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Anne Coulter once again

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posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 09:17 PM

Conservative columnist and author Ann Coulter was greeted with a mixture of standing ovations and heckling after she took center stage Tuesday night at Kansas University's Lied Center.

As soon as she stepped up to the microphone, Coulter fired off one zinger after another about liberalism while promising to answer questions from left-wing members in the audience who could "thrash their way to a coherent thought."

"I've come to find I like liberals a lot more," Coulter said early in her speech. "They're kind of cute when they're cold, shivering and afraid."

Coulter spoke as the 37th J.A. Vickers Sr. Memorial Lecture Series lecturer to a crowd estimated by KU officials at about 1,800 people. The lectures, which began in 1971, were established through a gift to the Kansas University Endowment Association by the Vickers family of Wichita.

Coulter received several standing ovations during her speech, but she also found herself interrupted several times by a small, scattered group of hecklers.

"I think there are some people in the audience who meant to be at the sexual reorientation class down the hall," Coulter said, in response to the heckling.

Moments later Coulter stopped and called for assistance from students when hecklers started in again and no one of authority was seen trying to stop them.

Hecklers of the world unite! This nut knows no boundaries!

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 09:31 PM
You know what the sad thing is? People actually take time out of their busy lives to go listen to this asshole speak. I don't know which is worse Ann Coulter who spews her bull# rethoric every chance she gets, or the people who actually listen to her and go "Hmmm.... She's really smart"?

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 09:52 PM
Anne is one of the funniest and most cogent women alive. One thing liberals seem not to understand is that conservatives can be satirists too. In fact, good satire is always based in truth. Liberal satirists are often not satirists, at all. They're just liars with timing.

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 10:00 PM

Are you ....jealous?

Anne is somewhat annoying...But I like her anyway.

And DG, even though you are..............I like you anyway too

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 10:06 PM
I don't think that woman's for real. She says some of the most outrageous things, it has to be calculated.

"Thirsty? Want some traitorade?" -SNL

Dissent is the mother of invention. I have a moral obligation as a citizen to criticize my government if I feel it is in the wrong.

Ok, enough trite cliches, I'm going to bed.

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 10:13 PM
Dear Spaceshot,

I like you too
Jealous? har har hardy har har....I have meat on my bones and i'm not chased by dogs looking for a bone...

Unlike Anne.

*sniff* I like you .....

[edit on 30-3-2005 by dgtempe]

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 10:29 PM
Ann Coulter personifies everything wrong with political discourse in this country. She doesn't debate, she regurgitates hard-right talking points mixed with cheap namecalling. She calls anyone who dares criticize Bush's policies a "traitor", and calls for the carpet bombing of civilian population centers. She is the most loathesome character in the far-right media's rouge's gallery, with the possible exception of Michael Savage.

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 10:36 PM
The hilarious part is that most conservatives don't even take her seriously. She's like a sexy Micheal Moore.

Is it just me, or does she always seem like she's on the verge of eating someone's brains?

posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 11:42 PM
Can't wait for her to buy the farm so I can go an pee on her grave, maybe they'll plant her next to Falwell and I can get two birds with one stream!

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 12:44 AM
Conservatives like Anne Coulter because she plays the liberals' game using the rhetoric of the right. Anne uses some of the higher forms of humor, while making some very valid political points. She is a political humorist, some say a zany comedienne, and you can't go a day without seeing some liberal comedian on the tube blasting the current administration and conservatism. Anne Coulter shows up very sporadically on television, so I think the humor of the left gets its fair share of air time.

Anne does step over the line from time to time, but her tactic is to walk as close to that line as possible. One example is when she ridiculed the wounds received by Max Cleland in Vietnam. I don't agree with Cleland's politics, but I have been aware of him for years because he used to be a big wig with the Disabled American Veterans back in the eighties. Despite his devastating wounds, Cleland has lived an active life of service that would put many fully-abled persons to shame.

Still, Anne's faux pas with regard to Cleland was really nothing compared to the thread on this board in which liberals trashed the sacrifice of a soldier killed in Iraq, so I would think that Anne's trashing a veteran of any war, regardless of his politics, would make her an icon with the "nothing is worth dying for" left.

posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 11:11 AM
Right, Grady...Now you take a liberal who endulges in HER kind of humor on the press, college campuses, radio, tv and what have you got?

