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The New Area 51 ! - Area 6413?

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posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 10:13 PM
Check out this report from Popular Mechanics:

"The Air Force has abandoned top-secret testing at its once most secret test site. We know why and we know where they moved it to." - Jim Wilson.

"My visit seems to confirm what circumstantial evidence first suggested more than a year ago. Area 51 has shut down. Not that anyone should be surprised. After all, the base became America's worst-kept secret the moment talk-show host Larry King announced its presence to his national audience during a special on UFOs."

" Like the U-2 spyplane that created the need for Area 51, the base itself had become obsolete. The next generation of ultrahigh-performance military aircraft would need a different type of proving ground. We believe we know where the Air Force will build this new base�the new Area 51, or, as it is officially named, Area 6413. "

"The Air Force Times reports that the distinctively painted CT-43 transports, which previously flew workers between Area 51 to a depot at the edge of McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, have begun making flights to Utah. And not far away from the new Area 51, millionaire Robert M. Bigelow, the prominent financier of paranormal and UFO research, has just purchased the 480-acre Sherman ranch for the site of the National Institute for Discovery Science. Its mission: to conduct scientific studies of the crop circles, cattle mutilations and other bump-in-the-night phenomena that the folks in these parts have been reporting for decades. So there should be no shortage of fascinating speculation for years to come. "

I thought this was a great read. Anyone know anything about this? I couldn't find a related thread.

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 10:29 PM
by Jim Eckles

"The author, Jim Wilson, claims Area 51 is shutting down and the Air Force is moving out. He says the researchers are not abandoning their work, hoever. They are just moving to a new, secret location. He claims the new version of Area 51 will be located in Utah at a place he calls "Area 6413." It is better known as the White Sands Green River Launch Complex."

"Why use Green River? Wilson says our launch complex there has many advantages. He states the place is a perfect area for hiding test operations, that there is already an infrastructure in place and it is the right distance from the airfield at Dugway. He even says that the work we did there during the past few years to see about possibly firing target missiles from there back to White Sands was just a smoke screen for this move."

"Somehow Popular Mechanics has gotten away from those old articles on how to change your car's timing belt or how to build your own patio deck. This story reads almost like something out of the National Enquirer. Heaven help us."

**The PM article was a bit older than I thought ('97).**

[Edited on 2-8-2003 by ProudAmerican]

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 10:31 PM
Can we name it something different this time?

Hrm...hiding a strange base in a state full of strange people (mormons!) should not be hard.

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 10:32 PM
Hey, maybe if they classify it as a mormon temple they'll gain tax-exempt status

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 12:43 AM
they'll definitely have to come up with a catchier name...Area 6431 just won't fly

although I remember hearing about this a while back (a, 1997 or so), and assumed it never took of as originally planned, since operations at Area 51 don't really seem to be slowing down. it wouldn't be a bad move on the part of the government to stage light shows at Area 51 for the tourists and do the real heavy lifting somewhere else, though.

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 02:06 PM
When you look at the date, in the URL you'll see that it's a pretty old aritcle.
That popular science article is quite famous. it is by far the worst article on area 51. Based on wrong facts and information.

Area 51 is more alive than it has ever been. Last decade there has been a huge change in military aircraft design, propulsion techniques and of course the introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV's).
Planes fly on and off every day to the base, and busses still pick up workers in the neirby towns.

[Edited on 24-6-2003 by Zion Mainframe]

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 03:31 PM
JANET flights continue. Not to mention, there's still quite a facility in the mountain-sides, that is perfectly hidden from satellites. And, with ever expanding borders, it is becoming more, not less secretive and remote. You don't spend billions on this kind of base and then mothball way. And there is no need. In fact, the whole exposure of the base, is probably the best cover they could ask for... They'll do rather low key testing right out in plain sight, so any suggestion of anything more fantastic, is simply dismissed out of hand....

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 04:02 PM
If Area 51 is now only being used for new Uav's stealth or otherwise why has the runways been extended so much as the longer the runway the faster the planes (aurora ).
The Government are as straight as corkscrews it would suit them to down play Area 51 but keep it running flat out

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 04:25 PM
Area 6413? Is that the same as the alleged "Area 19?"



posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 05:52 PM
Area 51 is still active. This article is from the Conspiracy Journal if. Why would the A-51 security put sensors in the ground on public land if A-51 was closed or was shut down? And also with all the recently built structures that was mentioned earlier. Something isn't quite right here, 6143 could be a smaller version of A-51 there is one in Alaska but as far as A-51 shutting down. I highly doubt it.


