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I cannot believe MY cognitive dissonance!

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posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

This data is pretty pure, it's pretty obvious the governments are into a big something.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 03:52 AM
Thanks for the respectful replies.

I did not offer many of you the same respect over the last few months. But that will change!

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: and14263
Mass formation psychosis is too strong a phrase to use - Or is it?

Back when the injections came out in the UK I was not going to have them. Alas, I travel internationally for work and it was impossible to carry out my job without being jabbed. The option of leaving the job isn’t, at this moment, plausible – I have two mortgages, two kids, it pays well, it’s flexible to allow second incomes form other flows.

I came to terms with the fact I needed the jabs to work. Then the strangest thing happened. Sub consciously I began surrounding myself with pro vaccine information, pro vaccine friends. For the first time in my life I started to rely on data from profit driven businesses, communicated through funded media outlets and voiced out by our government.

This was, without doubt, a defense mechanism, a sub conscious reaction, a complete change in the way I viewed the world around me. I stopped questioning and only looked for comfort. Throughout this I noticed a feeling of unease, discordance within myself, but never strong enough to make me question twice, like I did at the start.

I just didn’t have that option open to me.

Jab number 1 takes place, leaving aside the shambles of the entire set up, I get chest pains a week later. Now, remember I’ve surrounded myself with pro-jabbers, so any mention of the chest pains and “they’re in your head”, “it’s muscular”, “purely psychological”, “side effects are too rare for it to happen”. So I carry on regardless.

Jab number 2. Same again. But the pains get more frequent. Maybe pain is too strong a word, it’s an ache. So I read up on side effects again, and this time there are many more reports of effects in people my age… still, according to Google, rare. (Note here that for the first time in the last 5 years I resorted to Google, not something I ever relied upon).

I end up at the doctors for blood tests and ECG examinations. The results of which are fine – however I’m sitting here still with the feeling in my chest/heart.

It dawns on me that for the last 6 months I’ve been experiencing massive cognitive dissonance as a result of the defense mechanism and I need snap out of it QUICKLY.

Then it all starts making sense. The links between Pfizer, Reuters, BBC, Google. The simple tricks (I’ve written about on here) the media are suing to “bend” the meaning of various statistics. Laura Dosworth’s book A State of Fear – solid evidence of the Government actively deciding to use elevated levels of fear and propaganda against the British public.

I was had, absolutely hook, line and sinker.

Now, I try and discuss this with pro-jabbing friends – they want NOTHING to do with it. You know, I’ve got colleagues in India who are telling me they are taking Ivermectin as we speak, and my friends still did not believe. But I can’t hold it against them because I too had my reasons for being tricked, conned, controlled.

Then I speak to my real friends, my friends of decades, turns out we all pretty much went through the same thing in one way or another.

Here I am then. Double jabbed, really p****d off that, through a defense mechanism, I didn’t research:

Lipid nanoparticles
Spike proteins
Adverse reactions
Relationships between pharma, media and government
REAL statistics

I take full blame for doing this ridiculous thing, I don’t blame the defense mechanism. I blame myself and my situation. Thinking back, if I had a run of the mill job I’d have quit and not bothered with the jabs.

There’s no chance I’ll be having a booster.
Sorry for turning into someone who blindly believed the official stories pushed onto us by authorities. I’m sorry to myself more than anything.
The scariest thing about all this crap? If you’d have asked me 5 months back would I vaccinate my kids…. I think I might have actually said yes!!!!!!!!!!

Very big lesson learned from all of this, I am susceptible to the easy way out, susceptible to the very things I have written deeply about on here, susceptible to the drug that has overtaken a planet.

Very impressed by your ability to break free of the chains. Do not be too hard on yourself - they spent countless amounts of time and money to get people in your position to do exactly what you did.

I hope your medical issue improves.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: and14263

Great story, a flag and a star for you.

I will bet that the D-Dimer test was NOT included in your blood tests.

All the best to you. Not many are able to admit how dissonant their cognitive abilities were.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 07:16 AM

originally posted by: and14263
Thanks for the respectful replies.

