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I am beholden to my truth, of which I share with you now.

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posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 03:48 PM
Hello friends,

and thank you for your attention in this moment.

For years now I have shared throttled portions of opinion on various matters, yet I've always held back for a multitude of reasons, both of my own doing and outside of it.

For reasons dear to me, I have decided to seize the opportunity of this moment and dedicate it to impart with you my discoveries.

I am beholden to these truths of which I share with you now.

Be aware that I only present this to you as a catalyst; you may do with it as you wish, for you hold Free Will.

'Sin' is a concept we've always struggled with. It is naturally so, because understanding the nature of 'sin' is quintessential to properly observe and express Free Will in accordance with the infinite. This lesson is primarily that which we have come here to study, experience, learn, and teach.

It is in fact appropriate to consider that our One Creator, the Origin, had committed the very first Sin. Sin should be understood as going against the natural flow of Harmony.

In the beginning, there was Infinite Intelligence, and Infinite Potential, existing in perfect harmony. 'Silence/Sound'. This 'wholeness' lived in absolute harmony. And it dared to think. It dared to express itself into 'holyness', and manifest itself for it sought to know its purpose, its existence, its potential, its identity. And so the first 'noise' broke the absolute silence; this distortion we know as Free Will.

Free Will brings focus to Love, which holds infinite eagerness to create, grow, share, and it does so create, grow, and share by meaning of the Light. For even as our own scientists know today, all matter is made of Light. Think of this 'matrix' in terms of vibrations and frequencies, and this truth will be known to you within your heart.

In manifesting itself into existence, our One Creator had discovered the properties of 3-as-1. I won't dig deeper into this matter at this time, but consider the magnitudes of 3, 6, 9. Consider how a Man and a Woman, forming a union, brings forth a child, from which is formed the union of Family as a single unit. Yet each is his own individual being of consciousness; each whole on his own, yet an integral part of one another.

I present these truths to you yet unknowing of the more complex aspects of this, for beyond what has been presented is of little relevance to my message at this time.

My friends, there will come a day when all will be made right; all will be known. Yet I say this to you as I acknowledge that everything is, and always will be as it should be in accordance with the infinite.

Fear not!
Rejoice my friends!

We are coming to a point which may be likened to a graduation. On that day, Mankind will stand as one, for all Men and Women will be there. On that day, those who have aligned with Christ will gaze upon his face as they please. On that day, the grand web of deceptions will be revealed, and great Love will abound. A choice will be made by all; yet I argue that we have made our choice and await this blessed day with glee.

Those who wish to progress on their journey of knowing and experience Free Will, Love, and Light, will do so and live in this promised New Kingdom most high, in accordance with the infinite; Christ will be among you. Those who suffer the most today, and those who have suffered the longest will be among the first to populate this New Kingdom.

Those of you who have not yet progressed to this point of enlightenment will be blessed. For a new world is being built for you. One where you will continue to progress on your journey, but WITHOUT the concealed deceit of those who would tempt you into Sin. Rather, this will be a world where Sin is encouraged to be explored and experience fully, in each and every aspect, and to face all implications of such a necessary transgression as a united people, always in accordance with the infinite. Be blessed, for such a world is one of Marvel and Beauty!!!

Those of you who have decided to express your Free Will in a near absolute service-to-self, you who have successfully closed off your heart and live in a reality state of non-love, I will not speak on at this time. Know that a third option is offered to you, though I advise you tread carefully, and wish you well on your journey, in accordance with the infinite.

I share with you the truth I bare, in accordance with the infinite, and with Love in my heart. And I thank you.

I also offer a request, for those so willing to assist.

On that fateful day, when Michael arises and shouts a thousand voices, stand together. Stand for one another, and have faith. Let the trumpets echo across our world, and Christ come forth in this glorious day of reunion. Behold, for much wonder awaits!

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 04:09 PM
Sin does not exist. There is only good actions and evil (bad) actions in ones life which you called Free Will. You are either a good person or not a good person in life.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 04:18 PM
“A Noble Spirit Embiggens the Smallest Man.” Jebediah Springfield

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: iammrhappy86

It is paradoxical because in the end it always reduces to 1 even if it's 0 nothing cuz it's a something of nothing.

Note that the Sine wave is named Sin.
But we say it as Sign (meaning look at this Symbol, it's 'waving' in your face).
It's both the Signature and Sigma snake symbol.

