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Blood Sucking Conscious Vampire Parasites

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posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 05:57 PM
Here's an uplifting positive quote that shares the same expierence.

"When you harbour thoughts and feelings that are selfish, unfair and wicked, it is as if you are taking in food from the lower regions of life. By accepting them into yourself, you strengthen them, and because these thoughts and feelings also send out waves that spread, you also project unhealthy substances, and anyone who has descended to that level of consciousness, and even entities in hell, will feed on these. Whereas if you try hard to keep your thoughts and feelings harmonious and full of light, not only do you link yourself to higher entities, but this divine food will also go to nourish creatures of light, and then you will live in them, because you will have fed them. So be careful, in the knowledge that it depends entirely on you what kind of food you are going to receive and what kind you will give."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 06:16 PM
Quote from fishonwheels many people are waking up to these Conscious Parasites.

*It's very easy to tell the difference between low lvl entity attachments and someone else throwing you energy. Entities are around 24/7 whereas ppl often follow a schedule or react specifically to things that you do. And it's unmistakable when a living persons projects something your way and you would know what that feels like if you've ever psychically interacted with someone else, say a family member. What can happen however through others is repeated exposure to attacks can wear down one's defences and the bleeding out of energy CAN attract parasitic "thought forms" seeking sustanence. I have found distancing from one's source of attacks and an over all healthy and positive life can offer good natural lvl's of protection though against determined and experienced attackers whom it may not be practical to get away from you would need more of an active and not just passive defence. Anyways all the projected energy can lodge into one's own field which then attracts negativity from others.

*"low lvl thought forms/astral wildlife" as easy as swatting away flies. If this is all you need to get rid of, you're in luck. They have no power to infect a whole group field such as one you'd get with teams, families, members of a club, online communities etc. Have a warm bath, eat well sleep well, put no poison into your body and listen to awesome music for half a day and you've just starved them off. Ofc if you're under sustained assault from real ppl then there could be much more auric repair in the cards.

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 07:32 PM
Montalk has a page on Dislodging Negative Entity Attachments -

and so does Larry Wilson -

Quote from princessofwands.

The main thing is to give these entities nothing to hook onto, no food. So guard what you do, watch, think and feel. Don't let emotional problems grow inside you so that they become complexes with a life of their own that can 'puppet' you and be a nuisance to you and people around you.

As for other people's entities or negative thoughtforms, then give them no food either. Work out what kind of emotional charge they are trying to get from you and be completely indifferent as they 'do their thing' using the person in front of you as a conduit. Give them no satisfaction!!

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 08:45 PM
More inspirational quotes with similar knowledge.

"God has given all creatures life, but it’s up to them to make efforts to become more alive each day. To become more alive means to give your light and warmth. It is so good to meet people in whom you sense everything is alive and full of light! We love a tree for its fruit, we love a spring for its flowing water, we love flowers for their colour and scent. In the same way, we love those who open themselves to give something pure, luminous and warm. So, learn, then, to cultivate this source of life within yourself. Make a habit of smiling, of looking at others with love; try to extract a few particles from your heart to send to others. You are the one who will feel richer and happier.

All religions have recommended fasting as an exercise in purification. But fasting must not be understood only on the physical level. If impurities have taken hold in the physical body in the form of physical problems, a physical fast will be able to get rid of them. But impurities can also take hold in the astral and mental bodies, in the form of coarse feelings and desires, and erroneous thoughts and judgments. Now, these thoughts, feelings and desires are dark entities that force humans to absorb the foods that they, the entities, need. Yes, thoughts, feelings and desires are living entities.
In order to get rid of these entities, people must stop feeding them; in other words, they must try hard not only to cease entertaining inferior thoughts and feelings but also to replace them with pure and luminous ones. If they deprive these entities of their food, the entities will be forced to fast and, faced with the threat of death from starvation, they will leave. That is also how you should understand fasting, by transposing it to the different planes of being."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: Crunky

your willingness to help others is a testament to you
and your convictions

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: kibric
a reply to: Crunky

your willingness to help others is a testament to you
and your convictions

I respect those kind words kibric.
edit on 25-7-2016 by Crunky because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 10:55 PM
Quote from DNA who shares similar experience.


Fourth dimensional beings prefer for you to be still while they are feeding on you, as such, if you feel as if your are being preyed upon, move around, go for a jog, take a walk, exercise your body, even driving helps.

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: Crunky

You had me up until you said.

In this age Satan has many weapons at his disposal demons, conscious vampire parasites, synthetic people and androids all of this as an attempt of collecting souls

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 11:18 PM
Quote from Stuart Wilde, refers to them as 'ghouls'.
He says they can't stand chamomile flowers and lavender. I am no expert of how inter-dimensional parasitism works, but I can tell you that chamomile flowers in your pockets, and the dust rubbed lightly on your forehead ... works. Now, I'm sure people will tell me that's just because I believe it does, but I'm not so sure. I've experimented with other things that didn't seem to work at all. You put chamomile flowers and dust about your person, and drink chamimile tea (strong and really stewed) and you'll see what I mean. The feeling is as though an ugly presence lifts because it doesn't like the stuff

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: apoc36

I'm not an expert in this field but alot of what I know is from being attacked by these entities. But you are right I threw that in their as my own little theory, you don't have to believe me on that but for the others I'm referencing many others with the same expierence Coincidence.

posted on Jul, 26 2016 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

Oh, Yes, and those feeders have a name.
Narcissist. Pure evil in the flesh.

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