I did not offer many of you the same respect over the last few months. But that will change!

I'm in a difficult position. I chose to get my first two shots, but I don't and never did see the huge deal in it. It's become a much more charged deal since the full-court press to force people to get the shot has been applied. I firmly believe that this should always be a personal choice by an individual and not a government level blanket decision.

I draw flack from one group just because I have the first two shots, and many are firmly convinced I will die from them and they tell me so. I draw hatred from the other group because I talk like someone who never has had the shots and don't believe it's ever a good idea to force people to get something they clearly don't want and that may not be good for them in some cases.

I exist in a No Man's Land.

So honestly, if you took shots at me, you were far from the only one who did.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

I admire your position. I have several friends and family in the same situation. You show grace with your comments.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: and14263

If we're indeed in a fight for our future, our kids, and our own bodily autonomy, your voice is going to be especially crucial.

I admire your integrity.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: and14263

I hear you, and I am very much in the same boat, after writing legions of threads against the vaccinations; I myself was forced into it or lose my position at work, since it took me 30 years to achieve the perfect job for myself, I made a choice based on new information from a source I really trusted. I also had somebody that really wanted my job at the exact critical moment everybody started to refuse to deal with unvaccinated people, he is boosted now, but that was last year.
After that I never visited ATS for almost month which is very rare for me.
Once you have been vaccinated you don't want to hear it anymore, it's depressing, so your post has the ring of truth.

However I have now drawn a line in the sand as I am sure many also have, I will not take the third booster shot no matter what. Consequences be dammed. My hope is there is enough people falling into this category that it makes it totally untenable for them to mandate the third shot.

This is big pharma milking the system and governments for all it's worth for something that isn't even working all that well, and the MSM is 100% complicit in all this.

My final thoughts to this, "Just say no" to booster shots. At some point we must let our species natural immunity fight this off as one of the over 200 variations of colds and influenzas that afflict us during are entire lives.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: and14263

Thanks for the respectful replies.

I did not offer many of you the same respect over the last few months. But that will change!

I will welcome that change.

I know the narrative says that the "evil conservatives" are just here to argue, but the truth is, most of the time anyway, that we simply disagree with the agenda du jour and want our view point to be addressed in a frank, honest, and open discussion. I have been guilty of becoming disrespectful on occasion as well, mainly when an agenda which has potential to harm me or those I care about is presented and I feel my view point is ignored.

Here's to honest, open, and sincere discussion.


posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: and14263

It's always a good idea to calm yourself before making big decisions, especially if there are unknown factors, and any part of it requires any level of 'governmental trust'. If the government is involved, just take a deep breath, meditate, and wait. Relax.

If someone makes decisions based on panic, fear or such knee-jerk reactions, they are probably making a bad decision, unless it's some kind of 'jump to the side to avoid being hit by a truck' (but even if you ARE hit by a truck, it's not the end of the world, just the end of a probably crummy incarnation, so it's a win-win anyway).

I have never believed the whole CCP virus-panic, I always laughed about it, but as the weird governmental overreaches became ludicrous, I started to fear a bit as to what they were gonna do to people to limit their lives and such. When they started announcing 'masks are mandatory' in buses and such, I didn't know what to think - this didn't seem lawful AT ALL, and everyone started wearing those damn unhealthy things (and wearing them ineffectively most of the time anyway, so why even wear them).

However, then I researched a bit more, and dug up my dusty knowledge about how 'legal system' and 'law' are completely different things, and realized it's just clever rhetoric. 'Masks are mandatory' doesn't even tell that you have to wear them on your face; they just RELY upon people's fear and imaginations completing the picture, and obeying the mere IMPLICATION.

'Mandatory masks' (not that it can be lawful without consent) could simply mean you have to carry a mask in your pocket. It also creates NO obligation for me to do anything, how could it? It's just a voice on a speaker, it's just airwaves hitting my ears. How can THAT create any kind of obligation?

