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Have You Noticed More People Experiencing Brain Fog Recently ?

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posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 08:43 AM

originally posted by: nicevillegrl

The blood clots and heart issues also, I suspect. I dont really understand how people can fear the vax but deny the existance of the virus. What am I missing

For some of us, it’s not about denying the existence of the virus... Instead, many like myself who are healthy, low-middle aged, with no comorbidities, don’t want to take a virtually unknown vaccination for an illness that has a better than 99% survival rate for us. AND... not everyone who gets the actual virus will experience the cytokine storm from spike protein proliferation either.

For example, I had CV in January and didn’t know it at the time. I only found out later after an antibody test. I had no effects at all. Which brings me to a second reason some of us don’t want it... If we’ve had the virus, the CDC says that the chances of getting it again are less than 1%.

But regardless, I do have a minor autoimmune condition I’ve had all my life and I previously got a mild case of Guillian-Barre after a flu shot. Since both those things increase the chance of issues from this vaccine due to high-level spike protein introduction, for me - even if I had not already had the virus - the risk of complications from the shot are higher than my risk of complications from CV itself . This was confirmed by my GP who flat-out recommended I not get the VX right now and agreed that the data shows that my chances of getting CV again (and that of anyone else who already had the virus) are less than a percent. So why risk it?

Basically... what I am saying is that for some of us, the risk/reward of the vaccine is lower or less than trusting our own immune system to respond appropriately in a natural way, rather than being forced into hyperdrive through artificial means... And then add to that... if we’ve already had the virus... getting the vax would be introducing new additional risk from the “generated” second infection we’d probably never get naturally.

Therefore, we’re not denying the virus... we’re just denying that the vaccine would help us more than potentially harm us. Furthermore, those of us who already have had the virus will most likely not get it again and thus, won’t transmit it to others either. Yet, even though that less than 1% reinfection rate was published by the CDC, many, including the agency itself, seem to want to ignore that. This causes those of us who fall into this camp to be called paranoid, silly, or selfish, when we are truly following the science based on the data THEY wrote, and that applies to our specific situation. And I know many like me...

It’s the whole one-size-fits-all, “every single person needs the shot no matter what” approach that is weird. AND that’s what makes it look like to some, that there could be some other agenda... whether there is or not. Thereby, making even others who might not have already had the virus, still leery of the shot too.

a reply to: BrujaRebooted

I agree that nobody should be complelled to take the vax and that it is a personal decision for each persons circumstance. Totally agree. No passports, no job losses.

But there are so many that claim that covid has never been identified, is just the flu… they claim everyone vaxed is going to be culled somehow in next few years.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

Apparently "Brain fog" isn't a medical condition.

It's a term used for certain symptoms that can affect your ability to think.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 09:44 AM
Yeah... I totally agree with you. And I understand what you are saying now.

I also think that if they (govt, media, CDC) were more honest and consistent in their messaging, there wouldn't be as many conspiracy theories like the one you mention. Right now, their poor messaging and contradictions - plus their insistence to VX "everyone" (even those with higher protection from having CV than the VX provides) - opens the door to total mistrust I think. Then, this creates a breeding ground for conspiracies where anything is possible.

(Side note: I blame the media A LOT. MANY MANY MANY years ago I was the "media" and I know what they teach. Anything for the story. Anything to get eyeballs. And the more you can polarize or divide people into "sides", the more eyeballs you get. The concepts behind the movie "The Social Dilemma" including "division sells" were in play in radio, paper, and tv before it ever became even more pervasive through the advent of the Internet. I think all of the media intentionally or unintentionally feed the conspiracies of both sides.)

a reply to: BrujaRebooted

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

I've got Fluoroquinolone toxicity so I've had brain fog for nearly 20 years now. I combat it with 3000mg of fish oil daily. I can skip 1/2 days without issue. Yes, I've noticed the issue in SOME people that have taken the kill shot.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: Moresby

But the only significant increase in this fog occurred, when many here (against their own beliefs and interests) fell under the thrall of Donald Trump.