What�s the Joint Terrorism Task Force Doing in the Tiny Town of Rachel?
By George Knapp

FBI agents have confirmed that a search warrant was served Thursday night on the home of a self-described military watchdog in the tiny town of Rachel, near the mysterious Area 51 military base. Eyewitness News has learned this action was initiated by the Joint Terrorism Task Force. The search warrant remains sealed and the FBI won�t say what was seized from the home of Rachel resident Chuck Clark. It's believed the action was taken because Chuck Clark escorted the I-Team on a tour of the roads surrounding the base. During the visit, he showed us the location of military sensors, hidden on public land. Here's our story.

Retired astronomer and desert rat Chuck Clark has a new hobby. He's prowled the hills and deserts of Lincoln County for several years now, has photographed exotic aircraft in the skies, and keeps an eye on the top secret base known as Area 51. He's even written a book about the place. Over the past few months, he's discovered that the military has been installing secret sensor devices on public lands surrounding the base. Using a frequency counter device, he can tell when his vehicle trips a sensor. When that happens, he looks for the hard-to-spot wire atop the device, and then he digs them up, takes pictures, and puts them back.

Clark isn�t a terrorist or spy but is angered that hikers, four wheelers, or photographers are being monitored by the military on public land, miles from the boundary of the base, which is clearly marked by signs.

Chuck Clark says, �It's overkill in my opinion. They have a 25-mile buffer zone around the base. Why they have to put stuff outside the line really escapes me.�

During the I-Team visit last week, two sensors were located and base security wrote down the plate numbers of our vehicles.

We returned five days ago and drove to the rear entrance of Area 51.

Two days later, FBI agents, working with Air Force intelligence and the Joint Terrorism Task Force [], raided Clark�s home and seized photos, records and his computer. Is it legal for anyone to touch military sensors hidden on public land? The government doesn�t think so, although Clark hasn�t been charged with anything, is the military trying to silence this outback gadfly?

"They�re paranoid about this location and I don�t see why" said Clark.

We asked the BLM if it's legal for the military to put sensing devices out on public land but a spokesman couldn�t answer our question. Law enforcement sources say that by handling the sensors, the devices are disabled. So it amounts to destruction of government property. As we mentioned, Clark hasn�t been charged. He was out of the state when the warrant was served. Our investigation of the issues involved will continue.

Source: KLAS-TV

[Edited on 29-6-2003 by M43]

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 06:02 PM
My personal proverb.
Make something look weaker to make it stronger.

I don't think they'll move.
But it does make sense to get bigger.

You guys could be looking at 2 Area 51s.
They could be about to show us some technology.

[Edited on 29-6-2003 by Leveller]

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 09:37 AM
It would make sence there because that's where the Space and Missile Defense Command's are?

posted on Jul, 4 2003 @ 01:46 PM
The idea about Green River replacing Area 51 was highly criticised after PM's article on the subject.

One article about Green River has been on ATS for some time -

Why would there be a need to move operations, Area 51 is and always will be impenetrable from any direction, not to mention the sheer amount of land for expansion should it be needed.

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 07:06 AM
The Green River Launch Complex a.k.a. Area-6413 is NOT an Area 51 replacement. Both bases are in use. From what I've read Area -6413 is an avdvanced missile and rocket test site, hense the name Green River Launch Complex.


posted on Aug, 2 2003 @ 02:40 PM
Alright Tim, tell me exactly where you read-up that the ABANDONED green river test site is currently in use. And, nobody here really knows wheather or not dreamland is still considered active unless he/she has current evidence to support such an idea. This also applies to the green river theory. ~so just do us all a favor and simply go by the information that we discuss on this site.

posted on Aug, 12 2003 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Jeffrey
Alright Tim, tell me exactly where you read-up that the ABANDONED green river test site is currently in use. And, nobody here really knows wheather or not dreamland is still considered active unless he/she has current evidence to support such an idea. This also applies to the green river theory. ~so just do us all a favor and simply go by the information that we discuss on this site.

Ok, first of all Area 6413 is call the Green River Lanch Complex. this is information from the Popular Mechanics Artical itself. According to the US Defense Department "A launch complex is used for testing of rockets and Missiles." Second in the artical it said
"There was, however, a second Whites Sands launch site�one that wasn't mentioned in either the congressional briefing or the Huntsville technical conference. It was located about 200 miles from Michael AAF, which fit within pop-up mission flight profiles. What's more, portions of it were at an even higher elevation, closer to 4500 ft., which meant an even greater payload capacity than possible from the New Mexico site. It is the White Sands Missile Range Utah Launch Complex.

The Utah Launch Complex�which we believe will be the new Area 51�is an even more desolate and forbidding stretch of real estate than Groom Dry Lake Bed. Located south of Utah Route 70 and east of the Green River, it is like the Groom Dry Lake Bed�beneath unlimited-ceiling restricted airspace designated as R-6413."

The above Quote was cut and pasted from and online copy of the Popular Mecanics artical, Page #3. if you don't beleve me, go read the artical yourself at:



posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 10:09 AM

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