Most people don't research where obligation comes from, what CAN and what CAN'T create an obligation, how 'power over others' works and how it doesn't work, they just hear 'you have to', and obey without thinking.

THAT is more scary than I ever though it could be - not only are most people cellphone zombies, that have lost their humanity, but they are also obedient, non-thinking, non-researching slave-minds that can be easily manipulated into anything, even letting people inject lethal substances into their bodies. I never -REALLY- realized just HOW deeply and how many people are like this, but this whole mess has definitely opened my eyes even more (they were never exactly closed to begin with).

In any case, at some point, I took a mental stance; I don't have to do anything, and until someone PROVES to me I have an obligation to obey them, I am not GOING to do anything extra beyond my normal life. I have not worn a mask unless I have been in a 'national health service'-type of situation, where they push it so hard that it would just create unnecessary hassle and conflict, and since it's just a quick, temporary thing anyway (usually less than an hour), I have yielded just for pragmatic purposes to wear that crap for that small amount of time.

Besides that kind of a thing, I have not worn a mask in buses, grocery stores, outside, or inside any building I have visited besides the NHS stuff, for most of the two-ish years now.

No one has ever said anything to me about it so far, even when I expect to be told something about it.

In my viewpoint, this tells me a very important thing; no one has ACTUAL AUTHORITY to tell me to wear a mask, and I have NO OBLIGATION to wear one.

Now we suddenly have 'mandated vaccinations', which would clearly go against human rights - we have the right to choose anything about our own body, we have right to self-determination, right to privacy, and so on. We have plenty of rights, and someone forcibly jabbing us would violate human rights as much as someone stabbing you with a knife would. The consequences seem pretty much the same, too.

So here I have been waiting for someone to start making a 'federal case' out of something like this, and trying to force me to anything, but so far, nothing like that has happened. I have been observing the situation (though not much) and just waiting, going about my life, and .. the need for any kind of 'jab' hasn't happened.

It's a lot like a so-called 'smartphone'. I have been waiting for a situation where I am almost forced to get one, or a situation where I think it's going to be so handy and useful that I just have to get one. Hasn't happened yet.

I can do everything I need without a gadget like that. I have cell phone for phone calls, but it's 'robust' instead of 'smart'. It can call and text, it shows time and has alarm clock, and a couple of primitive games, and that's it. It doesn't understand internet or wifi, it can't connect to any other device, it can't upload or download data of any kind (besides maybe a primitive picture from some service), etc.

I guess my lifestyle is different from a lot of these half-animals on this planet; when I am inside, I have plenty of computers to do things with and immerse myself with electronic heaven of sorts if I want to.

When i am outside, however, I rather ACTUALLY BE outside, and experience everything the outside has to offer. I want to walk in the nature and think about my life while admiring the trees, for example. I want to look out of the window of a bus instead of staring at some tiny screen all the time. I want to be disturbed by people's too loud noises in the grocery store and I want to experience the boredom while I am waiting for an appointment.

I am perfecting the art of 'just staring at a wall', and it can actually be a deep experience if you can step out of the distracted rectangle-worshipping overstimulation for awhile that messes with your mind and conditions you like a Pavlov's dog.

True satisfaction is in experiencing the world fully, not in trying to escape from it.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: and14263
Same here , catched covid-19 in 2020 and got one vaccine trying to bribe off the injector and got embarrassed as I needed that passport because I wanted to go to a restaurant with my girlfriend that closed after I took the vaccine.

I've got weird rhythmic disturbances but you know what I don't care if it happens, I'm not afraid for whatever consequences it will take and enjoy the ride when it happens if it happens.

I will not comply with the second and there's one booster I will take that's a double booster shot of whiskey when it all comes down if I survive the day to see it

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 01:32 PM
i think that once everybody does actually wake up ,we should all get together and round up everyone that played into this especially the elites and i mean whoever is knowingly pushing the jab or booster such as the gov, the media,the medical admin,etc etc and first off give them the full jab and double it so they r safe from staying alive and then collect all the funding from all mentioned and pay back the country for what they have put us all can still b a reset like they were trying to sell to us only this reset will b the right and much needed one to remove all the corruption around this planet .it is really pretty simple to do all for the good of our humanity but unless we stand together to do this they will never stop torturing us with their BS...venting complete!!!!!