The man lives in your brain doesn't

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 11:11 AM
I got my vaccines in March, noticed nothing, hardly a sore arm either. Had about 50 before in the military flying around the world for 28 years, and I would say this was one of least reaction then any I have hard. Some are kind of nasty BTW.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: nicevillegrl
Yeah... I totally agree with you. And I understand what you are saying now.

I also think that if they (govt, media, CDC) were more honest and consistent in their messaging, there wouldn't be as many conspiracy theories like the one you mention. Right now, their poor messaging and contradictions - plus their insistence to VX "everyone" (even those with higher protection from having CV than the VX provides) - opens the door to total mistrust I think. Then, this creates a breeding ground for conspiracies where anything is possible.

(Side note: I blame the media A LOT. MANY MANY MANY years ago I was the "media" and I know what they teach. Anything for the story. Anything to get eyeballs. And the more you can polarize or divide people into "sides", the more eyeballs you get. The concepts behind the movie "The Social Dilemma" including "division sells" were in play in radio, paper, and tv before it ever became even more pervasive through the advent of the Internet. I think all of the media intentionally or unintentionally feed the conspiracies of both sides.)

a reply to: BrujaRebooted

Right on, Girl!

The media is the issue. its more toxic than the virus or the vax!

And politics has driven the govt messaging and we are now left headed, into 2 years of this #show, in chaos and nobody knows what to believe but their own confirmation bias. And we scream at each other. Im guilty of that too. We are the victims, all of us, and we must find a way to not let them manipulate us so.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 01:18 PM
Brain fog or not, here is a radio show from Dr. Wong ( pick the one from May 19) about the”shedding” from the vaccines and how it affected people.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 03:29 PM
Yeah, but mine's not really new. I've been very, very forgetful for a while now. Part of it is my thyroid for sure, the rest I figure is aging. Lately though, I have felt oddly exhausted all the time and can't remember simple things.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: gimcrackery
Biden is a prime example.
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

I know but his is age related, I am talking about 20-40 old people that should not be suffering from age related brain fog .

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 06:02 PM
Ive been saying this for a while now. One thing thats been notable in my town is people have no common sense or danger awareness. Im driving twice as slow now through town because people have become a serious hazard. Walking in front of my car as im moving, walking in the middle of the road, crossing the road without looking, stumbling around. The worst are people who just dont seem to know your there. The creepiest is a woman who was like a zombie she just walked into the road right at my car as im moving, i stopped and she just walked into the bonnet of the car and kept trying to walk, its like she glitched or didnt even know i was there, maybe drugs or drink but its like there was nothing in her eyes like a void, the best way to explain it is she was like a zombie. Shes not the only one to act weird like this but she stands out the most.

Im also finding people are becoming more aggressive and angry even though there is no reason. Like the other day, a guy was sitting on the opposite side of the road in his van. I had no one behind me and could see a huge line behind him was forming. I was in no rush so i stopped and signalled for him to go, thought i was being nice. He just goes crazy starts screaming and shouting abuse, punching his steering wheel. I ended up driving off but it really confused and honestly scared me it was so uncalled for and intense his reaction to someone trying to be nice.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 06:22 PM
Being mandated is fast approaching and today in this mornings brief we were told an E-7 so mid to late 30s had a bad reaction to the vaccine and he passed away. (yes the military said flat out his death was vaccine related)

After the briefing I found out one of the guys on night shift, his cousin got the vaccine and shortly there after had a massive heart attack, 24 years old no medical problems before the "vaccine".

I have been in a fog for a bit, but I have just chalked it up to being so stressed over moving yet again and this time starting a brand new career.

Ill try to pay a little better attention to my symptoms.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: jerich0

originally posted by: Kaiju666

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Kaiju666
I can only attest for myself. It's happening. I've noticed, ever since I was force fed the spike protein shake.

Someone held you down and jabbed you against your will? Where do you live?

Heavily pressured by wife because we won't be able to visit her family (foreign country) without it. Heavily pressured by work (writing on the wall there). Reside in Smurfville, Cali

Not bad for an optional thing. You have the option, sure, they're not forcing you...

As they said on tv here today, it's optional.. but if you don't you just won't get to do some things.

