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5-Minute Video of George W. Bush on the Morning of 9/11

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posted on Jun, 28 2003 @ 10:33 AM
"This footage, obtained and presented exclusively by The Memory Hole, shows President Bush sitting in a Florida classroom for 5 minutes after he was told that the second Twin Tower has been hit and that America was being attacked. A truncated version of this footage that has been available online since June 2002 shows Bush for only 2 minutes, 10 seconds after being told. This new footage more than doubles this length of time."

posted on Jun, 28 2003 @ 10:42 AM
Retarded 'president' George W Bush has freely stated and confirmed on numerous occasions that he watched the first plane collide with WTC on a TV screen before he entered the classroom. Big Lie.

He said that he thought it must have been a terrible pilot error causing a horrible accident. Big Lie.

What he received from his off-sider card Card in the classroom was news of the second crash. He continued to read to the class to 'avoid alarming the children' (Big Lie), but his departure was long after completing his goat story. He conversed with the classroom teacher and made further commentary about the success of current educational policies to the press gallery, before excusing himself.

The time from which it was known that the United States was under attack to the Commander In Chief doing anything that was in the slightest bit connected with preserving order and national security was not five minutes, but closer to 40 minutes.

posted on Jun, 28 2003 @ 11:04 AM
his war was justified.....more fanatics should be slaughtered like the animals they are.

everyone forgets about the innocent americans working that morning in those towers. jumping out of the windows in desperation......lives lost for what reason?

The more they pop the better, I say.

posted on Jun, 28 2003 @ 11:08 AM
This is absolutly NOT, how I would expect the president of the United States to "act" during a national crisis.

If I were on a jury charged with making a decision of his innocents or guilt, my respose would be.........


posted on Jun, 28 2003 @ 11:29 AM
he had an important masonic goat story to read to the children to complete the the ritual sacrifice, let the man be!

posted on Jun, 28 2003 @ 12:10 PM
they cant let the man be
they need to knit pick till blood is drawn
talk about satanic

I bet money that if Bush was visiting their nursery school, they would be the first to kiss a$$

posted on Jun, 28 2003 @ 12:21 PM
I'm sorry for the outburst, but kitty you are a f**king a**hole. See, how do like that? Me judging you without the first clue of who you are. You know nothing about these "Animals" as you put it. the way you put it saying we should just "slaughter them" like they deserve makes me sick.
How brainwashed are you? You are incapable of thinking for yourself and just shows how ingnorant and cruel you are. You are no better than the terrorists if this is truely how you feel.

The only person who should play God is God. You go sit over there and get f**ked by a foreign government for as long as they have and then see how you feel.
You have judged an entire race because of a few idiots who were brainwashed. No one is born evil. You should know being brainwashed yourself. People like you shouldn't be allowed to think.

It isn't nice is it being insulted? Well that's nothing compared to way you say slaughter them without even batting an eyelid. You make me sick.

posted on Jun, 28 2003 @ 12:39 PM
they ( fanatic muslim infidel haters : ) should all strap a few bombs on and do a mass suicide their own land...for the love of Allah peanut butter sandwich

your right, you dont know me because I wouldnt keep company like you around me.

as far as brainwashing goes....convert to Islam. You seem like a prime candidate.

I support our country and troops, am I not entitled to?
I have 2 members of my family serving there. One in Kuwait and the other in Iraq. Both airforce. Both ready to die for the country that you think does you wrong.

Your an idiot if you think america is gonna be pushed around.

posted on Jun, 28 2003 @ 01:07 PM
The Sad part, Kitty, is your family members are not prepared to give there lives for this country. They are giving there lives for the Carlyle group, and some secret societies.

Just look at who profits from these wars? The american people? The Arabs? No, they are the ones paying.

Who profits? The Carlyle group! And who are the Carlyle group? All are members of the Bohemian Club, Masons, Scull&Bones.

Kitty, no disrespect intended, but, DAM YOUR IGNORANCE! I beg you to research secret societies........

posted on Jun, 28 2003 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Kitty
bush rocks

I love you kitty, are you single?

PS. All Seeing Eye, that first Flag?

There are such things as pirates, there are over 300 attacks a year resulting in an average of 3 million dollars per attack (for the pirates).

And better still...only a couple Pirates had ever been caught in the last 50 years, basically it's the EASIEST JOB ON EARTH!

