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Conan in my brainz

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posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 08:33 PM
It's been a few weeks. I was pretty sleep deprived, but honestly that's been the story my whole adult life. I sleep on 5-6 hours post 30 years of age, was more like 4-5 under 30. Naps started last year, I pass out midday if sufficiently stressing out my mind and body.

Anyhoo, got this thing going on sometimes. The daydreams are bizarre, hell all my dreams are. I've long ago mastered the art of lucid dreaming, flying through the stars, banging my alien relatives, 3 layers of dreams happening simultaneously (very difficult to explain). Some of this leaks into my experiences throughout the day.

The thing was this. I was working on a project in my downstairs office, in the terminal writing code and getting to the root of a problem. The whole time I was listening to Conan in the background, it was playing on my tele but I didn't have the HDMI signal plugged into the lappy. I solved my problem, felt the need to go crash out, and was lights out. When I awoke, I did a quick replay of the conan in my mind, and reasoned the episode must have paused at some point, because I wasn't recalling the end of the show. So I went downstairs, and looked for the show on my system. It's not there. I'm looking for the file that indicates I had it at one point. It's not there! Then I realize I haven't watched Conan all year. WTF?

It took me a minute to conclude the only logical thing it could be. I imagined the whole show. Created it in mind so realistically, it hard-coded as if a real experience. Now, I know I'm insane. Ever since I was tiny, I would create vivid scenarios in my mind, going through potential new encounters, or old experiences adding a new variable in the equation. This advanced starting as a teen to having multiple scenarios run through my mind simultaneously. I basically run on multiple tracks of thought at all times. It's the same as how my multi-layered dreams operate. There's an impression that creates a new change to all tracks at once, it's like a compressed thought that unpacks with a key in the form of a thought track or dream layer. Each key expresses this thought differently.

Not created a full episode like this so lifelike that I mistaked it for a real experience before thou. I've had little things, like you have a very rapid, vivid experience when you're out in public, and you jump and you freak out for a split second and you can't begin to describe to people what you just experienced, but you keep going about your day and people go back to assuming you're not a complete freak when you really are. This is just kinda another level.

So I was bored, wanted to share. Guess I got about 1% schizo to me, maybe more. At least my insanity helps me out, it doesn't much bother me.

posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: pl3bscheese

Do you remember any of the jokes?

posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: MiddleInitial

No. From my perspective it was just a show in the background that I was barely processing while I focused in on solving my issue for the project. It freaks me out a little because my recollection after waking up from my nap was that it was definitely happening outside of my inner thoughts. Usually when I have thought experiments or quick flashes of highly compacted experiences there's a clear distinguishing from outer reality. This was blurred to the point that I truly felt and hard-encoded it as an experience in my real world. Perhaps the nap directly after impacted this.

edit on 9-7-2016 by pl3bscheese because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: pl3bscheese
Conan the Librarian?

Conan the Octogenarian? Even barbarians get old.
Conan the aquarium? Never heard of that? Well, something's a bit fishy about that one.

posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: Skid Mark

Love that movie! I saw it in the theaters.

Conan O'brien.

Hey if you don't want to believe me that's cool. I'm not making any outrageous claims, just bothered to share one of my weird experiences that happened recently.


posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: pl3bscheese
I didn't say I don't believe you. I was just trying to make you laugh.

posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: pl3bscheese

but what if you really did listen to it in the background?

would be funny if you see it sometime on your computer in the future and it's dejavu the entire episode because you already saw or heard it?

I know what you mean by multiple tracks it makes it so hard for me to talk in real time. first because it's mostly in interactive movie form so there is a translation and then also because I'm saying multiple things at once. both of us seem to not need or at least not be able to sleep much. And we've both mixed "reality" and "other"

mine comes in the form of dreaming while awake. It started as a kid. I would wake up from a nightmare only to hear the demonic voice in my room it was making me watch a movie on my wall about knights. if I closed my eyes It would scream at me so I watched it. I was being trained to be a knight and how to put my armor on.. Turns out later when I researched knights everything I already knew was correct. Especially the weird things like cod pieces and pillows with writing sewn into them..

I was in a room with my cousin but the movie didn't wake him haha.. I finally decided it was too scary and it would only take 10 seconds to run into the parents room, woke them up and when I came back the movie was gone.

Also if I get in the right tune.. mind wise.. I can imagine something like the start of a song, and it will play by itself even if I don't consciously know the song something does and gets it all perfect, sometimes this song will sound like it's coming from somewhere in outside reality. It doesn't need to be a real song even. Something can write entire symphonies and play hundreds of instruments as I listen in awe..

I'm not sure what it means..

edit on 9-7-2016 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: Reverbs

So I'm mostly similar, except it's very rare for me to have my inner experiences project out IRL. It's happened a handful of times, and I don't think that's all too rare (when considering the frequency). If it happened with any regular frequency I'd be concerned of developing a mental illness. Hope it doesn't happen to you all too often.

