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Better Candidates from Either Party

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posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 11:54 AM
I will presmise this post by saying I am a moderate that leans towards the left. I will get that out there right away.

That being said, I think it is absolutely pathetic and SAD that the current field of politicians is the best we can roll out for EITHER party.

On the left side, we have a decrepit old (79 Years Old) current president Biden. I do not believe he suffers from dementia or is as deluded as many people on here might think him to be. I do not agree with some (many) of his decisions and his policies but I think he has the best interest of the country at heart. He represents the old guard, the old way of thinking and his policies reflect that.

On the right side, we have Donald J Trump -- also old (75 years Old). He also has the best interest of the country at heart but also represents the old way of thinking and his policies reflect that.

We are in an age where the country is changing on a macro-scale... economies are shifting... ways of thinking are changing across the country whether you agree with it or not. Some good, some not-so-good. Things that were deemed acceptable in previous generations are not being accepted as "the norm" any longer... again.. some good, some bad ...

We need fresh blood (figureatively!) across the entirety of the political spectrum.. we need change across the board.. we need our government to focus on the topics that we agree upon rather than the contentious issues that we disagree on... I thought infrastructure was going to be one of those issues but they cannot even agree upon that.

Rant over..

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 12:00 PM
Trump was a great president and I would vote for him again if he runs again. Anyone else and I’ll refrain from voting. After the last presidential election, I’ve realized it’s all a big scam anyways and your vote doesn’t really count if the left get to rig the election. Trump was an outsider and not on the politicians team, which is why they all went after him and is the reason he is the only one that will get my vote. All republicans democrats and independents are there for the same thing. Enrich themselves and screw the citizens, so screw them. The only vote they will get is whether or not I agree with hanging them in the streets when the war finally pops off.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 12:12 PM
Politics in the US has become such an overt "fecal feature" that nobody with integrity, decency, or a modicum of common sense wants to get involved.

I would love to have a man with the decency and integrity of Dr. Ben Carson in the oval office, but I couldn't vote for him. Why? Because I believe that he is a decent human being and I don't think that a decent human being would stand a chance in DC.

The last hope we had for the US was Ron Paul's last run, and he was pissed on by the media and both political parties, as well as the US electorate. As far as I'm concerned, the US electorate is getting what it deserves.

If Trump's "old ways" are really from his heart (and I'm not convinced they are), it's what the US needs. These "new ways" sure as hell ain't working out that great! Tell me what positive they've done for the country or the world.
edit on 2022 3 15 by incoserv because: typos.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: DoubleDNH

Do you honestly think Biden has "the best interest of the country at heart"? His policies say otherwise. I don't think he gives a damn about America.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: DoubleDNH

It's all about policy.

I don't care WHO delivers it, I just want to vote for someone with a policy plan that agrees with me.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 12:32 PM
I know you don’t want to hear it but the only way we save our country and the world is to have politicians that are not politicians. People like trump. Successful people with no political experience or connections. To make all forms of bribery illegal. To take away corporations abilities to donate to politicians and have a strict 2 term limit for any elected office on any level.

Trump is not an insider and he did not play by their rules. Let’s be honest. Washington’s rules suck. I don’t care what someone says or how they say it. I care what they do. We need a government to form a military and negotiate trade.

I don’t believe anything I said will be done. I believe we are in a collision course with war. Surround yourself with people you trust because you and your families life’s depend on it.

Remember that the poll saying the democrats base would run from a war and the republicans would fight.

Elections will not fix our problems. It’s too late.congratulations.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 12:40 PM
Do you believe Trump has the best interest of the Country? What Country? Russia?

a reply to: ColeYounger

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Do you believe Trump has the best interest of the Country? What Country? Russia?

a reply to: ColeYounger

"America First" sure kicked the crap out of what mr biden is doing.

But enjoy your tank war in Europe

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Do you believe Trump has the best interest of the Country? What Country? Russia?

a reply to: ColeYounger

That would be this current administration.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: DoubleDNH

Oregon has a non-affiliated candidate running for governor. She claims that she wants to take the partisanship out of the governor's position and get some stuff done that would make both sides happy. It's nice in theory, but I don't believe it would pan out in practice. We would still have a lot of partisanship in the state legislature to hold things up.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 02:57 PM
Why don’t you temper your obedience with some introspection.

a reply to: MiddleInsite

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: DoubleDNH

Publicly moderate candidates died with John McCain.

The problem with moderates is the problem with swing states. They can't pick a side of the fence to be on. Can't trust what can't pick a side. No stars or flags for moderates either.

You have to look behind the public spectre to find the moderate pasture.

Like upper class tax rate since Reagan. The most contentious of dividing lines.

After Reagan slashed the 70% under Carter to 28% (over an 8 year period) the new American tax structure was born.

Since then it's a relatively stable and moderate rate that gets symbolically raised and lowered for political theater.

Bush Sr. raised Reagan to 31%. Clinton raised Bush Sr. to 39.6%. W. Bush lowered Clinton to 35%. Obama reraised Bush back to 39.6% again. And then Trump lowered Obama to 37%. Biden has yet to change it.

It's there behind the scenes to keep things business as usual.

Even on things like oil.

One side can call it the consequence of reducing domestic production while the other side can blame Russia. In the end it may have more to do with spiking demand following the end of lockdown culture exacerbated by both scapegoats to varying degrees.

Outwardly you have to appeal to extremes to get anywhere. And once you get there you make cosmetic or token changes to appease constituents but not ruin what works... for the most part.
edit on 15-3-2022 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 05:51 AM
My personal opinion of best presidential candidates from every election ever since I could vote:

2008/2012- The best candidate was Ron Paul but was censored by the media.

2016- The best candidate was Bernie Sanders, but he gave up the killshot on Clinton during the debates with the "damn emails" quote.

2020- The best candidate was Tulsi Gabbard. The DNC purposefully tried to smear/bury her with new poll requirements to attend debates and was the only candidate with primary delegates not invited to the DNC.

Hint: The best candidate is usually the one that their own party tries to throw under the bus as a way to pique interest from the untapped voting block. Those disenfranchised with voting get to see their horse in the race for 15 minutes, just to be put down after endorsing the party's anointed candidate.

Fun fact: For the last 30 years, republicans have only won the popular vote once. (2004)

2024 Prediction: The quality of candidates will deteriorate across the board and Republicans will lose the popular vote.

posted on Mar, 16 2022 @ 07:01 PM
This is the culmination of voting for the "lesser of two evils" for decades.

The lesser of two evils is still evil. We just hit the bottom slower.

US citizens as a whole could have put their foot down and said they both suck every election.

Imagine if no one or very little people voted and then the media went about trying to say millions of people voted. If there was fraud it could be more apparent.

Why do we let the government take our children, brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers, to fight in other government's wars to line politicians pockets and keep the spice flowing?

Take a stand against this BS and say no more.

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