[Edited on 29-6-2003 by HuramAbi]

posted on Jun, 28 2003 @ 11:39 PM
People who call other people names, and wish them 'slaughtered' are no more worse than those who exagerate and mislead for the sake of achieving their own political goals.

Really, people, it's obvious that the Democrats are not going to debate Bush on any issues, but, rather, are forced to rely on silly exagerations and DIRT.

No, I'm not a raving Bush supporter... it's just that, posting little pictures of Bush and calling him names IS NOT DEBATE and IT DOES NOT HELP DEMOCRACY. It's, to be frank, flat out juvenile.... in that sense, A LOT of the political commentary here is just name calling which is based on appearances. Devoid of any adult responses to Bush... and any clue as to whjat people in this country are thinking... liberal activist and democrats are now just reduced to calling Bush 'monkeyface' or 'retard'... just as an 8 year old acts when he can't think of anything clever to say.

If you guys were REALLY smarter than Bush, and REALLY more in tune with the American people, you would not be marching your party on towards a historic ass-whooping.

PS I am not talking to average democrats here, just activists who are so obsessed with their recent failures and short commings that they have regressed to the level of childish tactics.

posted on Jun, 28 2003 @ 11:44 PM
It's alright man...the liberals KNOW Bush is doing GREAT, they KNOW he's ruining the Liberal idea of government (because that idea of government is unconstititutional), hence why they just stick to bashing him.

Maybe just maybe, if they make fun of Bush enough, people will think he's a bad guy not looking at all he's done in just less than 4 years...hell 3 years!

posted on Jun, 28 2003 @ 11:55 PM
This topic called into question the documented behaviour of 'president' George W Bush on the morning of September 11, 2001.

Bush supporters addressing the topic have obfuscated, clouded, and conglomerated a variety of irrelevant issues in very good Bush administration fashion.

I would only ask this:

Was the performance of the Commander In Chief satisfactory through the national crisis that presented itself on that day?

If so, then all the documents pertaining to the 9/11 enquiries should be immediately released in the public interest, as there is nothing to hide.

(The fact that Bush committed to sending out the most expensive posse in history to get Osama Bin Laden dead or alive, and came back empty handed, must be forgiven in the circumstances, as trouble was brewing in Iraq, who must have been connected with 9/11, obviously...)

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 04:50 PM
I'm not saying that things like this shouldn't be public, just that they shouldn't be slanted or used unfairly... or that they shouldn't be used to 'dumb down' political dialogue.

So you're worried that Bush didn't look presidential? Well, heck, what do you think Abraham Lincoln looked like the moment he heard that the first state had left the union? I mean, really, if they had film back then you probably would've got reels of him sitting at his desk with his head in his hands.

Speaking of Lincoln, if you look at the criticisms that were aimed at him, a great many dealth with his appearance and body language/motion. He was, in fact, often described as a "clumsy chinmpanzee." No, I'm not saying that Bush is Lincoln, just that mocking him for being stunned is not fair, and not constructive.

And, as for 'presidential' behaviour, Clinton is well-known for what he was doing at the moment he called up some senators to tell them that he was sending troops to the Balkans.

...I can go on from here:
At the moment Eisenhower was giving a very important speech dealing with the threat that uncontrolled nuclear arms proliferation would cause, he was overcome with a case of eliotis (spelling?). That is, his intestines became swollen and he broke out in a fever.

The first time Lincoln raised the US flag in front of the White House, after his inaugeration, the thing split down the middle after getting caught on something.

FDR had to spend most of his adult life in a wheel chair.. well, geez, I'm glad no one had footage of him getting the Pearl Harbor news. Along the same lines of reasoning that some people here are using against Bush, FDR could have, and would have, been labelled a "cripple who was in a wheelchair at the moment we were attacked."

Really. My guess is that 99% of americans were in total shock during the five minutes after the second plane hit. The only people who weren't in shock on 9-11, it seems, were people like Joe Biden, who was already gathering reporters in front of him, moments after the attack, to complain about Bush's handling of it.

To be frank, the only be who acted like they were in 'total control' on 9-11 were the types who were looking for leverage and personal promotion.


posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 04:59 PM
Bush seemed to be very much in control on the day.

Before walking into the classroom, he claims to have seen the first plane go into WTC on a TV monitor, and passed it off as a tragic pilot error. Four times he has repeated this version of events.


This dipsh*t will never, ever look Presidential for a moment he is in office.

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 05:13 PM

bush rocks

his war was justified.....more fanatics should be slaughtered like the animals they are.

everyone forgets about the innocent americans working that morning in those towers. jumping out of the windows in desperation......lives lost for what reason?

