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Be Confused Regarding Religion No More - Truth (Satya) Behind the Veil (PART I)

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posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: Woodcarver

Why are you asking me what some fictional character was thinking?

This is a copy of our true existence in a hologram / image. It's a veil for the true higher mind. You are the fictional character here in this false image of EGO. If you could see YOU above in your true form, you would be tempted to fall on the ground and worship. We never know this until we do. Rising to new life is part of seeking. Seeking is a choice. So is staying here in this rotting corpse life after life. Your hand is the one that gives sickness and medicine. Virtue is the gift we accept by allowing sickness and medicine to cancel each other. Until them, polarized between the sickness and the medicine. The higher mind calls.

edit on 3-3-2017 by DayAfterTomorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 10:30 PM

originally posted by: DayAfterTomorrow
a reply to: DayAfterTomorrow

Spoiler. Harry, you are past, present and future self. Harry is Voldemort, Himself and Dumbledore all in one. YOU are the same Manu as him. Both divine and human. The hidden hand is your own higher nature (wizard) leading you as you move on the path. Your old nature is the one you fight (Satan / Conscience). Silence it with Love. Next OP will cover the rest of this story.

As a Boddhisattva, did Harry board the train and go on, or did he return to help his relatives? Yes. Harry is the Christ / Bodhisattva figure, just as Superman stayed with Earth to fight evil. YOU are the greatest mystery you will every solve. You are Harry in this life. Know the truth and it sets you free. Your higher nature is there all the time. Seek and find. Knock and the door opens. The Lord is our collective mind. All of us ONE body called Humanity (MANU). Know thyself.

You sound like someone else here who goes by "Alphabet".

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: Matrixsurvivor

Nowhere! Now Here!

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: DayAfterTomorrow
a reply to: Woodcarver

Why are you asking me what some fictional character was thinking?

This is a copy of our true existence in a hologram / image. It's a veil for the true higher mind.

Prove it. Without evidence it's just the ramblings of a mad man. Prove your "opinion" of reality is true.

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: MarsIsRed

Prove it. Without evidence it's just the ramblings of a mad man. Prove your "opinion" of reality is true.

I have for myself, which is the only way it can be done. Are you familiar with the term Prajna?

Prajna. In Theravada Buddhism pannā (Pali) means "understanding", "wisdom", "insight". "Insight" is equivalent to vipassana', insight into the three marks of existence, namely anicca, dukkha and anatta. Insight leads to the four stages of enlightenment and Nirvana.

Unfortunately, I cannot say words to help you resonate with your own higher nature. This is part of seeking, finding and adaptation.


"HAVING thus spoken, Isis first pours out for Horus the sweet draught of immortality which souls receive from the Gods, and thus begins the most holy discourse. Heaven, crowned with stars, is placed above universal nature, O my son Horus, and nothing is wanting to it of that which constitutes the whole world. It is necessary, then, that all nature should be adorned and completed by that which is above her, for this Order could not proceed from below to above. The supremacy of the greater mysteries over the lesser is imperative. Celestial order reigns over terrestrial order, as being absolutely determined, and inaccessible to the idea of death. Wherefore, the things below lament, being filled with fear before the marvelous beauty and eternal permanence of the heavenly world. For, indeed, a spectacle worthy of contemplation and desire were these magnificences of heaven, revelations of the the Divine as yet unknown, and this sumptuous majesty of night illumined with a penetrating radiance, albeit less than that of the sun, and all these other mysteries which move above in harmonious cadence, ruling and maintaining the things below by secret influences. And so long as the Universal Architect refrained from putting an end to this incessant fear, to these anxious investigations, ignorance enveloped the universe. But when He judged good to reveal Himself to the world, He breathed into the Gods the enthusiasm of love, and poured into their mind the splendor which His bosom contained, that they might first be inspired with the will to seek, next with the desire to find, and lastly with the power to readjust."

Seeking is your job. I can only show you it is possible. You are the greatest mystery you will ever solve. Faith is not belief. Faith is being faithful. It's a dependence between two- YOU and YOU. One above. One below. Wake.

edit on 3-3-2017 by DayAfterTomorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: DayAfterTomorrow

*Solemn Nod

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: MarsIsRed

originally posted by: DayAfterTomorrow
a reply to: Woodcarver

Why are you asking me what some fictional character was thinking?

This is a copy of our true existence in a hologram / image. It's a veil for the true higher mind.

Prove it. Without evidence it's just the ramblings of a mad man. Prove your "opinion" of reality is true.

