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People jabbed with PLACEBOS in vaccine trials - same privileges as ‘fully’ vaxxed, UK minister

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posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
I think that Biden and kamala got the placebo.

Let's be serious, they probably got moved to the front of the queue for the real one.

posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

There is nothing good but keeping government in check. And Digital ID’s are an over reaching big bother government’s wet dream.

So. Exactly how is the over reaching US government being currently kept in check?

posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

You might start with spending….

posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Our eyes are open. What you described is a dystopia. Your like the pothead in high school going through a half assed rebellion phase and saying stuff like “true communism has never been tried yet, we need to give it a chance”, while at the same time never reading a lick of literature dealing with the ideology.

You are the one with closed eyes.

The star-trekkian society is here, we have the ability to have free healthcare, housing, utilities, nutrition... all that.

But you’re the problem. You don’t know how to tell when people are being sincere and altruistic. This, is NOT one of those times when people are looking out for your best interests. This is only about control, like your whole response I’m replying to.

You literally can’t tell the difference between being controlled and having freedom.

posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: DISRAELI
a reply to: Iamonlyhuman
You can't exclude the people who have received placebos, because that involves telling them they have received placebos. Surely that is the point of placebos, that people don't know.

That and the fact that placebos actually work in many instances.

But I thought the point of the trial was to test the efficacy and as they are rolling them out for everyone surely they know this by now?

posted on Jul, 29 2021 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: BatSars

Exactly. The study was corrupted so that there could be no long term follow up against a control.

posted on Jul, 30 2021 @ 02:43 AM

originally posted by: MrEnergy
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Our eyes are open. What you described is a dystopia. Your like the pothead in high school going through a half assed rebellion phase and saying stuff like “true communism has never been tried yet, we need to give it a chance”, while at the same time never reading a lick of literature dealing with the ideology.

You are the one with closed eyes.

The star-trekkian society is here, we have the ability to have free healthcare, housing, utilities, nutrition... all that.

But you’re the problem. You don’t know how to tell when people are being sincere and altruistic. This, is NOT one of those times when people are looking out for your best interests. This is only about control, like your whole response I’m replying to.

You literally can’t tell the difference between being controlled and having freedom.

Unlike most of you here I have actually lived under a pretty murderous communist dictatorship, yes, I'm that old, yes I know people who were sent to break rocks and all of that. And buddy let me tell you most of what you think you know is wrong.

What you call a dystopia I call an iPhone app. You have to provide all of this data and carry all of these documents anyway just to function in your so called free society.

Right now your data is split up between who knows how many unaccountable private companies that refuse to talk to each other when you want them to, but will happily buy and sell your information to each other when you don't.

Last time I renewed my visa I needed about a gazillion paper document, including proof of vaccinations. Do you have any idea how much of a pain that was?

Just proving my address is a pain, bank statements, utility bills, that's not the half of it.

And don't get me started on the hoops I need to jump through to buy a gun.

If I could do this with one universal ID i'd say sign me up. It's 100 times better than the communist dystopia that I've already tried.

I know the difference between freedom and being controlled, so please forgive me when I laugh at your petty conspiracies, your own government threw you to the wolves long ago. Google already owns you.

posted on Jul, 30 2021 @ 05:05 AM
Have you even looked at the slides ? You know what this # does to your blood ? You got Children ? I'm betting you are well and truly on their side to be honest, Happy to believe the fact checkers ,changing facts
Oh yes people are capable of horrible things but only "Some" and unfortunately idiots seem to put the worst ones in Power

posted on Jul, 30 2021 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

In other words, convenience is worth the price of tyranny

You are literally the worst of what humanity has to offer. You sort of understand what’s going on but are just like oh well that’s life.

posted on Jul, 30 2021 @ 05:33 AM

originally posted by: zardust
a reply to: AaarghZombies

In other words, convenience is worth the price of tyranny

You are literally the worst of what humanity has to offer. You sort of understand what’s going on but are just like oh well that’s life.

You think that this is tyranny?

This isn't even the first step on the slippery slope to tyranny.

If you saw two kids spitting on cars from an overpass I net you'd call that a mass shooting. Wouldn't you.

All I'm suggesting is that they take all of the Id you already use and put it in one place.

There's nothing here that you don't already have to do, but it's on a nice simple package.

Remember back when you needed to deal with two seperate companies to change your ISP, and now one company can subscribe you a new service and cancel your old one?

That's so terrible isn't it. I bet you feel so oppressed.

Now think of the benefits. Everybody carrying proof of citizenship around on their phone, and there credit history, and their hunting permit, and their library card. You want to rent an RV for a trip out of state, no more needing seperate ID and credit checks, no more having to show them 6 utility bills and a letter from your senator.

This could have secured the last election. One ID as proof of state residency, proof of citizenship and proof of eligibility to vote.

And if your illegal and don't have one... Well no vote for you, or anything else for that matter.

posted on Jul, 30 2021 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Could have secured the last election. Lol. You think trump wasn’t part of it?

You are literally arguing for papers please and telling me it isn’t the first step on the slope of tyranny.

