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posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: CrazyBlueCat

originally posted by: Lux96
a reply to: Trueman

I'm just an amateur but people seemed to enjoy this one, it's my only creative hobby but it's the best thing what came to me.
I've reached a point where it actually sounds like a song, but still so much to learn, and most of it I just don't understand lol.

Music and 'sound' is pretty complicated.

Is this the same song you had posted a thread about?
It’s soo good. I love this type of music so much.

But I feel honored you really like it, thank you.

I like the quote “how we perceive the world and .. that is a strange place, let me tell you.
It’s all in your head….?”

No this is another song, I have quite a few songs, about 35 or something, feel free to check my profile maybe theres more hidden gems.
I feel honored that you like it so much, thank you.

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 09:24 AM
This is my darker side, also has an epic quote in it.

But it's not really dark, but it's a darker atmosphere, so I take it as my darkside, I make mostly cheesy downtempo, this was a very nice 'coincidence' I listened to a very old song of mine with this idea so I started to recreate it and it became this:

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 09:27 AM
sorry for thread derailing please continue.

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: karl 12

originally posted by: Trueman

So now we know it's a phenomena

No offence but don't psychiatrists just make stuff up?

Psychiatry Pseudoscience?

Apparently there's 'not a scrap of evidence for any if it'.

Have to disagree. This video is 2006. Now in 2021 there are improvements in genetic testing that are starting to point to patterns in genes that are often present in individuals with corresponding psychiatric disorders. The science is at the early stages.

I lived with undiagnosed ADHD for 50 years and it utterly derailed my life on a daily basis until I started taking the meds. For me the distinction is profound and life changing in that meds make my approach to life closer to normal and therefor processes and decision making become efficient rather than counterproductive and frustrating. It has become trendy to say ADHD isn't real but that is just an extension of the old paternalistic attitude that says parents, school, military etc. can beat/bully the disorder out of someone. Easily said by the neurotypical but terribly ineffective.

I know of others who benefit from psychiatric meds and while the doctors in the video are right in that the people are not cured, the meds and treatment often open up a small window where there is improvement.

Psychiatrists are like vehicles with tuned, 5 litre engines not seeing any great improvement in a 4 cylinder beater running roughly on 3 cylinders while the beater is thrilled it's actually running again.

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Trueman

I can't find it anymore but there was a study showing that religious experience and psychotic episodes take place in the same part of the brain.
Since the psychiatric explanation that it's hormonal imbalance is... well at least 'unconfirmed' (to put it politely) I personally strongly feel this is kind of the smoking gun for an external stimuli to be the root cause for both.

But say that publicly and your life is basically over.

I'm inclined to agree here. My brother had displayed signs of psychosis in his early twenties, developed a minor drinking problem to cope and then discovered religion. To top it off, he now has society's full blessing.

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 10:21 AM
That doesn't sound really right, but okay... Why would you want to have societies full blessing or better, why would society give their full blessing, the majority of people prefer other people failing so there's something not right.

I know why everyone hates me, haha.
edit on 14-7-2021 by Lux96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: igloo

Psychosis makes you lose interest in everything, negative symptoms, the medication makes it even worse, so I feel good en have lots of energy but absolutely nothing interests me and have zero motivation to do something just because I don't feel anything when I do it.

And anti psychotics don't even help when something happens that scares the # out of you.
They don't want to give benzos because its addicting, not even in an hospital setting, however lifelong anti psychotics and anti depressants NO PROBLEM, that changes your brain too you know on the long term, I already have one of the symptoms of long term use of anti psychotics, spasms in my body from time to time and it's also bad for your heart.

Doctors are hypocrites and the ones who don't give benzos in the critical stage of your psychosis is just retarded and conceited. or just pure evil.

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: igloo

That's not even remotely what I meant.
I'd say the only thing that's really real in life is our experience and your brother had one, which is perfectly normal.
No one ever makes the right interpretation or draws the right conclusion, but it doesn't justify your dismissive arrogant slur.
Because you just did the same thing about my post

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