Would his war have been "justified" if 9/11 didn't happen? And please, lets not forget about those thousands of innocent americans working in the towers--- clearly bush wasn't concerned about them, was he? Instead, he walks into the classroom and shrugs off the fact that those innocent americans were dying.

Bush rocks, yeah right. I think that Bush was basically trying to establish an alibi, because I believe that the Bush bloodline was behind the whole thing-- in order to get his war.

Thank you for the video, it serves as great evidence of how NOT to act like the president of the united states of america during a national emergency.

[Edited on 29-6-2003 by MKULTRA]

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 08:47 PM
By Tom Tomorrow at

In the first few seconds of the video, Bush is informed by Chief of Staff Andrew Card that "A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack."

And the guy just sits there. For five... solid... freaking... minutes.

The White House admits that Bush fully understood what was happening. So keep this in mind while watching: in New York, as these long, precious minutes slowly tick by, people are burning horribly, people are jumping 100 stories to their deaths, and more planes are very likely headed for other targets (the Pentagon, for example, as it turned out).

Bush sits complacently, doing nothing.

Fighter planes desperately need scrambling. The Pentagon not yet been hit. This is a grave national emergency.

Five. Solid. Freaking. Minutes.

Watch the video. Watch it. Watch the damn thing.

And while you do, remember that morning. Remember where you were, how instantly you wanted to help, and how desperately you would have leapt to action given any opportunity to defend this country.

When the footage ends, he's still not moving, although we can hear the press being told the photo-op is over. Eyewitness accounts indicate that he continued to do virtually nothing for at least another several minutes.

This man is still fighting tooth-and-nail to suppress a full public disclosure of exactly what happened that day.

posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
People who call other people names, and wish them 'slaughtered' are no more worse than those who exagerate and mislead for the sake of achieving their own political goals.

Really, people, it's obvious that the Democrats are not going to debate Bush on any issues, but, rather, are forced to rely on silly exagerations and DIRT.

No, I'm not a raving Bush supporter... it's just that, posting little pictures of Bush and calling him names IS NOT DEBATE and IT DOES NOT HELP DEMOCRACY. It's, to be frank, flat out juvenile.... in that sense, A LOT of the political commentary here is just name calling which is based on appearances. Devoid of any adult responses to Bush... and any clue as to whjat people in this country are thinking... liberal activist and democrats are now just reduced to calling Bush 'monkeyface' or 'retard'... just as an 8 year old acts when he can't think of anything clever to say.

If you guys were REALLY smarter than Bush, and REALLY more in tune with the American people, you would not be marching your party on towards a historic ass-whooping.

PS I am not talking to average democrats here, just activists who are so obsessed with their recent failures and short commings that they have regressed to the level of childish tactics.

I try to support the President if I can whomever he is regardless off party. I think that name calling is punitive and worthless in the voting booth. And pictures of the President backgrounded with Nazi SH!T should be criminal. These kinds of attacks are like throwing rocks at a guy with a .45. He is going to win every time, and the Democrats just seem to have nothing but rocks in there bag of tricks. I wonder if people know they are not HELPING America with these actions?
As to the topic, what did you want? The President to fall out of his chair and start screaming in front of a bunch of little kids " OH GOD!! THEY'RE GONNA KILL US ALL!!"? Do you not believe what he said after being pestered (of all things) about this- he said he did not want to frighten or let down the children, he promised to read to them and he did. The country was in good hands and so was he. Let it go.
Kerry, Mosley-Braun, SHARPTON!; Dean and the JFK wanna- be really have they're work cut out for them.

posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 12:52 AM
My expectations of the Commander In Chief:

1. Don't be caught out right away by a big lie about non-existent live to air TV coverage of the first impact.

2. Listen to Andy Card.

3. Politely cut short the reading, delegate another reader.

4. Deal with the national crisis immediately. Mobilize what needs to be mobilized to prevent further catastrophic loss of life.

5. Don't lie and cover up afterwards.

6. Don't say "we just got the trifecta" in reference to the convenience of the 9/11 terrorist attack as a further justification for moving on PNAC plans.

7. Don't orchestrate a pre-planned war on the basis of supposed terrorist links and fabricated evidence.

Anything else is criminally negligent. In this case both criminal and negligent, but quite OK for some US citizens, obviously.

* I just edited this to show I could count *

[Edited on 30-6-2003 by MaskedAvatar]

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