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All people are colorful - there are no WHITE or BLACK people

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posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 12:44 PM
Let me just explain COLORS, and how wrong they are used when referring to people.

Let's start about human basics. A human being, what is it? Is it just some biological mass, or could there be something more to it? Is it just a flesh cover pigmentation or could there be a plethora of layers associated with it?

People on this planet seem to treat human beings as some kind of bipedal biological shapes with some kind of identity-tied flesh cover, and that's it.

In other words, people here seem to identify with all kinds of falsehoods and temporary illusions, and topics like this illustrate it better than I ever wanted.

Why would someone consider anyone to be 'black' or 'white'? Why would anyone identify with nationality of a country, that's just a contract between governments, and not really an actual place (though people think so, in legalese, countries are defined differently than people usually think). I mean, we could write 100 posts about the topic 'what is a country' and see that it's really a legal construction based on contracts and agreements - in one hand, it only exists on paper, and THAT is the definition that's used in all kinds of businesses, contracts, imports, exports and so on.

However, people seem to think a country is some kind of geological slice of the planet Terra. Just because some people drew lines on a map, doesn't make it real. There might be concentrations of people on certain lands, but that doesn't mean a border is real. It's only real on paper, and because people 'enforce' that illusory line on paper. Often a border is just a straight line on a map, nothing more. You go to the actual place, and there's no black ink line on the ground.

A country is also some kind of 'ideal' in people's minds - 'fight for your country' doesn't necessary always refer to the exact sand and rocks, that exist almost everywhere on this planet - why would one pile of sand and rocks be more important and 'worth fighting for' (against whom, by the way?) than another, unless there's some patriotic, brainwashing-based, selfish ideal about 'we are better than you'.

What are 'races', by the way? I mean, people talk about Asians or Chinese, or even Mexicans as 'race'. But are they a race, or are they a nationality?

What happens, if someone is born in China or Japan, but are biologically caucasian? Japanese people usually base their judgments of people on looks, from the youtube videos I have seen. They were shown this famous video where a waiter is discriminating against white people although they speak perfect japanese, and the waiter thinks they're speaking english, just because of how they look. The waiter talks japanese to an asian-looking individual that doesn't speak japanese. The japanese people viewing this video didn't usually quite understand the point, and even those that got it, said things like 'these foreigners speak such good japanese'.

The main point is, the caucasian-looking people have been born and living in Japan all their lives. Yet, the japanese people couldn't wrap their head around a 'caucasian-looking human being japanese'. To them, only japanese-looking people are japanese, apparently. It was a really sad and shocking video to see, you'd think people in these modern times would have deeper understanding of humanity.

In any case, was Bruce Lee a chinese? Was he an american? He was born in USA, but he looked like chinese people, and he lived in Hong Kong for a long time.

What creates a nationality, and is 'chinese' a race or is it a nationality? Is a caucasian born in China less chinese than someone with chinese biological heritage born in america, or more? Or the same?

In any case, when we look at human beings, most people on this crazy planet seem to be the same as the japanese in the story in this post. They only care about what someone looks like, despite all the history of racism, despite all the elevated speeches about equality and humanity and skin color doesn't matter and blahblah. People still treat each other differently based entirely on looks, the 'bum with Lamborghini'-prank videos in youtube prove this. The same, exact human walks to a restaurant dressed like a bum, and is shooed away, and later arrives in a Lamborghini, dressed in expensive clothes, and is basically bowed to and treated with much more dignity.

What people need to start seeing, before it's too late, is that a HUMAN BEING has nothing to do with physical body. The same human being can be dressed in a 'poor' way or a 'rich' way, it doesn't change who they are. The same human being can exist in a caucasian, asian, so-called 'black' or 'white' body, and that same human being can exist WITHOUT A PHYSICAL BODY (in which case, people have already an insulting term, 'ghost').

It's the same human being, but people treat them differently based on what they have surrounded themselves with. That's like judging people to be evil just because they drive a certain-shaped or -colored car (and of course anyone driving a POLLUTING car, regardless of its color and shape, IS evil, but that's besides the point).

A human being is an energy concentration. A pile of light, if you will. A soul, a self, a pulsating mass of colors, energies and all kind of esoteric stuff that's hard to explain with words. It doesn't matter if they exist in a physical body or not, it doesn't matter what that physical body is like, it's the same human being.

Now, this same human being can incarnate to a plethora of all kinds of bodies during the course of eternity, so shouldn't the humen being be judged FIRST as the soul, and only as the very last thing, the physical body (which is always temporary anyway)?

There's the soul, then there are lots of other bodies, like causal, mental, etc.. but for this post, it's sufficient to simplify and only talk about soul, astral body, etheric body and physical body. We exist in all of these simultaneously, except when we don't have the physical body surrounding us.

A soul is a colorful entity, and the clothes of the soul change according to the soul's mood and feeling, thoughts and so on. When this soul is packed into a physical body, it loses access to a lot of its original glory and becomes a much lower being (temporarily), and also loses access to most of the memories.

The etheric body is like a framework, or you can think of it as clothes, if physical body is the car. The etheric body acts like a mediator between the physical body and higher bodies, like the astral body, and of course, the soul. Chakras, acupoints and meridians are like bolts that keep the soul in the physical body, so it can function and live in the physical world smoothly.

