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Inject These 25 Things in Your Blood or Become Crazy

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posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 10:02 PM
There are about 25 conditions you can get vaccinations for:

If you say no to ONE of these 25 vaccines, you are an "Anti-Vaxxer". Saying that not all 25 of these are something everyone should have makes you "worse" than "nutty and dangerous" according to a Forbes article:

he could have corrected the record and pointed out the real harm that comes from anti-vaccination misinformation. Instead, he [doctor Ben Carson] said things like this: "Vaccines are very important, certain ones, the ones that would prevent death or crippling. There are others, a multitude of vaccines that don’t fit in that category, and there should be some discretion in those cases."


So, Ben Carson according to Forbes, has a position that if you don't want all 25 of the vaccinations because "there should be some discretion", you are an anti-vaxxer, and "worse" than "nutty and dangerous".

According to RationalWiki which is the authority on identification of irrational thought, you are an anti-vaxxer, irrational, and a "Prick" if you are one who

blames the medical practice of vaccinations for a wide range of health problems


So by RationalWiki standards, you can get all 25 of these injected tomorrow and still be an anti-vaxxer because you believe that in addition to the pros of vaccines there are also cons. Vaccines have only pros and no cons according to mainstream thought that if you don't accept, you are mentally insane, dangerous, and should have all 25 populist big pharma products injected into your blood stream.

And then of course there is the belief that if you don't believe all 25 of these treatments should be FORCED into your childrens bloodstream, your children should not be allowed to go to school as the following says:

Do they refund the $3,000 per year that you pay into property taxes should you have your children refused an education you paid for with your hard-earned money? No. If you absolutely insist on getting your money back via not paying property tax after they refuse you the schooling you paid for, then rest assured the self-described "pro-vaxxers" will have the county sheriff raid your home, forcibly throw you and all your possessions in the street, and praise them self for their greatness while patting them self on the back as they rip your children from you permanently, possibly force you into a mental institution given that you are "crazy for being an anti-vaxxer", and definitely throw you in jail if you insist the property they took isn't theirs to take from you and attempt to return there, and then leave you in squalor to fend for your self on the street. All because you didn't want one of the 25 popular injections in your child on the belief of excessive risk and won't pay for a service you are not allowed to use as a result.

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: fractal5

It just goes to show that Authoritarian crap isn't isolated to Liberals. Republicans are perfectly okay to step on your personal liberty when convenient to them. This is the reason I don't support either political party.

I am not against all vaccines, but I certainly support the individual freedom to choose what goes into and what happens to our body.

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 10:29 PM
And why, exactly, does it matter what anyone calls you? I refuse vaccines because I am immuno-compromised. People can call me whatever they want, but I am still not going to risk my life to keep from being labeled by some zealot.

I think you're blowing this just a tad out of proportion...but I will say that the flu vaccine pushers are quite aggressive and threatening toward people who decline, so there's that. Perhaps people should take the time to ask themselves why vaccines are being crammed down everyone's throats so voraciously? What could possibly make them want everyone to submit to being injected with something so badly that they'll resort to bullying and scare tactics to achieve it, while singling out, identifying and ostracizing any who refuse?

Always paying so much attention to so many frivolities and obvious misdirection, when the things that should really scare the bejeezus out of people are ignored. And the beat goes on.

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 10:43 PM
HeHe. I'm crazy and I love it. I never in my wildest dreams thought it could be so easy. Can I qualify for assisted housing now?

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Sure! It's only 25 injections away!

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 11:02 PM
a reply to: fractal5

Much ignorance. Being weary of "decomissioned" viruses being injected inside of you, along with questionable buffers, seems perfectly valid to me.

Since when is it insane to be cautious and question science? Especially when that science is still so young. Jump the gun much?

posted on Dec, 5 2016 @ 11:47 PM
My doc gets all bent out of shape when I don't want a flu-vaccine. I've tried to tell him, every single time I get one I come down with the flu...and I NEVER get the flu. He says it's just a coincidence, and pesters me non-stop. I gave up. Now I just lie and tell him I got one at work.

I'm not an anti-vaxxer, and I know there are some vaccines which really do prevent terrible diseases, but I'm not convinced all of them are truly 'required'. Flu-vaccines chief among these.

Once upon a time, not so long ago, lobotomies and electroshock therapy were considered perfectly acceptable medical practices.

Just sayin'.

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