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: and14263

for snapping out of it, ...

I don't think you really "snap out of it", as much as you "regain consciousness" after getting run over by the bus!

Some people were just fortunate enough to see others get run over by the bus before they stepped off the curb themselves.

edit on 1/19/2022 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: and14263
Thanks for the respectful replies.

I did not offer many of you the same respect over the last few months. But that will change!

No one is here to beat anyone up that is trying to learn, even if they disagree.

The problem is the blatant trolls and shills that infest the threads who have no agenda but to derail and mislead while ignoring anything anyone says.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: and14263

I've never fallen for it.

I had to take the jab, so I took the Johnson and Johnson one and done jab. I liked that it was a normal viral vector vaccine, not the mRNA crap.

I don't like that this is the first vaccine for humans to use the mRNA technique. More so, I didn't like the frequency of people dropping from it due to heart issues. NO THANKS!!

But I've never been able to understand what the pro vax people have against the unvaxed. I mean we shouldn't fear anyone, if the vaccine works, right?

Eh, I got no time for fear like that. I took the jab, went about my life the same as I did before.

However, as a personal stance, I will not support any company or entity that requires vaccine to participate.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 06:00 PM
Impressive display of personal sentience and an indomitable spirit.

Admitting one's shortcomings are a step towards diminishing them.

Congratulations ...and I sincerely hope you are not physically damaged by your trust in our institutions and the good will of certain informed professionals.

I'd add that so far, my own deep distrust in many institutions and professionals has been given no reason to lessen. I eagerly await the day when that may change.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: and14263
Ivermectin doesn't work at the usual therapeutic dosages (you'll need a massive overdose for it to do anything, which is not feasible because of the side effects and toxicity at those dosages; no one endorsing ivermectin for Covid-19 actually suggests or prescribes such massive overdosages, yet they all refer to the same in vitro study that claimed efficacy, but already showed that they used unrealistic concentrations of ivermectin that can only be achieved by massive overdosing in vivo, i.e. in human patients; something they intentionally didn't point out in the paper, even though they were fully aware of it).

HCQ does work in normal therapeutic dosages, and when used short term (during the period you have Covid-19), there are no issues with things such as retinopathy (eye damage, which is only an issue for long term usage). The side effects for short term usage at normal therapeutic dosages, are negligible.

Then again, you probably can't get HCQ anyway. For the very reason that it works way too well and would mitigate the need for vaccines (including flu vaccines) and other treatments (including expensive IC treatment with intubation, which damages the lungs, or even just a regular stay in the hospital).

Keeping schools closed works great in mitigating the spread of Covid-19, since children are the least likely to be tested or notice that they have Covid-19, thus the most likely to spread the virus further unawares (not to mention that they still live with their parents, most people with kids are the most likely to contract Covid-19 from their kids when schools are open). And only popular kids who make fun of other kids, or even bully them, actually like to go to school. Apparently, those are the only ones they interview in the news media. Online teaching works fine. So if you must open up certain public places, do the schools last, not first.

Social distancing works better at 10 feet than at 6 feet. When outside, think about where the wind is blowing or what path you are walking in comparison with those around you, the virus will linger (just think about the steam that comes out of your mouth or nose on a cold day and where that is going). If it's not too cold outside, open doors and windows in public places, rather than relying on some expensive air filtration system such as at temporary vaccination sites, wait outside for the 15 minute waiting period (waiting for side effects of the vaccine), again if it's not too cold to make that feasible (one could put up a party tent in case it's raining, for that matter, vaccinations can be adminstered outside as well, or at least having the patients outside, preferrably driving through; get better PPE for those administering the vaccines, they have a higher chance of either already having Covid-19 or contracting it at these places, especially when wearing crappy PPE, just like the situation in hospitals and ER's, avoid these places if feasible; which it is if you make HCQ and antibiotics available over the counter and for ordering online). When waiting for a food order at a take-out restaurant for example, wait outside (if it's not too cold for ye).