The entire universe is encompassed by this Sine wave of ambient energy.

So we have Genesis becoming revealed all over again via modern cosmological and etymological study.

This cannot be mere coincidence.
It all adds up.
Now amuse yourself with this symbol $

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 04:28 PM
It is said in some circles that we already exists in the timeless void in an enlightened state. But to awaken to that enlightened state we must first realize enlightment through the senses. We might look at sin as darkness. Without the darkness we could never realize the light. Like the Tao Te Ching symbol, one is merely a facet of the other.

Perhaps our purpose is to allow the great one to experience everything that can be experienced. To know thyself.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: iammrhappy86

What do you mean that everyone will be encouraged to sin?

Isn't that par for the course of human history?

I believe mankind will mature past most of our negatives. That may happen after ww3 tho.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 04:49 PM
So... from one of the Infinite's sock puppets to another, hi ... and I hope your puppet's experience of the realization of the infinite potential is enlightening and not very uncomfortable.

See ya on the rebound. .. or the Grand Depuppetting.
edit on 8/17/2020 by Baddogma because: mispelt an imaginary word

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 04:57 PM
To muzzleflash:

Very insightful.

Thank you for bringing my attention to the symbology of how we mark Currency

And you are correct in asserting that mankind has been encouraged to sin since its early day, onto today still. But it has been done under the cover of darkness and deception. The catalyst for temptation to sin has been orchestrated expertly by beings most high on this plane, and their method was one of concealment.

In this new world, the fallacy of 'sin' will be explored openly, and experienced simultaneously by the individual as an individual, by same as part of a community, by the whole of the community as as a unit, and by the whole of the community in awareness of each's individuated spark.

To glend:

As the One Creator's greatest achievement, to know thyself is indeed what we should all aspire to be.
For one so infinite to know itself, one must express himself in his entirety.
As we say, "God's will be done." Is his will not to know himself, and thereby for each of us to express ourselves in our entirety?
Yes my friend. Yours and mine are proof that Truth abounds in this day; the veil is being lifted.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 06:04 PM
"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide [is] the gate, and broad [is] the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait [is] the gate, and narrow [is] the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

- Matthew 7

"Rather, this will be a world where Sin is encouraged to be explored and experience fully, in each and every aspect, and to face all implications of such a necessary transgression as a united people, always in accordance with the infinite."- iammrhappy86

The world where sin is encouraged is known as hell.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 06:09 PM
"Sin" is an archery term that means "to miss the mark." So it is basically us not being perfect.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: primalfractal

He who has never considered Sin cannot claim to have a grasp on Free Will and its effect in a communal world, and will continue his journey on this plane of discovery.

Sin itself is an illusion.

Yes my friend, the righteous path is straight and narrow, and few find it. Are you so sure yours is the righteous path; have you considered all roads made available to you?

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: darkbake

Thank you, I was not aware of this archery term.

I quite like your interpretation. We are in fact imperfect, yet we hold the infinite within us. We have a consciousness with limitless boundaries, which permits us to consider life, and All That Is as being in a state of 'Perfection'.

This contrast of Perfection/Imperfection and Being/Becoming is as nourishment for our minds and our spirit.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: iammrhappy86

I have ideas as well, I can't really call them "truths", as they are my subjective opinion born from observation. They are still somewhat compatible ideas nonetheless.

koyaanisqatsi (Hopi pronunciation: [kojɑːnisˈkɑtsi]) is defined as "life of moral corruption and turmoil" or "life out of balance".

You can come to a "moral nature" of benevolence without the abstractions (ideas) of religious morals. Even love (though useful in survival) does not need to be the center piece of a ready-made guide.

You can do it with a mathematical statistic approach as well.

For all the random chaos we encounter it is forever defined in our mathematical equations. The probability wave never survives our observation. We are left with self-defined parameters.

Reduces one because we observe it, but really it's a balance of negating impact.

That said what we do actually matters.

Consider it like a microcosmic ecosystem.

Pollutants kill species, effect food chain, effect plant viability. The system dies when it loses its viability. The organisms that make that ecosystem die when they fall out of balance.

Humans are subject to this, and viability is subject to harmony.

Whatever artifial parameters are drawn out is the range and median to balance within.

In an environment with designated parameters of love and hate ambivalence is neutral. But not always possible.