You will demonstrate this to yourself.

Anicca, ( Pali: “impermanence”) Sanskrit anitya, in Buddhism, the doctrine of impermanence. Anicca, anatta (the absence of an abiding self), and dukkha (“suffering”) together make up the ti-lakkhana, the three “marks” or basic characteristics of all phenomenal existence.

And this:

Dukkha (Pāli; Sanskrit: duḥkha; Tibetan: སྡུག་བསྔལ་ sdug bsngal, pr. "duk-ngel") is an important Buddhist concept, commonly translated as "suffering", "pain" or "unsatisfactoriness".

You are an image (ego). The real YOU is waiting to awaken above. No substance to this ego here. It can be removed, which then allows the true higher self to find union.

Anatta, ( Pali: “non-self” or “substanceless”) Sanskrit anatman , in Buddhism, the doctrine that there is in humans no permanent, underlying substance that can be called the soul. Instead, the individual is compounded of five factors (Pali khandha; Sanskrit skandha) that are constantly changing.

Our human form is a vehicle to realize the true self. Know yourself. It's all I can do to simply show you. Death will prove it to you, then a new birth with amnesia. You must do it willingly, without duplicity. Again, faith is faithfulness to the higher nature. God is all of us in one. We are all one with him above. Perfected already. Below, wandering to find the true nature (Dharma).

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 12:21 AM

Better to send you on the quest for the keys.


Gospel of Thoma.... Jesus said, "The Pharisees and the scholars have taken the keys of knowledge and have hidden them. They have not entered nor have they allowed those who want to enter to do so.

Perhaps the Keys of knowledge was written in the book of zohar that was attributed to Simeon bar Yochai.

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: glend

That reminds me. Many years ago, I took the Zohar and did find replace for every term between the term's listing in the text and the glossary in the back. Back then, it didn't hit me as hard as it likely would now. I should do that again now that I am further along in my understanding.
edit on 4-3-2017 by DayAfterTomorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: DayAfterTomorrow

that I am farther along in my understanding.

Abu fihama(t)

“The Father of Understanding "


edit on 4-3-2017 by kibric because: boo

edit on 4-3-2017 by kibric because: boo

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: kibric

Abu fihama(t)

“The Father of Understanding "

For those who might not get your word, this is the origin of the word Baphomet, or the false depiction of God in his Male / Female form, seen as the Devil. In truth, there is no Devil other than the lower nature of any being living. Each of us are this male / female nature as a copy of the Elohim resting in Adam from Genesis 1. Abu is Father. Fihama(t) is Understanding. The illusion is to overcome fear of what is unknown, or the path to being clothed by knowledge from nakedness. The video below is this illusion. The quote is from Zen (BlueCliff Record). Horns are the Ego of the person holding his understanding in pride.

"When you see smoke on the other side of a mountain, you already know there's a fire; when you see horns on the other side of a fence, right away you know there's an ox there. To understand three when one is raised, to judge precisely at a glance this is the everyday food and drink of a patchrobed monk."

GO TO 1:39:50

edit on 4-3-2017 by DayAfterTomorrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-3-2017 by DayAfterTomorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 08:58 AM
AW!!! Gnosisisfaith Your back

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: DayAfterTomorrow

thanks for the detailed response
you like sharing
that's a good thing

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 10:42 AM
Awesome thread as usual DAT. Keep it up, I'm learning a lot of new stuff in your threads.

posted on Mar, 4 2017 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: DayAfterTomorrow

I found the Zohar a tough read but its message is similar to Buddhism in that enlightenment cannot be achieved by the ego. The paths however are somewhat different, Mahayana Buddhism has bodhicitta (the desire to achieve enlightment for the sake of helping *serving* all others) and sunyata (emptiness) whereas Zohar introduces the concept of screens to try moderate egotistical desires. Coming from a programming background I prefer the concept of KISS (keep it simple stupid) so find Buddhism more appealing to my mindset.

A screen is created (appears, emerges, born) within the Kli (desire, man) as a result of man’s sensation of the spiritual Light (the Creator). Therefore, all our requests (prayers, MAN, “questions”) should be about one thing only: for the Creator to grant us the strength necessary to ascend spiritually, to transform our desires or, as Kabbalah defines it, to acquire a screen. It is impossible to annul one’s will to receive pleasure. The Creator created it, and it is His only creation. All we can do is acquire a screen (counterbalance) on it, thereby ascending above creation (egoism), and become similar to the Creator! And to the extent of this similarity, to merge with him.

posted on Mar, 5 2017 @ 05:20 AM
It is not Gnosisfaith it is Enochwasright .

posted on Mar, 5 2017 @ 05:27 AM

edit on 5-3-2017 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2017 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: DayAfterTomorrow

Originally posted by DayAfterTomorrow
Religion is confusing for one reason: The 'Experts' behind the law (there is only one) have hidden the keys to knowledge. To keep this simple, I will not expound my own explanation yet. Better to send you on the quest for the keys…

Luke 11:52 "Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering."

