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Technology, the good and the bad

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posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 04:10 AM
In one way technology has made things easier to a point. I just think it is over done. When I was growing up if we wanted to find information we went to the library and do research. If we wanted to contact friends we would speak to them via phone and catch up at the movies where they had pinball machines and games. It was fantastic. A great way to socialize and meet your friends face to face. Now the kids of today have mobile phones and I pads and instead of meeting face to face they are forever typing away to their friends who by the way could be anybody. Some have never gone outside to play. They just sit at home playing games until whenever. Computers have taken over a lot of jobs, so there are less jobs for a growing population. The jobs of the future will be computer technicians, etc. In the not too distant future we will have driverless cars. What will be left for the mass population to do? In some ways technology is good and makes life easier, however, it should not take away from humans what they need to do which is work, and actually get out and see what life is about, rather then live in the make believe world of computer games. Jobs are hard to find now, and it is getting harder and tougher. A lot of jobs sent over seas as well and it just doesn't seem right.

posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: M5h3P
You need to be more ranty here

About the above, well, older ones would say:

When I was growing up if we wanted to find information, we asked the elders...
If we wanted to contact friends, we made an appointment beforehand (because no telephone) and we spent time together not at machines, everyone doing for themselfes. A great way to socialize and meet your friends face to fac. Now the kids meet in arcade centers, chatter to each other via telephone. Typewriters and automatic paper presses have made thousands of letter-setters (the ones aligning each fricking letter on a newspaper layout to print) jobless. Cars are going faster than horses at break neck speed...

posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 05:37 AM
Unsure what else to add
We're wiping ourselves out. Devolving until it will be hard to differentiate between a human and an AI Robot
edit on 19-1-2017 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 05:39 AM
There's no such thing as "bad" technology, only the way it's used. I love the internet. I can find anything I'm looking for or information that would have taken me hours to find in a library and I can instantly talk to someone on the other side of the planet.
Cell phones? Meh. They're great for emergencies and I'm glad my kids have them, to be able to call wherever they are, but they are dangerous, when stupid people text and drive or are too busy chatting to watch the road.
It's all how you use it.

posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: M5h3P

My wife and I had a conversation about this just the other day.

Remember how our parents would talk about buying a gallon of gas for 15 cents or buying a loaf of bread for 10 cents. Times definitely change from generation to generation. My wife both laughed how we were able to buy a small bag of chips for 10 cents and a candy bars was 15 cents. How our parents used us as remotes to change the TV channels. Back than we only had 3 channels and the boring PBS channel, and TV was free! I remember my parents couldn't afford purchasing a color TV until I was in high school!

We've became our parents, lol. I told my wife, can you imagine what technology will be like when our kids children are married and have children of their own? Cell phones may be replaced by hologram communication. Who knows, maybe they'll be able to electronically download knowledge into our brains and make schools obsolete? We're already putting some retail stores out of business because of online shopping. Physically shopping for items may also be a thing of the past!

It's kind of scary to think we're heading in the direction of having less and less face-to-face social interaction. I truly believe this lack of face to face interaction has caused an entire generation to be less considerate of other peoples feelings. Cyber bullying is a perfect example. I sometimes wonder if ATS members would talk the same way face to face with someone the same way they text when posting. I know at times, I find myself addressing someone online in a manner I wouldn't think of saying face to face, and I'm rather tame compared to some members. I doubt many members wouldn't insult their liberal and conservative friends by calling them libtards, commies, hippies, extremists, nutjobs and radicals if they were discussing political issues face to face. Many of us wouldn't want to hurt each others feelings or cause a heated argument and would just defuse a heated exchange of words.

We're becoming a society that has less respect for each other, more self-centered, less tolerant and more materialistic. All because technology has caused us to have less face to face interaction.

posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: M5h3P

Here's a suggestion:


Problem solved.

posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: Geki09

Care to name a job role that can never be filled by a computer or android, either with todays technology or tomorrows?

Because there is no woodworking task, no metalworking task, no compositional task, no artistic task, no service industry task, no menial task, no physical or mental task that a robot, or android could not conceivably be applied to in the next ten to fifteen years.

Hell, at some point I have no doubt that there will be yoga teachers with more wires than sinew, so which jobs, specifically are you referring to?

posted on Jan, 19 2017 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Care to name a job role that can never be filled by a computer or android, either with todays technology or tomorrows?

Maybe some art and art-near jobs like hair cuts. Servicing machines and buildings to the level we can. We´re not at true AI yet, although this could change any day. So I´d say 10-15 years for mental and compositional tasks is underestimated, if we´re talking 'field' ready.

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