The auto-generating thing is more what I'm describing here. I can have a conscious thought spark my subconscious to create pretty well anything which is channeled into my awareness in some sort of bridge I often call a "semi-conscious" state. So I basically like to think in chunks, everything can be simplified and stored in chunks. I can create a chunk with a single conscious thought and have that run through it's process while I focus elsewhere, creating more chunks or not. Generally the chunks are to help me solve complex problems.

Eh, describing the mind is difficult.

My father does something similar, but isn't aware of it. He sometimes believes he has told me something already, and then gets upset that I don't know what he's talking about. I've concluded he imagines telling me something in his mind while he is busy doing other things like talking on the phone. He's always "scrambled" in his mind, and is "scrambling" handling multiple issues running his company. I think he imagines conversations and mistakes them for reality. I don't recall ever mistaking an imagined conversation for reality, but that may happen as I age and/or become more busy in the future.

originally posted by: Reverbs
a reply to: pl3bscheese

I know what you mean by multiple tracks it makes it so hard for me to talk in real time. first because it's mostly in interactive movie form so there is a translation and then also because I'm saying multiple things at once.

Can you expand on this? My tracks can be pushed and pulled from awareness to whatever degree is necessary in order to perform in daily interactions. The only time I have a lag and need for interpretation after the fact is when the picture the person is painting requires the manipulation of complex forms to understand. I have to fit the information into the objects correctly before having a response. That's generally not required, simple flashes of images usually suffice.

I'm not certain what you mean with the "saying multiple things at once". I have what I describe as a round table of associates that inform me on what best response to give. They take on their own persona, their own distinctive voice, so there's not confusion here. It's generally not like audible speech IRL, more like thought impressions that can be ... again, "unpacked" into an audio format if you feel the need to, but are more than audio, they give me a full sensation experience with a swiftness. I don't hear my own multiples of voice. Did you mean you speak a bit gibberish, jumping from one train of thought to the next?

My father does this all the time. He generally will speak about 4-8 things in a long paragraphs worth of information. He will jump from 1-5-2-7-3-2-8-1-5-6-7-2-4 and be frustrated when you don't understand each 8 parts he was talking about. It's very difficult because he doesn't give any indication he has switched to a new topic, or back to one mentioned just a few seconds ago. I don't do this. All of my mixing is internal, when I speak I can have many things in mind, but will keep a focus and only if I feel like being more melodic/artsy will I choose to layer it in for people. I did this just a touch in my OP, but far from what it could have been. That's generally felt out for the right kind of individual.
edit on 9-7-2016 by pl3bscheese because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: pl3bscheese

I don't have a strong brain course chooser guy, so sometimes my mouth is saying the middle and beginning and ending of 3 separate sentences because I never gave one or another precedence. couldn't decide in time so im saying all of them to some degree or another.

it's more like an effect of not really having a train of thought.. I'll start playing a simulation but it will spark an idea and now thats going maybe I rewind one and change it as I am trying to also mix those "movies" with my physics movie I play of the big bang to atoms to galaxies to planets to bacteria to humans.. trying to put my knew thoughts in comparison with what I think is the "truth of reality"

The thought experiment movies and the songs I can set in motion that then think on their own, are related to how I know how other people feel. I can take their "energy" and do really good impressions because I am them basically. but only if I'm in that zone... In tune..

And no my normal life is pretty normal these days.

It was a couple nights ago and this was caused by withdrawing from alcohol and not having good sleep, I thought I was dreaming and I was sort of but I was really day dreaming, so my arm has a scar on it from an oven burn and im scratching that to keep the world spinning or something but it gets more complex than that and I've never really explained it correctly but in dream mode almost anything can be analagous to anything else..

I wasn't born like this I used to think in words.
I don't have an inner voice anymore unless I just make it happen but it's a slower way to think so I only use it when I need to choose things that are not tempting choices (getting up for work, cleaning the house..)

basically i use my subconscious more and my consciousness less than I used to. It's a lot smarter and faster but much stranger and almost impossible to explain.

It happened after I meditated too hard and I've never been the same sense.

it's actually the only way to remember dreams well or out of body experiences well.. To think the way we do.. when you come back into waking consciousness your memory stream switches to awake human body mind.. and it stores your memory of your last day then remember sleeping and then what you did when you got up but the dreaming part has at least 2 streams of memory.. the body in bed and the dude flying over the giant castle..

but if you think in multiple streams anyway you can store simultaneous memories better.
Sometimes that happens where I feel both my body laying in bed and my body walking to class in a school, and as my consciousness split in 3 pieces one dreaming one laying in bed and one noticing that I had the other two at once and going "this is weird, but I like this, 'I'm' in 2 places at once?! wait then who am I? I'm watching the other two!!"


at some point with the school dream my perception got too confused to maintain my body being horizontal laying in bed and standing up in a school so in the school dream I started falling slowly back floating in the air until I was in my bodies position and Im going no no no I'm losing it!! meanwhile the other me is listening to my brothers play nintendo games. and the me falling is like why am I getting paralyzed?

edit on 9-7-2016 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: Reverbs
a reply to: pl3bscheese

It happened after I meditated too hard and I've never been the same sense.

