This one will get your panties in a bunch. How about this, cameras every where you go watching, tracking and recording your every move. Would you like
Well if you said, "Yes" than today is your day for news. Cause I got news for you; It is coming. What is coming???
Why, the All Seeing Eye that is. No, not our great ATS contributor, but a technical eye in the sky. Yet not just in the sky, but in your computer and
in any other applicable place it can be placed. They call this technology, "CTS". I call it Cybernet. But hey we all have our little nicknames for
things right???
Read up, and then give us some opinions. Here is the link:
So what did you think???
I think that this is pretty ominous. The thing that gets me is this. How can they legally do this???
Well remember that at the end of the article they said that this would not be allowed to be used in places where it was not wanted. So for instance,
if you didn't want this little data collector on the hood of your car, then it would not be allowed to go there legally. Yet does the law even matter
I mean the law is broken by many and nothing ever changes. So if someone is so intent on using such controversal technology for such sensitive
reasons, then is it not possible that the law will be broken???
I mean lets face it. This country is fed up with so-called unpatriotic skeptics of the system. If anyone has any problems with the law in these days
especially when it comes to quote, "Homeland Security" those certain skeptics are considered outcasts and radicals of the state. Am I right or am I
What can we do to stop this, other than say, "Hey that isn't fair.", or "Is this even legal???", really what can be said or done???
Nothing if you ask me. Cause if these politicans and police officers want this then they will get it. Plan and simple. All they have to do to get it
is to pass a law. Once the law is passed then it is legal. Right???
Then you might ask, "Well what about the fact that this CTS technology must be consented upon? How will they get all of the big companies and
sensitive places to go along with this?"
Well to that I might add, "Money."
If money doesn't work then threats will. Trust me, this system of security, (If you want to call it that.) will be no different than Saddam's
Regime. Saddam was a gangster. He would offer you money, and if that wasn't good enough for you, then he would rough you or you families up to scare
you into accepting his initutives. The old time Mob did it, and so will the New World Order pawns. Maktub.
What do you think???