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AP Problems - Again

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posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 01:07 PM
I posted a while ago about my astral projection experiences and my attempts at doing so. I have had limited success overall, yet have been making SOME progress. Here are some more questions/problems I was hoping some people could help me to address. Please!

Last night as I was on the brink of sleep/conciousness, when I got that "feeling." That feeling right before you know you're about to AP or have an OOBE. You can sort of "feel" it happening. Anyway, sure enough my body plunged into this altered state, and it felt like I sunk into my bed. As I lay there physically paralyzed and unable to move, I was still completely concious and cognizant of what was happening. I heard the wind rushing past my ears and felt the vibrations running strong.

This time it was weird because I remember "turning my head slightly" and peering out my window above my bed with 1 eye half open, so I could just barely see. What I saw was a lot of activity, like tree branches blowing around through the blinds. The whole time I was still experiencing the rushing or surging feeling, and feeling the vibrations. I remember that I kept turning slightly to look up and out my window behind me, and seeing out of it. Anyway, after a bit of this I tried to imagine myself floating, I actually didn't know WHAT I was doing, I just wanted to have an OOBE, but nothing happened. I just kept experiencing the rushing feeling. That's when the hallucinations began to kick in. Everything became "more real" so to speak while in this heightened state. It sounded like someone was furiously typing at my keyboard, I also had an overwhelming feeling of dread as I saw a dark figure looming above me and getting closer. Now don't get me wrong, I've had a lot of this "night terror" before and I know it isn't real, but this time it happened for such an extended period, because I just continually kept myself in that state of vibration/rushing of wind through the ears.

Now the strange part is this. When I finally shook off the vibrations and the other feelings, and jolted myself out of this state, my head was basically pretty deep into my pillow. So there was literally no possible way I could have turned my head and saw out my window, much less turned my head slightly at all. The way the angle was and how my head was down in my pillows, I basically had to have been "seeing through" my pillows, that, or I was viewing out my window from a vantage point other than my own body. I know this sounds strange and it hard to understand. I can promise you this though. I was NOT asleep, I was COMPLETELY coherent/attuned to my surroundings, yet it seemed as normal as the sun rising that I was able to turn my head and look out my window, even though thinking about it, it was physically impossible to do so. Was this my astral body I was seeing through?

My other question is, how do I advance beyond this point of mere vibrations and rushing? I got myself to the brink and am pretty experienced at that, and can generally get myself there again if I tried to. But I don't know how to progress beyond that point. Another problem is that if I keep myself in that state for too long, the hallucinations and terrors ramp it up a bit and it becomes difficult to concentrate on what I'm attempting to do.

Any advice/help/or your experiences would be most appreciated. Thanks everyone for reading, and understanding.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 01:21 PM
Well folks it happened again last night. Same type of thing, and somehow I keep turning my head and seeing things around my room and out my window. I know I am not physically turning my body. Is this just my imagination because I remember my room so well, or is it actually my astral body looking around?

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 01:52 PM
I have a similar problem yet not exactly the same whilst trying to AP. I am able to enhance my vibrations and feel as though i'm floating, but I can never seem to "see" what is going on. When I pull out of my body will I be able to open my eyes and see the world from my astral form? Or will the images develope in my head and just sort of come to me?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by VirtualReality
I have a similar problem yet not exactly the same whilst trying to AP. I am able to enhance my vibrations and feel as though i'm floating, but I can never seem to "see" what is going on. When I pull out of my body will I be able to open my eyes and see the world from my astral form? Or will the images develope in my head and just sort of come to me?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I think so... there is a site you should check out.. called mystic web... it helps out in AP, also gi e courses in it also..

I aint going to give a definate yes or no cause I only AP'ed 1 time and that was an accident so i dont wanna lie to you guys.. and since nobody is answering your questions.. I would suggest going there and asking them..

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