Clear as day, this rubbish is not optional. it's mandatory, or else you're a second class plebeian.

Yup. Always worded that way, but reality... "Would you like to die by lethal injection or would you like to die by electric chair?" Still technically choices, right? The optional is 99.9999999% removed.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Kaiju666
originally posted by: tanstaafl
"Someone held you down and jabbed you against your will? Where do you live?"

Heavily pressured by wife because we won't be able to visit her family (foreign country) without it. Heavily pressured by work (writing on the wall there). Reside in Smurfville, Cali

Ok, so, not force-fed, but I get it.

Did you not at least try to find a doc that would hand you the syringe, walk out the door while you swuirted its contents into the sink, come back in give you your jab papers?

Thankfully my wife and most of my relatives (hers are all gone) is/are just as opposed to jabs as I am.

My sympathies, and I hope you don't experience any of the bad stuff happening to a lot of the jabbed, noor future.

Heh are there such doctors? I'm doubting it here where I live in Smurf village central.

Most of my family is in lockstep with what they hear on their favorite 4th Reich chann. Wife doesn't watch news or do politics (neither do I for that matter), but believes the hype and spike protein shake is good for you. Maybe it is, I still didn't want it. Matter of fact, work just sent out an email all staff needs to have at least 1st dose given by Sept. 30 or else no employment ....they'll continue on the discussions with "note from your doctor", religious blah blah blah. I'm scared as hell they'll do the same with the boosters. Thanks for the sympathies and yes, the only thing I can do now is hope I don't develop anything from it. I reflected on it the other day and it sent me into an abyss thinking about my wife and 3 and 2 year old if something were to happen to me.
..The fog struck again today. I left my phone at work, which I've never done. And when I realized it I thought it was too late to go back and get it or my wife would be late for work. When I got home and she wasn't dressed for work, I said why aren't you dressed for work? She replied, "I don't have to work today, remember?" Ummm, no no I didn't

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 08:06 PM
My co-worker I've known for 6 years is complaining suddenly, 2 months after the 2nd Moderna, his mind is a blank page. He was a brilliant technical asset with a near photographic memory. I'm hurt to the marrow with empathy for my close friend.

posted on Aug, 13 2021 @ 09:43 PM
I got the vaccine and now I think I'm turning Chinese, I think I'm turning Chinese, I really think so.

But, seriously, I do notice having more brain fog. I can't attest to having Covid, but I sure think it has something to do with getting older.
edit on 13-8-2021 by Freenrgy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2021 @ 01:40 AM
I’ve noticed some really weird things.

The local Baptists stopped picketing the abortion clinic and started trying to help those women meet daily needs.

I noticed some god fearing Christians stop waving political flags and go work in a soup kitchen and then take calls at a suicide crisis line.

I watched a whole church dismiss service on Sunday during offering time and actually donate their own belongings to people in the community who had nothing.

Yeah brain fog is everywhere in my community.
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

posted on Aug, 14 2021 @ 03:58 AM
I'm having trouble concentrating. But I'm sure it will partly go away by tomorrow.

posted on Aug, 14 2021 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

Apparently "Brain fog" isn't a medical condition.

It's a term used for certain symptoms that can affect your ability to think.

Josef Biden is the current poster boy for brain fog.

posted on Aug, 14 2021 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33
Much of it comes from aluminum, which is ubiquitous in our environment. Its in everything from pesticides, water treatment, supplements, medicines, soil, plants we eat, animals we eat (including sea food), and the atmosphere.
They've been using aluminum pervasively since the 60s, and it accumulates. The body doesn't readily remove it, and when it builds it causes a myriad of problems. The elites know, and have known for decades, what problems it will cause. But, rather than stop using it, they're right there with the left hand to treat you for the diseases it caused.
Here's a chart showing what it does in the body:

I have links to all of the research used to create the diagram, as well as a summary of natural supplements that can compensate, or block, the ill effects from aluminum. I won't make this post too long, but if anyone wants to know more, I'll reply with it. I compiled 46 pages of research studies and supplement information into a pdf, but don't see a way of attaching it.

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