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This is what the World Economic Fourm has in store for you

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posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 05:40 AM
This is one of the more detailed videos about the W.E.F. and their goals and plans for the human population. Many of the society controlling measures are from the road map of the communist government in China but that is nothing compared to the actual end goals.

Few people like change unless it is to their own advantage; but for me I see no advantage to the plans of total control of how you think, how you act, how you live, and how you will bow the the heavy boot of a totalitarian society to survive.
Some of the more talked about current leaders are graduates from the WEF young leaders organization/school. Supposedly Trudeau and half the cabinet of his government in Canada are all members of the WEF or graduates. The Horrors of The Roman Catholic Inquisition will come again only under a different name this time called " The World Economic Forum guidelines and rules ."

edit on 727thk22 by 727Sky because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 06:37 AM
one plus one evil one never wins
Its all BS of some power to control the people of the world, total BS . Both you and I know this since we don't live in the States.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
one plus one evil one never wins
Its all BS of some power to control the people of the world, total BS . Both you and I know this since we don't live in the States.

“The only solution for bad and violent people are good people that are more skilled in violence.” —— Japanese samurai code Bushido.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: 727Sky

originally posted by: musicismagic
one plus one evil one never wins
Its all BS of some power to control the people of the world, total BS . Both you and I know this since we don't live in the States.

“The only solution for bad and violent people are good people that are more skilled in violence.” —— Japanese samurai code Bushido.

Maybe the Awakening can happen some day.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 09:30 AM
Just my opinion, but allowing that virus to be unleashed on our world with no repercussions was a huge mistake.
Supposing the United States had allowed that virus to run rampant? I would imagine there would be a huge global backlash, and for many years.
Those two years of lockdowns, lack of any type of supplies from foods to toilet paper to auto parts, job losses, inability to pay bills and rents and mortgages brought everyone to their knees, just where they want us.
Won't be the last time.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 09:49 AM
The big questions I have are: what did the WEF do with the Illumuinati and the NWO? Where did they put the bodies? Are they working with the Reptilians or against them? Do they use the same bases on the Moon and Mars as the Nazis or have they built separate ones alongside them?

(And who will be the next to take over the world? The Boy Scouts of America?)

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 08:47 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 11:23 PM
I just watched the movie 'The Exorcist 2'. It builds of the first movie and goes deeper in the spiritual forces behind the situation. A part of it revolved around the grasshopper plagues in the past, seemingly 1000's of years ago.

I do find a strange connection with how Klaus Schwab is now pushing to eat ze bugs. He want to build more plagues of grasshoppers, hopefully contained, but if billions of grasshoppers do happen to break out at times?

When getting into some of the rituals that people like Ronald Bennard talk about, there is a rich hidden elite that open themselves up to dark spiritual forces. Have they tapped into dark, ancient spiritual forces and become servants to the Kingdom of Darkness?

As for what to expect if this is the case, more things like 9/11, GFC, Covid and other problem, reaction, solution type events to keep people in chains, limit their potential, just follow orders and personally attack any justified criticism of their policy.

As for what we can do? Not all of government is bad, it covers a lot of social infrastructure that has helped build the world we have today. Do not consent to things that don't make sense. Try and be as independent as we can so we do not have to rely on these central, global forces. A belief in God that is trying to do the right thing in this complicated world also helps. On the time scale of life in the universe, we are only here for a short moment of time, try and make the most of it.


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