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Allegged Terrorist Links to Piracy (moved from ATSNN)

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posted on May, 30 2005 @ 01:05 AM
The Homeland Security committee of the Senate heard testimony from John Stedman hinting of an association between intellectual property crime and terrorist organizations. As well, this testimony comes in some proximity to an introduction of a bill for stricter copyright policies to Congress. The testimony brought forth is considered circumstantial and does necessitate a relationship between piracy and terrorist organizations.
That's what the Senate Homeland Security committee heard Wednesday from John Stedman, a lieutenant in the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department who's responsible for an eight-person team of intellectual property (IPR) investigators.

"Some associates of terrorist groups may be involved in IPR crime," Stedman said. "During the course of our investigations, we have encountered suspects who have shown great affinity for Hezbollah and its leadership."


But another witness, Kris Buckner, the president of a private investigation firm that looks into intellectual property violations, said: "I am also frequently asked if terrorist groups profit from the sale of counterfeit goods. I do not know the answer to that question." Buckner has, however, heard "subjects make anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish statements" on raids.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

In this day of corporate-dominated government policy and fear-mongering, we inevitably see the two intertwine. This instance has taken the form of RIAA legislation being influenced by charges of terroristic piracy. But, how exactly would a terrorist group make money off of pirating software? They could sell pirated software of course, but the amount of money to be made would be minimal. I also wonder the exact nature of this piracy. This article leaves many questions unanswered, but as CNET stated so truthfully, terrorism is the trump card in US politics.

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 01:29 AM
Oh for sure, a bunch of kids copying some game or a movie are a bunch of convinient.
The phrase "you do as i say, or youre a terrorist" comes to mind

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 01:45 AM
I keep saying the same thing..having all these special laws to combat terrorism is fine, so long as you're not a terrorist. Problem is, they keep expanding the meaning of terrorist, day by day, to include more and more people.

You might wake up tommorow to find out you're a terrorist too.

I'm a terrorist, because I gather news. That makes me a terrorist. Oh, and I believe in freedom of information too, so that makes me a terrorist, but like, x2...

I think justice is only just when it treats us all equally. I know I'm not alone on that hill...

Just calling someone a terrorist changes the whole due process concept into parody...

So be careful of jumping on the 'let's get us some terrorists' bandwagon, because one day you might be the terrorist, in the eyes of your 'betters.'

Justice, law, two of the most beautiful human concepts. Unfortunately, like all great philosophies, they looked a lot better on paper...

It always falls apart in the implementation, doesn't it?

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 01:55 AM
It is a crime that I am not surprised by this. Corporate interests using "terrorism" to adjust bottom lines are molding America like clay and it's too late to do anything about it.

Each and every citizen in America is disenfranchised.


posted on May, 30 2005 @ 02:37 AM
I sense a very chilling trend here.

Patriot Act II goes before review this week? With a Republican majority in congress, its passage stands a good chance.

The Bush Administration begins to shift and re-define its anti-terrorist focus from the Global War On Terrorism to what it terms "Violent Extremism"; while the FBI claims that "radical extremists" within the US itself pose a greater immediate threat to the security of the Nation than international terrorist organizations such as Al-Quieda.

The FBI seeks to aquire the capability to seize personal and busines records without a formal warrent, and seeks to aquire access to ISP records, pressumably, again without a warrant.

Finally, an official of a major metropolitan police force testifies before a Sentate committee that file-sharing may be supporting terrorist organizations!

How soon will it be before the Government shuts down public acces to the Internet? How soon will anyone cuaght using the web without permission be arrested and "disappeared" as an "Enemy Combatant"?

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