There is a balance within a balance within a balance ad infinitum. Human impact on said balance, even personal actions of (malevolence or benevolence/honor or dishonor/good or evil) shift your "operative range".

In other words, there is a regulating "take a penny tray" that applies to everything that requires harmony and balance to thrive.

Corrections occur. And things still happen. But you are way more likely to encounter said correction (or die off) if you are out of balance in the negative respect. Can't really see an area for "Too much harmony" in that regard.

Extra points:

Because it all strait statistical probability, this can not rule out serial killers winning the lottery or saints dying of a painful form of cancer.

And when people, societies, corportations, governments take too much out of that cosmic tray, they fall out of balance and are subject to sudden corrections, self driven or otherwise.

And because I mentioned Koyaaniaqatsi

edit on 17-8-2020 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: iammrhappy86

"He who has never considered Sin cannot claim to have a grasp on Free Will and its effect in a communal world, and will continue his journey on this plane of discovery."

We were shown the tree of good and evil to understand free will. An age has passed, few understood. Who has never considered sin? A psychopath?

"Are you so sure yours is the righteous path; have you considered all roads made available to you?"

I am not and do not claim to be righteous, saved, evolved, STO or anything.

I have considered all roads made available to me to the best of my abilities. The path laid out by the masters of the great esoteric traditions are surprisingly consistent worldwide, and is correct, in my humble opinion.
edit on 17-8-2020 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: primalfractal

Then you've made your choice through analysis and driven intent, and I applaud you for it.

Thank you for sharing. ^_^

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: iammrhappy86

Thank you, and also well done for the thought provoking thread

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 10:28 PM
OP rather spot on, I must say....

sin....that tree of knowledge idk about....flagg dadd

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 10:53 PM
I commend the OP for its spirirt of unity and love

Now down to the sceince...

What is the source of sin?

What comes before sin is corruption.

What is before corruption is experience

Sin=from corruption from experience

Experience defines the matrix where sin gets to manifest, which is experience.

The allegory of the Garden of Eden tells us that experience is there through the interfacing with the serpent. Still, sin couldn’t exist yet because corruption hadn’t set inside of Adam’s Faculties.

Corruption took time to be, it had to evolve, then sin was created

Experience, then corruption, then exposure to the polarity of choice, then sin has potential.

5 negative archetypal sin( negative inclinations) patterns from the Bible and Koran are:


These 5 archetypal evils directly cause so-called sin on all levels and all the negative experiences of humanity in all of history.

And they are the result of the original corruption that evolved since the Fall of Man.

Definition of these negative archetypes are:

Gog= material life and philosophy, indoctrination

Magog==war and violence

Dajjall= false doctrine, dogma, intolerance, narcissism, the imposition of beliefs on others

Devil=pride and extreme aloofness from the unity

Satan= perversion of natural inclinations, narcissism

edit on 17-8-2020 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2020 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: Willtell

I see you've done your research. ^_^

Thank you for your contribution. I would only propose a change to one of your claims.

Experience defines the matrix where sin gets to manifest, which is experience.

I would argue that the constructed Matrix defines the experience, and that 'sin' and its original promoters have been introduced into the matrix as intended in accordance with the infinite (though you never denied the latter, I felt it deserved mention)

Edit: I would clarify that rather, the original divine design of the matrix defined the parameters for the experience, but that yes, in a great way we the experiencers come to define the matrix as it takes form and progresses

I must admit I'm still in a process of remembering myself, and I do not yet fully or properly comprehend certain aspects a of all this.

edit on 8/18/2020 by iammrhappy86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
Sin does not exist. There is only good actions and evil (bad) actions in ones life which you called Free Will. You are either a good person or not a good person in life.

Your wisdom warms my heart.

Though I offer this truth:

There are some who will simply not deny themselves from seeing the glory of All That Is among even the most Wicked.

I would go further and proclaim that Evil is an illusion, a mirror if you will, of Goodness, which in itself, truly IS Love.

Much as you hold Free Will, it has always been your choice to experience Love/Non-Love in their illusionary states.


Consider all properties of Duality in every aspect of your reality. Knowing/Unknowing, Being/Becoming, Is/Isn't, Good/Evil, Love/Non-Love, Sound/Silence, +/-, Up/Down, Left/Right, Truth/Lies
edit on 8/20/2020 by iammrhappy86 because: (no reason given)

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