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Patriots, Americans and People of our Dying Republic...Attention!!

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posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 02:49 AM
Ashcroft pushing to strenthen the power of the Patriot Act. I mean is this guy completely cut off from reality or what. State and Local officials are fighting against the Patriot Act which they signed in haste after 9/11. Americans are also protesting the Act. Our leaders/officials are ignoring not only other representatives of the people and the people themselves. Hence they are not doing their appointed job as appointed in a Republic or Democracy. If you do this in any other job, you get fired, plain and simple.

Those of you who have not yet opened your eyes, the clock is ticking, the alarm is buzzing and it's time to wake up! That doesn't mean you need to act against your country, in fact just the opposite. This country is about the PEOPLE, not the Government. Do love your country, Do demand that your officials represent you and what you want, Do keep an eye on the policies that are in control of you, your families and all the people of the U.S. If you don't, then you will lose what is left of your freedom and your contry.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 02:52 AM
Well, you are preaching to this choir. I am a Libertarian and hate the Patriot Act. I even hate the fact that they named it that. It's like, "Who is against patriotism? Then you can't be against this."

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 03:08 AM
Patriot Act = Stalinization, Freddie.

And you want four more years of Bush administration?

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 03:11 AM
This group here at ATS is like the last group that actually needs a wake up call. In fact most people here probably need to get more sleep if anything!

I'm just making sure that we all keep spreading this info around and keep our voices heard.

It just bothers me to see what is happening in today's system. I've always hated politics anyway but have been forced to find out what is going wrong here, and the more I found out about how things could and should be running the more upset I get. It is also really starting to bother me that the U.S. is looked upon by so many the way it is, cause I see it too and am embarrased. Especially since I know this country and it's people are not the problem, it is our so called representatives and what they do. For some reason everybody wants to just bury their heads in the sand and let others run the show for them and it is hard to get these people motivated.

I hate the fact that it's called the Patriot Act too....Just one more trick they pulled making it seem unpatriotic to believe in our own freedoms.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 07:55 AM
instead of debating all day about is it good or is it bad. or not even debating. screw that i'm lost.

we shouldn't be arguing over the uses when we know what the uses are and could be. four more years of bush? hell, i'm scared about what's to happen in the next four months. bush has done a good job in highlighting who our enemies as a nation are, but he has yet to realise he has enemies in the people, that's where the patriot act comes in, people like you and i, who wish if anything, to stop things like this from going on will be stopped from doing so, in normal circumstances it'd be an uproar, but since it's called the patroit act, and it's used for fighting terrorism, we'd be labeled the enemy. what can we do to show people we are not the enemy?

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
Patriot Act = Stalinization, Freddie.

And you want four more years of Bush administration?

Better than the candidates the Dems. are putting out there. Last I heard, Hillary might even run this time instead of 2008.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 08:02 AM
has offerred up a way out of the war. no matter what happens, we still have to deal with north korea, iran and iraq. liberia too as well as the smaller nations they won't tell you much about on the news. syria, israel palestine, it's all got to end. what are we doing to stop war, but fight longer and harder. you can't attain peace through battles. that is a lesson of history that we have yet to learn.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 08:13 AM
Believe me, I know the fear you are feeling, I think most people do. The thing is there is nowhere to go. Where are you going to be safe from this? Sure you can keep moving around letting it nip at your heels but if this keeps going it's just going to spread until it gets you anyway.

Also this isn't about catching terrorist. It's about locking up anyone the establishment sees as a threat or even just a someone they want locked up or killed. Sure there are valid terrorists that are around, but when they successful it is because they were allowed to be.