I didn't realize it at the time, but I was doing advanced meditation practice as a child daily... so this makes sense to me.

Yea, I got my superior PFC from my mother, and my wicked zaniness from my father. My moms has the focus, and my father has the creativity. Guess I lucked out.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: pl3bscheese

I think my prefrontal cortex has gotten less effective over the years..
Very hard to make choices when you care very little about details.

someone called me Selfless once. It struck me. I very much am.
I should fix that if I want the brain governor to come back.

You know I think people like us could be targets of manipulation. Obviously you have much better defenses against it than I do. I think our mind is a gateway in the brain as well as the brain. The gate could let in beautifully crafted music, or Conan! or it could let in through psychopath's manipulative illusions, reality altering mental creations.

I'm not really sure what reality is anymore. Sometimes it's as if I see the future, or that I created the future. either sounds crazy, but I don't think coincidence covers my experiences.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: Reverbs

You sound a bit more like my father than myself, though we're pretty similar compared to the norm. My father doesn't sweat the details, and his life story is being too nice and selfless only to be taken advantage of time and time again. He's gotten better after the bitch took off with all our monies and dropped him. That and getting 1/4 million in debt from having people take advantage of him post-recession. He had no choice but to adapt.

He's at a stage now where we curse at each other daily on the job, it's healthy for us both. We can curse in frustration one second, and laugh the next all the while getting # done. People think we're nuts, and we're okay with that.

I learned early on that I could be taken advantage of for being too nice and open. After leaving the rave scene I decided to cut off ties to all my old friends except a few worthy, and hardened up from then until my late 20s. I'm pretty stable with who I am for now. I know what reality is as a human being will experience it, and I'm able to use my gifts wisely.

I don't buy into the studies and meta-physics belief systems that are emerging. I see flaws and leaps of logic here. We are pattern scavenging fools who can predict the future to a degree. We can see far reaching eventualities and speak mostly general, but also we can have exact images of things to happen just around the corner. I see no reason to think this requires any woo-woo.

I have to be detail-oriented and big thinking doing what I do for projects. Basically my role for the moment is a bit of everything. I deal with networking, security, sys-admin, dev-ops, business planning, and directing the worker-bees. If I get the details incorrect, the system breaks down. If I don't think big-picture, long-term the business fails and the pieces don't fit in correctly. I have to work on about a dozen small projects at all times and have preplanned them to fit in correctly. As I move forward things are found not to work out, and new solutions have to be worked in, sometimes shifting my approach with other bits. So it's very dynamic process, that requires a little bit of everything.

The only thing I've noticed cognitively that has dropped off now being age 33 is my rapid simple arithmetic calculations. I used to be lightning quick, much faster than anyone I ever met through my youth. Through a late adolescence neuronal pruning this was deemed not worthy to stick around. It appears to have been replaced by lightning quick intuitive flashes that help me solve problems in real life. It's application has been broadened.
edit on 10-7-2016 by pl3bscheese because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: pl3bscheese

my in the head math skills dropped off too from double digit multiplications in my head at age 4 to now I sometimes have to add 17 and 24 twice in my head to get to the answer haha. I'm turning 30 this year. definitely don't feel 30.

we will have to disagree on the woo woo.

I see so many misunderstood quantum mechanics stories that I get what you mean, but there are certain nagging things..

I have this silly thing I keep doing..

I will accidentally hear someones thoughts out loud in their voice.. then if I'm not in the same room ill come running and find out they needed me but didn't call for me yet or in the same room I'll answer like oh yes lets order a pizza and watch that movie.. to a very confused look on my exe's face so im like "do you not want pizza then? I thought you just..." yes I do but I didn't say anything...

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: Reverbs

I don't think that's woo-woo, I think that's well in line with what we're talking about throughout the thread. I do this as well. People think I'm magic or psychic but I know better.

So when you enter a room, you can feel everyone and will automagically get impressions of everyone instantaneously, correct? It's just like the symphony playing in your mind. You're constantly running sub-processes that are like a google AI bot which predicts what you want for ads, or searches, or how your speech patterns let them know you mean butt, not but in the next word. Our minds learn to better imagine other people in general, and specifically. The subconscious is quite powerful.

The second I enter a room, I gather all entities and keep them in mind until I or they leave. I know where everyone is generally, and can predict a great many things with stunning accuracy without having to consciously process much of anything. I don't think this has anything to do with woowoo. My mother is like this as well. This is introverted intuition, from an MBTI perspective. My father has extraverted intuition. I have both.
edit on 10-7-2016 by pl3bscheese because: (no reason given)

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