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Rush Limbaugh and calls for unity

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posted on Feb, 18 2021 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: Bunch
a reply to: putnam6

I think it all comes from where you are looking at things. I have a fear of both the radical right and left extremist wings of politics in this country. By the FBI definition definitions of these groups they are a threat and should be taken seriously. The problem I see now is that the environment is so polarized that if you lean right you rather see the right wing extremist as your allies and those on the left do the same with their extremist wing.

There is no alliance to be had with those who threaten the fabric of this nation through threats and violence and at this point I wish that the GOP implodes from within and the Democrats really distance themselves from the extreme leftist element and we can govern from the middle. Sure we won’t agree on everything but is better than the tit-tat policy making this country has had for the last 20 years.

Oh I'm still concerned about both sides of that are radical extremists, it just feels like there has been a shift to the left that is more noticeable, not saying the right extremists are gone by any stretch. That said Billy Joe Bob KKK isn't getting elected to public office, while I'm not so sure about Suzy reeducation camp. The left extremists can wade through the mainstream unnoticed while right extremists stick out like a sore thumb. They both are dangerous just in different ways but right now Suzy has the floor she has the backing of the media, and likely financial backing to well "change the World".

It's pretty obvious where the news media leans, this Cuomo and his COVID response to use nursing homes happened the first months of COVID arriving. But it was crickets for a whole year, even as people pointed out it wasn't just a mistake it may have been done deliberately for ulterior motives. An unbiased media would have blown that up immediately, instead, the news story was sat on, and the same happened on different scales in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and other states. WE MUST HAVE THE MATURITY TO ADMIT WHEN YOUR SIDE IS WRONG even if hurts the political agenda.

I felt the same way about the crap in DC on the 6th if they stayed on the steps peacefully the impact would not have been negated like it was by those who went nuts.

posted on Feb, 18 2021 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

I honestly was surprised by some of the venomous replies left on the news posts. Glad he suffered. Burn in hell. Say high to hitler.

Why are you surprised?

We’re talking about someone who had as a regular feature of his show for a while a section where he would read off the names of gay people that died from Aids complete with bells and whistles and him laughing.

If you’re basing your want for unity on how people react to a person like him dying, I can only assume you never had any intentions for unity in the first place.

posted on Feb, 18 2021 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: underwerks

Where did I ever request unity?
The left is calling for unity.

posted on Feb, 18 2021 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: putnam6

It's pretty obvious where the news media leans, this Cuomo and his COVID response to use nursing homes happened the first months of COVID arriving. But it was crickets for a whole year, even as people pointed out it wasn't just a mistake it may have been done deliberately for ulterior motives. An unbiased media would have blown that up immediately, instead, the news story was sat on, and the same happened on different scales in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and other states. WE MUST HAVE THE MATURITY TO ADMIT WHEN YOUR SIDE IS WRONG even if hurts the political agenda.

I agree with much of your post but the information was all over the media and the internet, at the time it occurred. If you Google it, you will find a ton of articles speaking of the event, dated at the time it was made public.

Why the expected outcry of outrage, did not occur as would be expected, I would only guess it was because people had their attention hijacked with other issues, or maybe they just didn't get the memo.

posted on Feb, 18 2021 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: underwerks

And that was one of the few segments that he openly admitted was wrong and felt real remorse over.

Of course, that flies in one ear and out the other. Because Limbaugh never repented of his conservative "wrongthink", the left will gloss over that bit time and again.

edit on 18-2-2021 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2021 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

some things you cannot come back from. Thats one of those things. If you've known someone who died of AIDS, the depth of offense is irrevocable.

I hear what you're saying...but you can't expect folks will just get over it.

posted on Feb, 18 2021 @ 08:41 PM
I don't wish cancer or cancer death on anyone did not like rush but will not say bad pointed out some rude posts made about him and how are we to come together...well let me ask you this rush was known to when people died of aids he would announce their names and toot horns ands whistles...he ceelebrated their deaths

a reply to: Bluntone22

posted on Feb, 18 2021 @ 08:41 PM
I don't wish cancer or cancer death on anyone did not like rush but will not say bad pointed out some rude posts made about him and how are we to come together...well let me ask you this rush was known to when people died of aids he would announce their names and toot horns ands whistles...he ceelebrated their deaths

a reply to: Bluntone22

posted on Feb, 18 2021 @ 08:41 PM
I don't wish cancer or cancer death on anyone did not like rush but will not say bad pointed out some rude posts made about him and how are we to come together...well let me ask you this rush was known to when people died of aids he would announce their names and toot horns ands whistles...he ceelebrated their deaths

a reply to: Bluntone22

posted on Feb, 18 2021 @ 08:41 PM
I don't wish cancer or cancer death on anyone did not like rush but will not say bad pointed out some rude posts made about him and how are we to come together...well let me ask you this rush was known to when people died of aids he would announce their names and toot horns ands whistles...he celebrated their deaths...that is rude and heartless...don't you think?