Better masks are better than crappy masks or no masks. But stay at home if it's feasible. Order in groceries. Get annoyed with the constant raising of delivery costs during the pandemic. Ignore politicians, lobbyists, scientists on TV and demonstration organizers for demonstrations against Covid measures and their favorite talking points (as they talk less and less about the effectiveness of HCQ, and the need to make this drug, along with antibiotics, available over the counter, so one no longer needs to depend on either incompetent or heavily manipulated physicians, pharmacists and medical workers and researchers, who either won't prescribe it, or can't because of regulations and hospital protocols designed for maximizing profits for the hospitals, the manipulation of obedient career junkies who don't want to go against the grain and not the welfare of the patients; or can't because of manufactured shortages by means of HCQ manufacturers donating their stockpiles to the federal authorities, where they will sit in a warehouse or at a hospital without being used under the right conditions, starting with outpatients). They are of no help here.

Proper PPE:

Not proper PPE:

Laughable PPE that defines the expression "false sense of security":

How to do it right:

Real frontline reports: Help with Corona/Covid-19 treatment: Hydroxychloroquine+Zinc(+Copper 10:1 ratio)+Azithromycin+vitC+D3 (playlist)
edit on 19-1-2022 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 07:12 PM
I am going to try and be as respectful and normal as possible in this thread. I expect the replies to be the same

Ok so the first thing I say is that you believe you were "duped" with a global mind control. Do you think that the people who are against the vaccine are in the same boat but on the other side of the thought process?? serious question

I glazed over most of the replies a lot of the same content so lets go over some points, I was going to say facts but that might make some peoples heads explode

The Vaccine was developed quickly not doubt, the reason why, because everyone dropped what they were doing to develop it to help society get back to "normal"

mRNA vaccines have been in development for a long time, there is no denying that see Dr Malone
as For Dr Malone. there is no denying he played a big part in developing the technique used, please don't say he invented them, he didn't, but he also said he is for vaccines and I believe he has taken the covid vaccine, will need to double check that though

As for his fight against the vaccine, ask yourself 1 question as to his motivation for coming out and questioning it. If he was paid a percentage of what the drug companies had made do you think he would say anything....NO, the only reason he is coming out and questioning it because he isn't getting what he feels is his fair share of the money being made.

Now onto the big pharma companies, I see a lot things on here about the big pharma conspiracies. BUT what you all seem to over look is why aren't you angry at big pharma themselves for not making the vaccine free or cost covering or the patent given to governments so they can produce it themselves. Be angry at Trump, be angry at Macron, Be angry at Johnson. Be angry at Biden, These guys should have been standing up and saying NO we will not pay for this you have made billions from us in the past it's time to give back.....I know there is a lot of anti big pharma sentiment on here but nothing specific as to that and if you are so against big pharma why in the hell are you not putting pressure not just Dems but Republicans who flaunt this in your face, every single day

Vaccines and other measures

I go off of 1 thing and 1 thing only, Vaccines work and have done so all through out history. If you think you are the first people to disagree with vaccines, you aren't and in time again you will see that you are wrong. I agree they jumped the gun in saying vaccines would be the saviour, because they thought it would. what they didn't take into account were super variants like Omicron. which is a completely break through variant, the vaccine does not stop it. what it does stop is the effects of it being so serious. I know you are going to point to the new numbers coming through about majority of people dying now are vaccinated......well that's because in most 1st world nations, the majority of people ARE vaccinated. What you aren't taking into account is the reduced numbers in ICU and dying in countries with high vaccination rates. I wouldn't put the US in that category, 65% is not a high double vaxx rate

As for masks and other measures. Masks work in reducing the spread, they aren't a miracle cure, they will help reduce the spread, things like Masks, isolation, social distancing and good hygiene practices will slow the spread. The problem is with those measures EVERYBODY has to be on board for them to work if only 50% of the population does it's only going to help 50% of the time.

