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Jeffrey Epstein paid co-conspirators and [paid] off or intimidated witnesses and victims

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posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 09:01 AM
Of course this won't surprise any ATSers -- we expect this kind of stuff! But this will not play well in court for Epstein, and could (will be) considered further proof of his guilt to the jury:

Jef frey Epstein 'paid $350,000 to silence two co-conspirators and hired three private investigators to pay off or intimidate witnesses and victims in a bid to cover up sexual misconduct claims'
  • Jeffrey Epstein allegedly paid $350,000 to two potential witnesses to previous alleged acts of sexual misconduct, a prosecutor said on Friday
  • The same court filing revealed that Epstein is still worth in excess of $500M
  • Epstein is said to have sent the money to the believed witnesses between late November and early December last year, just after a controversial article
  • hey[sic] claim he wired $250,000 to one of his employees, and a separate payment of $100,000 was made to a second person – both named as 'co-conspirators'
  • Assessing both the size of the payments and the timings in which they were sent, prosecutors believe he was ‘trying to influence co-conspirators’
  • Police say three private investigators were also hired by Epstein to track down accusers and other potential witnesses to the alleged attacks
  • The girl who reported Epstein in 2005 claims she was told she would be paid cash if she agreed to not comply with the authority’s investigation
  • The investigator added that ‘those who help [Epstein] will be compensated and those who hurt him will be dealt with'

A few thoughts regarding these bullet points from the article.

It has been established that no one really knows where Epstein's money comes from. The court yesterday agreed to let Epstein file his financial statements (for the purpose of establishing bail) under seal -- so no public scrutiny. That might be fair enough. But because this is not public knowledge, I'm not sure where the $500 million on hand figure comes from.

Apparently Epstein began to bribe/blackmail/threaten these folks after the Miami Herald articles came out about him. He must have had some idea then that this could lead to prosecution.

It's easy to understand why co-conspirators would accept bribes... they'd probably protect him anyway in order to protect themselves. I don't think people like this ever "see the light" and change their ways. No one involved wants the party to end. (Ugh. Just typing that made me want to throw up).

For the girls (now women) and their families, I can also understand why they would accept cash in exchange for silence. Justice doesn't pay the bills. Epstein sitting in jail doesn't benefit the victims. For those in need, cold hard cash is probably much more satisfying than prison. Especially since they probably don't trust the "authorities" anyway. I wouldn't. I don't!

And we have to consider fear as a motivator. Those victims who refused his oh-so-generous offer were subjected to intimidation and worse.

During the probe, police say three private investigators were hired by Epstein to track down accusers and other potential witnesses to the alleged attacks.

The three men are said to have sat in black SUV’s outside the accusers’ homes, questioned relatives and loved one, even chasing one parent’s car off the road in a particular incident, authorities and a lawyer for three of Epstein’s accusers say.

If only one person had reported such things, it would be easy to question. But when several people report the same thing, it becomes a pattern, and far more believable.

‘It was incredibly intimidating,’ Spencer Kuvin, an attorney for three accusers, told CNN. ‘You have to remember these girls were 14 and 15 (years old) when this was happening.’

The father of one of the accusers told authorities that one of the investigators was ‘photographing his family and chasing visitors who come to the house’. He also claimed that ‘as he drove to and from work and running errands throughout the county, the same vehicle was behind him running other vehicles off the road in an attempt to not lose sight of [his] car.’

It was later confirmed that the car the man had sighted following him was the same car that allegedly ran a woman off the road, belonging to one of the investigators.

Although both the Florida and federal authorities were well aware of this, no charges against Epstein were included in the 2008 plea deal. That's bad enough. But the intimidation and abuse did not stop with the victims and their families.

Acosta detailed that his office were subject to a ‘year-long assault on the prosecution and prosecutors’ in a letter written in 2011.

‘I use the word assault intentionally, as the defense in this case was more aggressive than any which I, or the prosecutors in my office, had previously encountered,’ Acosta continued.

This behavior from our justice officials is absolutely unconscionable and unacceptable. We all know what would happen to any of us if we threatened the feds! Ask LaVoy Finicum... oh wait. We can't. He's dead. Trapped, ambushed and gunned down in cold blood by government guns. But not even charges for Epstein???

Obviously, none of us will be surprised by Epstein's actions. Nor by the Feds actions, since we're quite aware that corruption is part and parcel of government, especially the FBI. But it's still damn infuriating. We have no reason to expect better from Epstein and his ilk. We have every reason to expect -- and demand! -- better from our public servants.

And we need to know these things if we have any chance of holding our critters accountable for their gross misconduct in conducting the people's business. The devil's always in the details.

edit on 13-7-2019 by Boadicea because: fixed title -- "intimidate" to intimidated"

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

It has been established that no one really knows where Epstein's money comes from

A lot of sick guys around the world want to get it on with underage girls...including very high profile people. Epstein was a pimp peddling to elite, wealthy pedophiles. I'm sure over the years, his fortune grew because of this.