The Pharisees and Lawgivers had become corrupt in their own power and instead of bringing people into the knowledge of God, they just continued to keep people under the written Law. This is what Jesus was pointing out in the verse that you highlighted above (Luke 11:52) in your OP…Jesus even takes this a step further in Matthew 23:13…

The Lawgivers were supposed to teach the Law (just the Ten commandments IMO) to the people but to also, when the time was right, to help them find their divine connection to God through the power of the Holy Spirit…Jesus realized that the Law givers were no longer doing this, but had instead become corrupt in their own power and high position/status…this is why he accused them of belonging to their Father the Devil in John 8:44.

I believe the 10 Commandments (Although originally written in the Sumerian Texts, some 2500 years before hand!!) were originally written by someone with knowledge of the Spirit; in other words, they are the written form of Spiritual truth, even if some of the meanings in them have been slightly lost over time…

Now apart from the Pharisees not bringing others into spiritual knowledge, they also began to add extra Laws…which just furthered the corruption…to the extent where they were bringing people into and teaching them, A “RELIGION”… This is what Jesus was against, as he mentioned a few verses down from Matthew 23:13…

Matthew 23:15
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are.”

A child of Hell is someone following that lower aspect of themselves and being devoid of Spiritual truth…

Religion just looks to bring in more people of the same mind set…And although Christianity has aspects of the Spirit, it still clings to that which is of the lower aspect and religious etc…IMO

Originally posted by DayAfterTomorrow
Yama is Yahweh, or the Spirit of Manu as Ruler of the underworld. He is the Law, or temporary Spirit (Scapegoat) that stands in the place of the Holy Spirit to train man. YAMA from the Encyclopedia: Yama Lit. "Self-control," the first of the eight stages of Rija- Yoga (Yoga means Union with Divine / Relatives also). It consists of five ethical practices..."Yama rules the underworld.

Yahweh is the “I Am that I Am” or the “I will be what I will be” which is subtle description of the eternal spirit, which is outside of us and within us. The added Laws come from the lower nature of man, but the original ten were encoded with higher spiritual truth.

Although like you’ve alluded to, the combination of the Lower aspects of the Law in contrast to the higher ones…helps to teach and enlighten the individual on his or her path towards truth.

One is supposed to move out from the written Law and away from Religion and into Spiritual truth, whereby the Law becomes written in our hearts.

Btw – Nice OP

- JC

edit on 5-3-2017 by Joecroft because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2017 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: Joecroft

Great comments. Thank you. I enjoyed that. The law of 10 commandments can even be done away with (fulfilled) by the one law we find in Galatians 5. I will keep you waiting on this. I think later tonight I'll do a thread on this now that I have finished the other parts of enlightenment. Once a person finds enlightenment to the one law, they the true responsibility of action becomes our intent (by design) to return this compassion to others. Watch for it later this afternoon.

posted on Mar, 5 2017 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: DayAfterTomorrow

Originally posted by DayAfterTomorrow
Great comments. Thank you. I enjoyed that. The law of 10 commandments can even be done away with (fulfilled) by the one law we find in Galatians 5. I will keep you waiting on this. I think later tonight I'll do a thread on this now that I have finished the other parts of enlightenment. Once a person finds enlightenment to the one law, they the true responsibility of action becomes our intent (by design) to return this compassion to others. Watch for it later this afternoon.

Yes, the Law of the Ten Commandments which are encoded with Spiritual Law/Truth, are also meant to be “done away with”. Which means to still be followed to some extent…because they contain universal spiritual Truth/Law.

The key difference is that they are meant to be followed through connecting with God Spiritually…instead of just blindly following the written Law without understanding why…

Because no one starts out (incarnates here) with the knowledge of God, (although conscience is built into all of us)… the original ten were put in place to act as a guide, but only until a time when a person recognizes their divine connection to God.

This is why Jesus said the Law would never pass away, but in my opinion he was only referring to the original ten…

Thanks for your comments…

I look forward to seeing your next thread….

- JC

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