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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -7W3N7Y sIx-

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posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 09:36 PM
New Q Drop

▶Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 04/28/20 (Tue) 22:31:40a864f0 (2) No.8955403

File (hide): 4d189c4911d6b1b⋯.png (62.41 KB, 500x370, 50:37, 4d189c4911d6b1b9576c5ab891….png) (h) (u)

Why do they want you locked inside?
Why do they want you to panic?
Why is the media banning anyone who challenges the covid-19 narrative?
Logical thinking.
All assets deployed.
Win by any means necessary.

edit on 28-4-2020 by Trillium because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 09:36 PM
I shared that a week ago with some friends who just didn't want to believe this.

I need a polite I told you so to finish red pilling them about this. Just crappy Blue state business of killing the people off then blaming someone else like DJT.

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman

Horrible Governor: New York Governor Cuomo has ordered Covid-19 patients transferred to NURSING HOMES, of all places! After arriving, the nursing homes turned into Covid-19 "hotbeds" of death.

Gov. Cuomo doubled down Sunday on the state’s controversial directive ordering nursing homes to admit COVID-19 patients.

The governor — who himself has described nursing homes as a “feeding frenzy’’ for the deadly coronavirus — said that the facilities can’t challenge a state regulation forcing them to admit patients with the contagion.

Meanwhile the newly constructed Javis Center, and the USNS Navy ship Comfort, sit mostly empty.

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman

That can't be true, because President Trump even ramped up the production of ventilators. If ventilators were contributing to death, wouldn't he be told by his Covid-19 White House team? Or he'd investigate the social media claims from medical personnel? They've been saying this for the past 3 weeks, at least.

Consider the optics. The medighouls demand them, he says "no, unsafe" and they go ballistic on him killing folks. He advances making them, then it is ON THEM to do the right thing. They set it all up so he's damned no matter what, lesser of evils is to give them what they want - for now.

The assumption the medigouhls are all knowing is insane. 250k a year they kill.

In the meantime, his optics rise as he garnered folks to make masks, ventilators and keep food delivered, sent checks. Note, EVERY STATE could have done all that, but didn't.

Long game.

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 09:39 PM
I love you guys.

But my patience with q and Trump is just about exhausted.

Put up, or shut up.
They let Flynn flounder for years.
Clinton free
Comey free
Feinstein free
Bad actors running amok
My home state of New York is in a shambles people being starved and murdered in hospitals including people I loved.

Put up, or shut up Q.
Pull the trigger.

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 09:50 PM
Fitting song & visuals for the...

Raise a glass to the end of it all
Who's to blame when it's everyone's fault?
And we celebrate our way through dangerous times
Strange days are comin' for us
Say goodbye to the way that it was
And we celebrate our way through dangerous times

I'm livin' in the strange days
I'm livin' in a world that I don't know
Get ready for the dark age
I'm livin' in the strange days so
Say goodbye to the silence
We can dance to the sirens
Strange days here we go

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

At this point, I'm now wondering if TR's recent allegations against JB are not bought and paid for by the old hag herself.

R's claim makes B out to seem even more guilty.

Along comes a spider named HRC...always weaving, never not; except when on 'sacred ground', where she and her ilk are bound not to weave against one another.

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: Trillium

Very interesting with the “dots” countdown.

I think the 3/26 had 2 dots again, represents a “hold” due to the COVID-19.

Now at 1 dot seems to indicate countdown resumes.

Not sure what to make of 5 markers in Feb but one in late Mar now late Apr.

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:07 PM
Is Schiff Q?

edit on 28-4-2020 by SKEPTEK because: seriously

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:14 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
Understood. Lets hope the ventilator-related deaths never become a big issue, or President Trump will have to share in the blame of "not knowing", or, "knowing and doing nothing", along with NY Governor Cuomo.

edit on 4/28/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: DaddyWinchester

DW, one of my decodes methods converts a post or tweet timestamp into a 2 character code and this gives GO and EO sometimes- also shows country initials often.

The first post today Q3989 held GO in this decode, and
Q3999 held EO!
edit on 28-4-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: Stevenmonet

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

C'mon, give us a freakin break already. Such absolute nonsense. People are going crazy. I can see the ruling-class elites just laughing their arses off at us. Still testing us to see how far they can push us before we all go over the edge into that dark abyss. Prolly won't be us but you know many will blindly obey as usual. The thing is alot of this crap including the mask bs is NOT even actual laws. Just say no.