As for Mandates, I think a lot of people don't understand mandates. mandates are actually there to protect your rights. Mandates are a temporary measure so that laws don't needs to be passed. What would you prefer. a Mandate or a Law. Yes I get that you think that it's over reach but don't you think a permanent law would be way more of an over reach, say like a law that allowed the government to watch and listen and collect all your data.....ohhh wait

So what I see is a lot of people trying to do the right thing and a lot of people who aren't using any logic at all to cognitively digest all of, not only information but history in general. You say the side of do the right thing are brainwashed yet you will listen to only one side yourself. I see a lot of people going from A to Z without taking the rest of letters into account. Like the original poster did. He went from I did the right thing and now they say it doesn't work so everyone is brain washed?? like what?? and he talks about think cognitively lol that is the furthest thing from being cognitive as possible

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: TheRealJoeBiden

What I don't think you understand is that people here have done their homework. None of what you've said here is new to me, and I've already refuted it ad nauseum on here and elsewhere.
(PS yes Malone is vaccinated; doesn't change my mind. Nor does Trump, AOC, Kim Kardashian, Lebron James, etc influence my personal health regimen)
Pharma and doctors and pharmacists have been pushing drugs for ages. This is nothing new. Just take a look at the opioid crisis and the Sackler's role in it for more info. People who have studied history know not to trust the industry geared toward making money off unhealthy people to heal everyone.
Majority of people in the icu are also significantly older than I and have health issues I have yet to face. So my chances of being hospitalized are also lowered by my health status.
My kids are exponentially less likely and I'd be much better off focusing on other, greater risks, facing young people.
If you want the double vaxx and an endless stream of boost, be my guest. No one is facing a mandate NOT to get the shot, are they?
Your mandate or law argument is a false dilemma fallacy and doesn't really need addressing.

Welcome to the site!

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck

We have Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and a couple others. All of them have a single CEO. All of those CEOs want to make as much money as possible to bring in those massive bonuses. So you're saying that a handful of people all interested in selling as much product as possible as quickly as possible couldn't possibly join together to sell as much of their common product as quickly as possible?

That is not what I said, so re-read my post. Right now 43 companies around the world are working with mRNA in one fashion or another dealing with vaccines, there are 100 more that can with 55 in India alone. This means there are 10,000s of people working with mRNA trying to make good drugs outside of the whole blue suit money people side of it all, so are they all bad?

In your post above you are suggesting profit means bad drugs and I'm saying they would make the best drugs possible because it would mean more profit. A vaccine that doesn't work is not long term profit, you agree? 10,000 of people are not in their profession just to make ineffective drugs hoping to get some kind of profit run on them.

I think maybe you are the one

Those videos are scrubbed continuously from every social media outlet, and if one does make it through, it is demonetized. A doctor who even advises against the vaccines is threatened with their AMA license to practice medicine. Even people who post videos on subjects that are not opposed by the social media giants can't make any more than a pittance now. How exactly are these people making anything by getting their social media accounts banned and their licenses revoked?

Yet again it is same talking points from those videos said on the net and here over and over to ad nauseam, so they get the hits and people believe them no matter what. A good while ago I did some research on some of these people and their credentials didn't plan out to say the least. There are some good pod casters that dislike big pharma, but still give good info such as Dr. ZdoggMD, here is a sample..

That is the single most absurd argument I have heard to date, and let me tell you, i have heard some real doozies on here! The unlikely likelihood that some guy is making $10 off a video is more incentive than a group of pharmaceutical CEOs making literally billions from pushing a product whether it works or not, and then more by making it a regular consumable instead of a one-time purchase?

I take it back... even 'shine can't lead to that kind of delusion!


They are not pushing their crap on BitChute as a public service....

You want again to mix evil profit possibilities to suggest bad drugs too, and I'm saying there are 10,000s of people working their whole lives to develop good drugs as much as they can. I'm not a fan of Big Pharma BTW, but I can separate them and a really crappy Goverment that just want control from whether a drug works or not.

edit on 19-1-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

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