What you are suggesting is the same rational they always try to use. It’s for your benefit. It’s for your safety.

posted on Jul, 30 2021 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I like how everyone else can see it, but you still sit there and rationalize the the current tactics being implemented to destroy freedom not only in the US, but the rest of the world as well. You’ve been slapped up and down this post by multiple people telling exactly what you fail to see, and we’re the stupid ones because we can’t see how this all could possibly, maybe, someday make everything all butterflies and candy canes, and all the bad people will be gone, just one big utopia. And all I have to do is give some fascist entity full control of my personal freedom.

You’ve never lived under a communist dictatorship. That much is obvious.

posted on Jul, 30 2021 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: MrEnergy

My neighbors have lived under a communist dictatorship.

They are #ing pissed. Just ask anyone who has and they will tell you this is exactly what they saw happening.

posted on Jul, 30 2021 @ 06:28 AM

originally posted by: zardust
a reply to: MrEnergy

My neighbors have lived under a communist dictatorship.

They are #ing pissed. Just ask anyone who has and they will tell you this is exactly what they saw happening.

I lived under a communist dictatorship.

This isn't even close.

posted on Jul, 30 2021 @ 06:37 AM

originally posted by: zardust
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Could have secured the last election. Lol. You think trump wasn’t part of it?

You are literally arguing for papers please and telling me it isn’t the first step on the slope of tyranny.

What you are suggesting is the same rational they always try to use. It’s for your benefit. It’s for your safety.

No, I don't think that Trump was part of it. The fact that you do suggests that your woefully out of touch.

You also already got Papers Please, you've had it for decades. Your system is just makes it a pain in the rear because you need a suitcase to carry all of the different papers.

Look how much easier your online life became when you could use your Google account to sign into everything. I bet a lot of people are doing it right now on this very site.

As I said I've lived under communism. They very much didn't say that it was for our benefit or for our safety. We were told directly that it was for the benefit of the state. Everything was for the state, always for the state.

Next time your asked for proof of age in a bar, paper please. Next time you have to show ID to pick your kid up from school. Papers please. Or to get a long distance calling package, or to buy a phone sim card, or a gun, or anything requiring a credit check. Papers please. Papers please. Papers please.

posted on Jul, 30 2021 @ 06:45 AM

originally posted by: MrEnergy
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I like how everyone else can see it, but you still sit there and rationalize the the current tactics being implemented to destroy freedom not only in the US, but the rest of the world as well. You’ve been slapped up and down this post by multiple people telling exactly what you fail to see, and we’re the stupid ones because we can’t see how this all could possibly, maybe, someday make everything all butterflies and candy canes, and all the bad people will be gone, just one big utopia. And all I have to do is give some fascist entity full control of my personal freedom.

You’ve never lived under a communist dictatorship. That much is obvious.

What you fail to see is that you already have to present your papers, you just don't realize it because it's a different set of papers every time.

What you also fail to see is that this is a conspiracy website, folks here tend to be a little... Paranoid, and a little... Uninformed.

You need to come out of your basements for a while, not everyone is out to get you, the government isn't always wrong, and sometimes things really do make your life easier.

Think of it like one of those apps that let's you keep your plane tickets on your phone. Now image if that same app also had your passport on it, and you vax passport. Your going to need all of these things anyway, wouldn't combining them make your life easier?

posted on Jul, 30 2021 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: zardust
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Could have secured the last election. Lol. You think trump wasn’t part of it?

You are literally arguing for papers please and telling me it isn’t the first step on the slope of tyranny.

What you are suggesting is the same rational they always try to use. It’s for your benefit. It’s for your safety.

In seriousness your paranoia is out of control you may need to talk to a doctor. I would also suggest going outside more maybe a park. Your losing your grip on reality. Some paranoia is good when you start seeing threats everywhere you have a problem. Your clueless on what true authotarian looks like.

Look at the US politicians cant even agree on any point these days that isnt authoritarian that is dysfunctional. What you are seeing now is the tearing apart of western society. It happens through fear just like you people become dilusional you get riots you get killings. We have hit a point in out society were people walk out a store with garbage bags of stuff and dont care. This is what happens when fools get so paranoid that the very fabric of decent society is shreaded.

We have turned the country over to the insane and i hope their is a way back. And that will start with people calling out misinformation and assuring people not every one is crazy.

posted on Jul, 30 2021 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

Lol yeah. Thanks you little brown shirt twat.

They are going door to door finding out who isn’t vaccinated. GTFO with your gaslighting and hilarious attempt at diagnosis.

This is actual papers please.

posted on Jul, 30 2021 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Vaccination is not the same as a drivers license you #ing zombie.

These untested gene therapies are not going in my body. I am a productive human being with a loving family and community. I offer great benefit to my community.

I will be unable to participate soon because of people like you. Your rationalizing is sad. Your arguments are even worse.

You were obviously brain washed if you actually did live in a communist countryside do believe the bull shhhit you’re spewing. Unless you were part of the party and were living fat maybe you have sympathies.

Or you just Not smart enough to see how things happen in real time.

Obviously you took the shot so...

posted on Jul, 30 2021 @ 05:03 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: rickymouse
I think that Biden and kamala got the placebo.

Let's be serious, they probably got moved to the front of the queue for the real one.

I should hope so. I've heard of clinical trials being halted in mid-trial because it becomes so obvious the medicine is working that it becomes unethical to keep shooting people up with a placebo.

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