You got a traitor, un-American, anti-American terrorist. Thats what you got.

She has the advantage. I can only hope some loud mouth (and liberals have them) will go on a mission in 2008 and tear up Republicans. Nothing would give me more pleasure.....NOTHING.

How will you feel then?

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe

She has the advantage. I can only hope some loud mouth (and liberals have them) will go on a mission in 2008 and tear up Republicans. Nothing would give me more pleasure.....NOTHING.

How will you feel then?

Uhhhmmm didn't that happen in 2004? What about 2000? What about....I could go on and on.

Ann makes liberals angry because she tells it like it is, without the niceities. Rush Limbaugh is the same way. It doesn't work for liberals because truth is not on their side.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 05:59 PM
Rush? He is the guy who said all blacks were drug monkey's, and that the ACLU is the left hand of satan, and he is currently in court for drug charges, and begged the ACLU to defend him. He sure knows the truth, like cigarettes don't cause cancer.....

Ann shoul be in jail. SHe has threatened to kill millions, and she lied on a federal document. She say her DC DL that says she was born in 63 is right. Her other DL from Conn., her birth certificate, and her parents say she was born in 61. So she lied on her DC DL, which is a federal crime. Any average Joe Schmoe would be in jail......... Also, now with the Patriot Act, she would be sitting in Gitmo Bay with no lawyer forever.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Rush? He is the guy who said all blacks were drug monkey's, and that the ACLU is the left hand of satan, and he is currently in court for drug charges, and begged the ACLU to defend him. He sure knows the truth, like cigarettes don't cause cancer.....

Ann shoul be in jail. SHe has threatened to kill millions, and she lied on a federal document. She say her DC DL that says she was born in 63 is right. Her other DL from Conn., her birth certificate, and her parents say she was born in 61. So she lied on her DC DL, which is a federal crime. Any average Joe Schmoe would be in jail......... Also, now with the Patriot Act, she would be sitting in Gitmo Bay with no lawyer forever.

Just because you just read Stuart Smalleys book "Lying liar telling lies liar liar" doesn't mean you have to lie.

Please provide the Rush link about blacks being drug monkies. (I've only listened to him for 13 years, and I've never heard that.)

ACLU, left hand of that's true.

Rush seeking out ACLU...that's a lie. ACLU stuck their nose into it on their own.

Once again US citizens do not go to Gitmo.

Keep up the hate though, as it keeps getting Republicans elected!

[edit on 8-5-2005 by Carseller4]

[edit on 8-5-2005 by Carseller4]

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 06:47 PM
From me on a different thread.

but would like to see some kind of link to backup what you say.

I have yet to see you post anything that is easily verifiable.

Please feel free to post some evidence to back up what you claim, I'm having difficulty finding anything about what you are talking about.

What federal law did she break, What year did this event supposedly happen? It sounds to me like you just made this story up.

and she lied on a federal document.

I don't think a drivers license application was a Federal Document back then, I'm not sure about now. I think voter registration is a State issue as well so I don't think its a federal charge either.

If it is please provide the U.S. Code that was in place at the time of the infraction so I can be corrected.

[edit on 8/5/05 by Skibum]

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 08:04 PM
WHO THE HELL IS STUART SMALLEY! I asked this before and you just seemed to stop being able to read or something.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
WHO THE HELL IS STUART SMALLEY! I asked this before and you just seemed to stop being able to read or something.

It's Al Franken.

posted on May, 10 2005 @ 01:59 AM
I'm not very fond of Al Franken the liberal, but one of my favorite films of all
time is Stuart Saves His Family, truly one of the most under-rated films of all time.

posted on May, 10 2005 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Hecklers of the world unite! This nut knows no boundaries!

Reporting for duty, ma'am!

originally posted by Carseller:
Ann makes liberals angry because she tells it like it is, without the niceities.

Ann Coulter is so ridiculous that she shouldn't make anyone angry.
I mean, how can anyone take her seriously?

I will say this for her, she has provided many a ATS member with hours of hilarity w/her idiotic statements.

The stupid thing is, if she was a guy, s/he'd never be able to say the things s/he sez. ONly a bony-a$$ed blonde could get away w/that.

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 01:38 AM
ECK, seen that adams apple? I thought AC was a guy. You know, like those republicans who go on tv saying kill all gays but then go home and have sex with their gay lover.....

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