Look at the evidence:
Pearl Harbor
Oklahoma Bombing
World Trade Center

They all have one thing in common and have all been exposed. The defences that would normally have been in place, for whatever reason, were not there. When an enemy is able to make a successful attack against the worlds Military Super Power like this it isn't about who put it together, it's about someone just letting it happen.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 03:50 PM

Personally, I think you are about eight years from understanding the relative merits of candidates. Personally, and experientially.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by phoenix_cross
instead of debating all day about is it good or is it bad. or not even debating. screw that i'm lost.

we shouldn't be arguing over the uses when we know what the uses are and could be. four more years of bush? hell, i'm scared about what's to happen in the next four months. bush has done a good job in highlighting who our enemies as a nation are, but he has yet to realise he has enemies in the people, that's where the patriot act comes in, people like you and i, who wish if anything, to stop things like this from going on will be stopped from doing so, in normal circumstances it'd be an uproar, but since it's called the patroit act, and it's used for fighting terrorism, we'd be labeled the enemy. what can we do to show people we are not the enemy?


I offerd up a thread with a non violent idea about what a couple of thousand people such as we could do in an attempt to lift awareness and stimulate thought. It was immeadiatelly censored and thrown in the trash bin by the powers that be.
I am distressed to inform you, ATS is also not what it appears to be.
It is a microcosim of the political macrocosim you live in, here
you spend your hours chit chating away in idle thought. Most puffed up with self importance. Here you dream of what could be done instead of doing it. Complain about the forces amassed against your knowledge instead of using your knowledge to strike a chord against the poweres you fear.
I am new and unknown here yet I sense you all espouse useless and pointless knowledge and choose inaction as your shield.
What you call the contolling Secret Societies of your destiny have you right where they want the likes of you. At home on their web with you thinking it's yours, sitting where they can keep an eye on you and your evey thought as you place your haughty radicalisim and little revolutionary thoughts down on a cyber board.

Woe unto you


posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 10:40 PM
no MA, there really are no good Democratic Candidates, I think the last good one was Robert Kennedy...he was a Democrat right? LoL I mean his whole family was

Al Gore comes close but just doesn't cut it...

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 10:53 PM
If you really believe it's true there are no Democrat candidates for the Office of President, and you place emphasis on the Office of President as key to your decision of how to place your vote, then it must be true that neither major party has a suitable candidiate.

Certainly the incumbent 'president' has no suitable qualities.

Who is there left to vote for?

A shame for the country. Definitely time to bring more power to the people through abolishing the anachronistic, unproductive two-flavor system.

(I use the first para as illustration, and make no judgment at all on the suitability of any alternative candidates to the incumbent 'president', as to do so is immature, premature and silly).

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 10:54 PM
The true political situation in the USA today is summarized in the banner below. Untill that situation is corrected by abolishing the Fed, then it makes no difference who is elected President.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 10:56 PM
Probably a fair call, jag.

Who 'runs' the Fed?

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 11:00 PM
The Fed is basically a cabal formed by the Federal Government and the member banks. In theory, the Federal Government is supposed to oversee the banks, but in practice the banks run the Fed. (The monetary policy of the US is to increase the profits of private banks and allow these private banks to extend cotrol over the US economy)

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 11:00 PM
*launches into a rousing chorus of Glory Glory Paranoia *

Glory glory paranoia
Ain't it starting to annoy ya
Even junk mail could destroy ya....


posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 11:04 PM
David (Ats Henchman) = Friend of the FED????

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 11:06 PM
MA, you made one good point...people shouldn't place so much emphasis on the power of the Presidency, the Legislature and the States are equally powerful...and should excersise such.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 11:07 PM
No No No completely wrong....

*hustles you out of the room quickly into a waiting black van*

Move along folks, its nothing but swamp gas.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 11:09 PM
Is there anything unarguably in common between the major shareholders of the banks, and the way they exercise policy-making inthe Federal Reserve, that unequivocally points to undue interference in government?

I think the same might be said of the Reserve Bank (banks controlling it) in many countries, but I wouldn't extend to interference in the political process, only monetary policy...

Interested to know how many share your view as well, jag. Is the Fed the heart of THE cabal?

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