a while ago i used to listen to astral projection to meditate before astral projection. its this techno/trance trippy stuff..... i used 2 like
that.... what was i thinkin
I used to sit in front of two massive speakers and listen to music very loud. So loud my bones vibrated. I was the music. I would meditate.
That night I would sleep north/south and use some of his technics. Some of the best travels I've ever had. If you look into Monro you will find a
connection to vibrations. Thats why the music works. Those were some powerfull speaker magnets.
I've never been able to have an OBE without complete silence..the mind, or mine anyway, needs to focus and concentrate on itself. It's too difficult
for me to do with a distraction in the background. But I'm sure you could go to a new age store and find some very mind moving tunes there..I can
meditate quite well with music, but I've never moved into AP..and the music I choose is one that brings out my roots, my past..it works quite well
for me...so you could try something like that?
I can't believe I will admit this, but Enigma used to work well for me. They are smooth enough that it helps relax you. But, like magestica, I too
prefer complete silence. OBEs can be difficult to make happen anyways, and any distraction can throw it off. I will still use music for normal
meditation, but not OBEs anymore.
Not sure if anyone here has ever heard of them but there is a gore-metal band from New England called Converge that I have been listening to for
several years. They put out one song, which is very slow, not harsh, and very haunting called "Clean" which i'm sure you could download from any
internet source. I used to experiments with Astral Projection, and this song triggered something with me.