There is a thing called 'silver cord' that keeps all this connected to the physical side - when this cord gets loose or is cut, that means the end of an incarnation, the soul can't stay in the physical body without it. It's like a conduit between the soul and all the other bodies, if you will, but mainly connects you to the physical side. The umblical cord is like the physical equivalent of this, although much cruder.

edit on Wed Jan 19 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

So when we know that not only the soul has a lot of colors in it, but also the etheric body with all its major chakras and tiny acupoints constantly pulsate with color and energy, we can realize that we are really light-beings that are very colorful indeed!

It's just that our color variations change, and sometimes become muddy or dim, sometimes bright and clear. It depends on our spiritual level, our mood, circumstances, emotions, feelings, and so on (emotions are not the same as feeling, by the way).

Just a sidenote about feeling; it belongs to the higher 'feel' system that the soul has - without soul, there is no feel. Emotions are one thing, but the spiritual feel stays with us always, because it's part of what kind of beings we are, we can feel all kinds of things from spiritual inspiration and elevated insight to so-called 'touch'. It's never a physical feeling, no matter how much people want to claim it to be so. When the soul leaves the body, the same, exact biological body does not feel anything, no matter what. So it was never the body that felt in the first place, it was alwasy a higher feel. That's why 'feeling' or 'touch' should never be included when people talk about 'physical senses' (not that 'seeing' is a physical sense, either, because it usually involves at least a little bit of interpretation, even if it's sub-conscious).

So, when people make these weird, quick judgements based on a temporary illusion, like physical body, to me, that is madness.

People are not 'black' or 'white'. Even if you wanted to condense someone to be JUST their physical body (a greater injustice can't be done without going to the realm of damaging someone(s)), has anyone here really EVER seen a purely white or black human body? In ancient Asia, people used to color women's faces with some kind of white powder, but that's not a natural color.

When you look at pure, white paper or fresh, clean snow, do you think to yourself: "Ah, that's the exact color of my face"? You probably don't.

The skin color people erroneously call 'white', is actually more like pink, orange or something like that. I have never seen white skin color without it being dyed or something.

The same goes for 'black' - there's no black skin, is there? And even if there were, surely there would be exceptions, like palms, eyes, teeth and so on. In any case, what people erroneously call 'black', is usually some kind of shade of brown skin.

So even if people want to keep talking about people as if the flesh cover called 'skin' is the only thing that matters, at least they should call it 'pink' and 'brown'. It would still be wrong, but at least the colors would more closely match the actual skin color.

So the soul, astral body and etheric body are multi-colored light, and the physical bodies are never white or black, so could you all, people that live on this weird planet, STOP CALLING PEOPLE WHITE AND BLACK ALREADY?!

There ARE NO white or black people!

I think I have proven my point.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't colors just an effect of refracting Light ?

But on another note , nice write up an interesting deep dive interpretation into color.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

The NAACP is going to want to have some words with you...

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:02 PM
Hear my name calling? J/k

All people colors are beautiful, no matter what. All inside are red bloods, we are one

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

We all bleed red.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:31 PM
Most people are various shades of yellows browns and pinks but even it it were totally black and white how stupid are we?

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:39 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Approaching this topic as a discussion of language and not economics... It's just simpler for society to categorize their neighbors according to cultural associations, which is reduced to simplistic terminology because (as you explained) the typical person is an encyclopedia of elements that comprise their identity. But who has the time? Reduce, reduce, reduce. Is it smart? Not always. Is it efficient and useful? Yes.

edit on 19-1-2022 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

I also believe people of color are perfectly capable of obtaining a photo ID.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: butcherguy

I also believe people of color are perfectly capable of obtaining a photo ID.


No one is devoid of color.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

People who are not racist towards Canadians spell it colourful.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 02:17 PM
Especially when there FREE.a reply to: Bluntone22

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 03:19 PM
I don't care about skin colour, I care about behaviour.

That said, we are all different. We have different colurs and hair and eyes.
I want people to be different. I find differences inspiring.
I also think that you don't have find everbody equally appealing just so that nobody is sad.
Some like it dark, others light. A lid for every pod.

That doesn't mean one is better or worse than the other.

Beauty, admiration, likes, dislikes are all in the eye of the beholder.

Thankfully so, imagine a world where we are all the same colour, looks etc. It sounds like hell.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

But who has the time? Reduce, reduce, reduce. Is it smart? Not always. Is it efficient and useful? Yes.

Maybe once but in todays world not really.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 04:50 PM
I’ve told people who have suspected that I am racist because of some of my views but I am in fact “culturalist”. There are cultures that I do not care for or can relate to, no matter who happens to be a member. It seems to be that those in certain cultures will determine who gets to participate in a culture by looking at the color or racial physical looks of the person. Many in the black culture of US can’t handle a black man with an English accent. Nor do they include Sudanese lost boys into their culture in the US.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina There are more than enough reasons to like or dislike a person without bringing color into the equation. Attitude, cleanliness, actions, deeds, associations, personality, spirituality, and morals transcend color. Apart from a few exceptions, the current racial disharmony is a manufactured tool to drive conflict and divisiveness. Follow the money. Follow the power. A combination of ignorance and selfishness are fueling the narrative. it's only natural if one tells someone they're a victim enough times that they'll see shadows on every wall and curtain.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 05:56 PM
I think man has been tribal, from the get go..a survival mechanism? I dunno, there should of been enough to go around. But, as a tribe gets bigger, it may outgrow its resources. Then a tribe expands, and you get conflict. I need to give this more thought.
edit on 19-1-2022 by vonclod because: (no reason given)


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