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

It has been established that no one really knows where Epstein's money comes from.

Blackmail. Have a party with important people and teenage girls, let the night take its course, then inform the important people that that girl they spent the night with was actually 15. And bro, she's angry. Now I can help you out here but you're going to have to help me out as well...

Next thing you know these important people are sending millions to Epstein (a man who barely anyone on Wall street knows) to invest on their behalf. Who I'm sure took a cut on both ends. Save the juicy evidence on the more important people(videos, audio recordings etc) as a get out of jail free card for when you do run afoul of the law.

What I find weird is that neither Clinton or Trump used the others relationship with Epstein as a political weapon in the last election. While they both undoubtedly knew who and what he is and does. It's almost like they both didn't want to touch it because of the can of worms it would open for everybody..

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

A lot of sick guys around the world want to get it on with underage girls...including very high profile people. Epstein was a pimp peddling to elite, wealthy pedophiles. I'm sure over the years, his fortune grew because of this.

That may very well be. It's not like pimping fees can be legally declared on financial statements, eh?

That may also be just part of Epstein's income. He could be selling the dirt to authorities as well... or instead. Not just USA authorities either.

Or he could be on some government(s) payroll and making his money that way.

We really don't nearly enough to come to any conclusions, and at this point, it's fair enough to think/wonder if Epstein's income comes from more than one source.

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: underwerks


Blackmail could very well be part of it, but I don't think it makes for a longterm business model. It all depends on Epstein's true motives of course, but pimping would create repeat customers... no repeat customers if blackmailed. And while Epstein might make more money blackmailing rather than pimping, it would also require Epstein to constantly "recruit" new clients to blackmail.

My best guess is that Epstein charged his creepy creeper clients pimping fees... then sold what he knew to a third (possible more) parties, allowing those third (or more) parties to blackmail or otherwise coerce his rich clients.

What I find weird is that neither Clinton or Trump used the others relationship with Epstein as a political weapon in the last election. While they both undoubtedly knew who and what he is and does. It's almost like they both didn't want to touch it because of the can of worms it would open for everybody..

At the very least, they both knew no good could come of it, since both could be implicated in the wrongdoing. So both had a reason not to want it brought up!

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 10:23 AM
I will never understand the draw the having sex with underage children.
Doubly so with the ultra rich.

I like the female form. A lot...
A child doesn't have that form so I don't get the draw.
Now add in loads of money and these guys have beautiful women throwing themselves at them all the time.

It must be some kind of power thing I guess..

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

This is my shocked face.... 🙄

This is America. Rape and abuse capital city of the world.

Yet we want to go "free" ME women....

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: odzeandennz

Probably the false accusation capital of the world too..

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
I will never understand the draw the having sex with underage children.
Doubly so with the ultra rich.

Probably because you're not a creepy creeper!

It must be some kind of power thing I guess..

I think that's exactly what it is. At least, I've always understood sex crimes to be crimes of power, not lust. Though kids seem to be too easy a target to fulfill that need to exert power... how hard is it to bully a young girl? Maybe it's more about being the first to defile? Or just the power to defile them from the start?

That's all I can come up with, but I don't know. I'm not even sure I want to understand. Maybe it's a good thing our minds cannot figure that crap out.

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

I suppose your right.
I've been around young girls for many years with coaching sports and sleepovers with my daughters friends and I've never even had a passing thought of this kind of thing.

It's just baffling to me.

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: Boadicea

I suppose your right.
I've been around young girls for many years with coaching sports and sleepovers with my daughters friends and I've never even had a passing thought of this kind of thing.

It's just baffling to me.

My husband is really shaking his head over all this too. I know having your own daughters can put things in a different perspective, but I also think it's more than that. Much more! Having such thoughts about naive and vulnerable children -- and that's what they are -- is not a normal or healthy sexual attraction. There's something very very wrong here, and I cannot believe this deviance doesn't manifest in other areas of life.

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
It has been established that no one really knows where Epstein's money comes from.

I remember watching a documentary (I'll have to go through my stuff to find which one) about the international banker's quest to take over the US since our founding. I remember one prominent financier, I forget who, that put a lot of money into establishing a central bank in the US. Upon his death, it was discovered he wasn't all that wealthy after all. He was just the face to the Rothchild money.

I often wonder how some of these billionaires made their money. We have the obvious "start a tax free foundation and use it to launder bribe money" scheme used by the Clintons and others. But it occurs to me that if wealthy people wanted someone else to be wealthy, insider trading would be the way to go. Give them a little seed money, tell them which stocks to invest in, and then manipulate those stocks. The money looks legitimate, and it would be hard to prove any wrongdoing. The beneficiary just looks like an expert at picking stocks.

I'd wager that's whats behind billionaire investors like the Kochs and Sorros. These people shell out hundreds of millions for social engineering causes that I wouldn't expect a billionaire to give two whits about. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that they are just the faces hiding the real source and agenda behind the money.

