, stonings, etc.). Not exactly the action you would
expect from one who knew his religion to be �made up�. In fact the Apostle Paul did exactly the wrong thing for a man who wanted to control �the
masses�. Paul was a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin, these people were a the top of the power structure of Jewish society in the First Century
before he became a Christian. If Paul�s only motive was to control �the masses�, he would have stayed exactly in the position which he left rather
than joining some �up-start movement�.
3. Many skeptics have claimed that men like Paul, Peter, John, etc. were fictions generated by the Second Century Christian leaders to add
legitmaticy to the movement and that these leaders knew that these men were fictions. However again these early Christian fathers pick the wrong
religion if they only intended to control people. There were several long established (which was an important factor in the Roman world) religions
that could be used for that.
4. In short the early leaders of Christianity were not promoting a belief with which they intended to use to control people (there were many
established religions to do that), they were promoting Christianity because they thought it was true.
5. In fact Christianity was well established before the princes and kings took notice of the Faith as something other than some strange Jewish sect
or a religion to be stamped out.
That is not to say, that some have not used Christianity for their own agenda. Indeed name one aspect of our society that some one has not misused
for their own agenda. How many Christian teenagers are boarding buses with bombs strapped to their bodies? I suppose that all men who become doctors
do so only to cure the sick, or that all men who become attorneys do so to protect the rights of the individual, or that all men enter politics so
that they can serve the public good.