NYC Cancelled.
2020: New genre...Quarantine-core

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: dashen
PLEASE wait until May 5th before going on about your life, and ignoring Q. If nothing in the legal "boom" realm happens by then, I'll join you.

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Remember 11:11?

I memba

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: Trillium

The first thing I noticed when I clicked on the 'Star Wars Commander' link is this:

03.13.20 | 10:12
We have come to the decision to shut down Star Wars™: Commander on June 12, 2020. As of March 13, 2020, all in-game purchases have been suspended. Star Wars: Commander will remain playable until 11am GMT on June 12, 2020.

Then I noticed the url name:

Why is this relevant? Or, is it?

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:29 PM

originally posted by: CanadianMason
a reply to: Trillium

The first thing I noticed when I clicked on the 'Star Wars Commander' link is this:

03.13.20 | 10:12
We have come to the decision to shut down Star Wars™: Commander on June 12, 2020. As of March 13, 2020, all in-game purchases have been suspended. Star Wars: Commander will remain playable until 11am GMT on June 12, 2020.

Then I noticed the url name:

Why is this relevant? Or, is it?

I took it to mean that Soros stopped laundering his money through SWC and started using what ever Blizzard assets he took control of.

The cabal needed a new form of communication which is something Blizzard related now.

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:34 PM

originally posted by: pteridine
This game was started in Jan 2015. Could it have been a honeypot, of sorts, from the beginning? Agents suggest use of internal comms, black hats try it out and it seems to work. Other comms interdicted but these are allowed to progress unimpeded, giving the illusion of security. Anything really bad is discovered 'obviousy' some other way and lower level stuff goes through unimpeded so comms aren't suspected.
[Think about Bletchley Park cracking the German codes knowing where the milch cow was resupplying a U Boat. A patrol plane would be seen in the distance followed by an attack aircraft before the transfer of fuel, ammunition, and food could be completed. The U Boat would report the patrol plane to HQ so if the sub was sunk, the patrol plane spotted it and gave the location.]
If the above is true and the game was a setup for comms, shutting it down now means that action is imminent. We don't care if they know it was a setup, it's all over and too late to do anything now.
Will this precipitate 'suicide weekend' when the black hats realize that their secret comms were being read in real time? Their final hopes of victory in the bottom of the ninth inning are gone and now there is only escape. Escape by flipping. Escape by running. Escape by suicide.

You answered my question. Thanks.

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: dashen

My sentiments exactly at this point.
I'm not a big presence on these threads, but I've been following since day one.
Because I believe there is something more.
More than we're being told.
More than meets the eye.
More than we can imagine.
But to tease, poke, prod, and finagle with the "truth" for so long, with such little result, can be disheartening. Especially considering the effort you yourself make for these threads as well as all the regular contributors who make this thing, a THING.
I hold out hope that it isn't all for naught.
It'll be the last thing that dies in me before I do.
And this is with, at least from my perspective, a pretty thorough understanding of the finer points, the subtleties and nuances, the constant reading between the lines, double speak, and code.
I get that there are (seemingly) staggering amounts of volatile information that have implications of gross violations and abuse of power by those we trust most with it; and that the handling, collating, and exposure of it has very deep, resonating ramifications on nearly every facet of life one would consider vital or at least significant.
So I get it. OpSec. Disinfo. Yadda.
Comprehending all this doesn't put my soul at rest.
Maybe I expect too much?Maybe we all got duped?
Maybe I need to be more patient?
2 more weeks, right guys and gals?

edit on 22Tue, 28 Apr 2020 22:36:17 -0500pmvAmerica/ChicagoTuesdayb20204America/Chicago by Gravelbone because: El typoski

edit on 22Tue, 28 Apr 2020 22:37:32 -0500pmvAmerica/ChicagoTuesdayb20204America/Chicago by Gravelbone because: Different words and junk

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: Gravelbone

I don't believe in giving up. Ever. Ever ever.

We have done in my opinion some very groundbreaking research and uncovered heaps and mounds of unspeakable crimes

But I'm not going to continue hyping Q if he's never going to delivar.

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