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: VictorVonDoom

I'd wager that's whats behind billionaire investors like the Kochs and Sorros. These people shell out hundreds of millions for social engineering causes that I wouldn't expect a billionaire to give two whits about. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that they are just the faces hiding the real source and agenda behind the money.

I think there's much truth in your words... and wisdom. That would explain also why so many things are designed with loopholes, such as the charities and foundations that seem to serve the (financial) interests of its patrons more than those it purportedly serves.

And I agree that corporations certainly seem to adopt causes that just don't make good business sense (sometimes no sense at all). The recent Gillette ads come to mind, both the toxic masculinity ad and the transgender shaving ad. But I don't always understand what agenda their true agenda is.

The world really has gone crazy.

As for Dershowitz, well, he fits right in with the crazy too. I don't know what to make of him really. I was very surprised to see him become relevant again, especially in league with Trump! Back in the 70s he was all about liberal causes. (I swear he was wearing skirts and suits back in the day, but hell if I can find any of those pics now!) Then he kind of went away from the public eye... I do believe that Dershowitz is compromised. Perhaps he's a creepy creeper too, but of course I don't know that.

I know he was accused of sex crimes by one of the girls, along with Prince Andrew, but it also wouldn't surprise me if the accusations against him by one girl were completely concocted for the purpose of discrediting all the girls. Probably not the most likely of possibilities, but I can't rule it out.

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: VictorVonDoom

Just wanted to add that I appreciated the narrator in the video pointing out the ridiculousness of the term "underage women." There is no such thing! It's an oxymoron!!! A woman is by definition an adult human female... "underage" literally means that they are not adults. Grrrrr...

Thank you for the video!

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Demonic possession/Satanic influences.

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 04:22 PM
Give a listen, she's good but there's more to JE than what she covers here but this is a good start.

Epstein Pedo Prof Connection and NXIVM/MKULTRA Human Experiments
Some amazing connections by Amazing Polly. Also good info on how these Harvard frankenstein doctors never get charged.

In the 1st half I go over Epstein's Foundation and its investments into genomics and mapping the brain for AI.
Next I look at Robert Maxwell - father of Ghislaine Maxwell - who allegedly partnered with Epstein in business. What are the other Maxwell children up to now?
All of this is viewed through the lens of medical ethics and the cultural subversion that happened in the US starting right before the breakout of the second world war. (All the way back to 'Jack Parsons'!)

Note: all her research links are at her youtube channel.

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 04:34 PM
Let me get this straight,

A convicted pedo under indictment for the same things he has been convicted of previously and who has incriminating evidence already found in his residence is asking the court to release him to that same residence while awaiting trial??????

He has proven to be an ongoing threat to society, under age girls specifically. And he will be in a residence some of those crimes took place.

If court Grant's bail, this is all same BS sham as always and no justice will be served.

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Thank you for posting the videos!

I very much suspect connections between Epstein and all of the sex rings being uncovered in New York -- Weiner and Weinstein, Schneiderman, NXIUM, and no doubt others... probably all over the world. Birds of a feather and all that.

Another poster brought up Epstein's connections to the Rothschilds. When I think about Eric Schneiderman as AG of New York doing pretty much an about face in the fraudclosure settlement with the banksters, it occurs to me that this is exactly the type of blackmail that might occur. If Epstein has/had the goods on Schneiderman being an abusive youknowwhat, he just keeps it under his belt until his friends the Rothschilds need him to stop going after the banksters for their financial crimes... and so Schneiderman protects the banks instead and sells out the people defrauded and otherwise harmed by the banksters... and because Schneiderman was a good boy, when his sex abuse crimes do come to light, he isn't charged for it.

I'm not in any way saying that's what happened, just the possibility and potential. It's not an oversight or incompetence that allowed so much crap to go on for so long.

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: Strate8

That about sums it up.

Although we could add the tile/carpet remover that he had shipped into his home right before his arrest and the search of his home. What was up with that? What might he still need to better camouflage or hide or remove? He was ostensibly arrested out of the blue, so whatever precautions, preparations, etc., that he was making were interrupted. He may not have been done yet, eh?

If we want to go real conspiracy theory though, the authorities may have prepared for the possibility of bail, and set up cameras in his home during the search, or other surveillance equipment, or something... I don't know... they might have gotten creative. They might be hoping for the opportunity to find out more, or for Epstein to further incriminate himself. Or, if not outright hoping for it, they might be ready to make the most of it if it does happen.

ETA: Jeffrey Epstein Shipped Himself a 53-Pound Shredder and a Carpet and Tile Extractor, Maritime Records Show
edit on 13-7-2019 by Boadicea because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2019 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: underwerks

Sorry for the addition but you nailed it big time!

What I find ( weird )IRONIC is that neither Clinton or Trump used the others relationship with Epstein as a political weapon in the last election. While they both undoubtedly knew who and what he is and does. It's almost like they both didn't want to touch it because of the can of worms it would open for everybody..

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