a reply to: Bluntone22

edit on 18-2-2021 by research100 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 12:49 AM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: putnam6

It's pretty obvious where the news media leans, this Cuomo and his COVID response to use nursing homes happened the first months of COVID arriving. But it was crickets for a whole year, even as people pointed out it wasn't just a mistake it may have been done deliberately for ulterior motives. An unbiased media would have blown that up immediately, instead, the news story was sat on, and the same happened on different scales in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and other states. WE MUST HAVE THE MATURITY TO ADMIT WHEN YOUR SIDE IS WRONG even if hurts the political agenda.

I agree with much of your post but the information was all over the media and the internet, at the time it occurred. If you Google it, you will find a ton of articles speaking of the event, dated at the time it was made public.

Why the expected outcry of outrage, did not occur as would be expected, I would only guess it was because people had their attention hijacked with other issues, or maybe they just didn't get the memo.

Just did a custom search, from 2/19/20 to 5/19/20 Cuomo, nursing homes, sure there are instances where the New York Post mostly and other NY LOCAL MEDIA and even MSM had stories here and there, POLITICO ETC.. The majority though weren't even MSM sources. Most were right-wing blogger types, why was it just dropped from the radar

that is the question...

edit on 19-2-2021 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: putnam6

Sorry, I forgot everyone's search results are different, and I don't do a lot of MSM, unless following up on info I stumble across on the internet.

There are usually two reasons that a story gains traction. One is when TPTB wants to control what you think, do, say, and believe, the other is on the rare occasion when the people show a strong interest in something.

It is rare because most people have grown accustomed to being told what to think, what to believe, what to do, and what to say. You don't have to look far about the net to recognize the pattern. If anyone dares say anything outside of what the narrative of the day is, they are ignored, shunned, attacked or doxxed.

So I guess it just didn't affect enough people for them to go against TPTB.

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

I didn't expect them to. But that was one incident. Most of us, if we think about it, have one really regrettable incident in our lives that we can't take back that someone else, maybe more than one someone, will have a really hard time getting over.

The difference between us and Rush was that he was in a position where everyone heard that one incident.

And let's be plain, he's hardly the only public figure who's done it and he won't be the last. And how many of those public figures have gone on to be largely forgiven in the public eye? Quite a few if you think about it, especially if they weren't guilty of other incidents of wrongthink.

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I may be wrong, but he did it several times. I wasn't just one was several of him laughing at and mocking people who died of a disease.

And im not sure that there is any comparison here that makes sense. You are talking about people refusing to have reverence for a man who refused to have reverence for others. Its just absurd to expect people to not mock him after he mocked so many. Is it petty of them? Yes. Same as it was for him when he did it. Its behavior that is beneath me. But ill be damned if im going to think less of someone who took exception to him mocking the death of gay people. He made that stain, and he will have to wear it. Thats how life works.

posted on Feb, 19 2021 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Truth. Ugly is as ugly does

posted on Feb, 20 2021 @ 02:05 AM

Ignorant people with no personally formed opinion on any subject, who not only never listened to Rush Limbaugh, but never even listened to the broadcast radio, much less any talk radio programs, are the ones putting down Rush after his death. Young ignorant ass holes with zero clue about most anything.

a reply to: MichiganSwampBuckI'll put him down after his death, heck I'm sure I did it when he was alive. And I'm not ignorant, never listened to his show or much less any talk radio programs. I'm also not a Democrat, which I'm sure would be the first nasty name you would call me nor am I a leftist. In fact, I'm nothing, apolitical if you want a label to put on me. I'm also not young, been around the sun more than 50 times.

He was vile and reprehensible, along with his colleagues Hannity, O'Reilly and Levin. Or Maddow, Olberman(back when he did the political pundit thing). Left, right, it's all the same and they all suck balls. I happen to know what kind of rubbish he spouted and it's all just hate filled propaganda against the left. So, please, use your tiny little mind and try to understand that not everyone who doesn't agree with your biased right-wing propaganda isn't ignorant.

He was as instrumental in creating this divide we have nowadays as, well, as anyone.

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