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Bloomberg Uncovers Secret Deal with Saudi Arabia on Debt for the Last 41 Years.

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posted on May, 31 2016 @ 08:35 AM
Here it is, finally a glimpse behind the curtain:
The Untold Story Behind Saudi Arabia's 41 Year US Debt Secret

Have you wondered why Saudi Arabia was dropped from the 9/11 report? Well, they told us to or they would crush our economy by selling their share of the US debt. How much do they own? Can't say, it's not on the books. To get over the energy crisis of 1974, a special back door deal was made that allowed Saudi to buy US Debt, and not have any of it on the books. That's right, it's not reported, and they're willing to use it to pull US Strings.

In April, Saudi Arabia warned it would start selling as much as $750 billion in Treasuries and other assets if Congress passes a bill allowing the kingdom to be held liable in U.S. courts for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, according to the New York Times. The threat comes amid a renewed push by presidential candidates and legislators from both the Democratic and Republican parties to declassify a 28-page section of a 2004 U.S. government report that is believed to detail possible Saudi connections to the attacks. The bill, which passed the Senate on May 17, is now in the House of Representatives.

How do you feel about our Saudi overlords? How many odd and unusual moves of the US can be explained by this?
edit on 31-5-2016 by CyberGarp because: Minor typo

edit on 31-5-2016 by CyberGarp because: Spelling.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 08:47 AM
Doing deals on this scale and in secrecy with the Arabs was bound to come back and bite them on the arse at some stage.

+4 more 
posted on May, 31 2016 @ 08:47 AM
Good ol' SA, good thing they're also the head of the UN Human Rights Council.

Let's take a moment to realize that it is the responsibility of SA to stop assholes such as SA from beheading citizens for protesting and not allowing women to drive. Also, SA makes a Goddamn KILLING off of American arm deals - it's pretty clear there are conflicting interests at play.

But hey - let's blame poor people and those who have no say in government/public policy, demonize and scapegoat them as what's "wrong with this country," whilst not batting an eye to the ranks of corruption that reach the highest echelons of world governments and continues to spread.

SA and their backwards-ass barbaric beliefs can kindly drop to their knees and blow me. If only the Federal government were to do the same to these religious zealots and instigators of terrorism and Wahhabism.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 08:54 AM
Just a question, the big threat is selling off bad US debt?

Who'd buy that?

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: intrptr

Just a question, the big threat is selling off bad US debt?

Who'd buy that?

North Korea? No wait, Russia? No.

Ah, of course, U.K banks.
edit on 31/5/16 by Cobaltic1978 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 08:57 AM
Sorry but SA is a red herring in those redacted pages.

Much closer to home and that's why they're redacted.

If it was SA they couldn't do diddly squat to the US Military Industrial Complex...
Nor economically.

Israel on the other hand...


posted on May, 31 2016 @ 09:02 AM

originally posted by: intrptr

Just a question, the big threat is selling off bad US debt?

Who'd buy that?

Who's got $750 bil anyway, to blow?

Let em sell it off. Better than oweing them all that money.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: Hazardous1408
Sorry but SA is a red herring in those redacted pages.

Much closer to home and that's why they're redacted.

If it was SA they couldn't do diddly squat to the US Military Industrial Complex...
Nor economically.

Israel on the other hand...


Still worth noting that the US gives Saudi a #ton of military toys and free moniez on the regular (as is the same with Isreal), even when realizing that the 9/11 hijackers had ties to Saudi royalty.... there's hardly a peep regarding SA.

These sick and twisted, and downright malicious leaders of world government are without a doubt the greatest threat to us "average folks," freedom and security.

I don't necessarily live "paycheck to paycheck," but I also don't live comfortably. While most Americans are just trying to get by, to live their lives in peace, to find solid employment, our government is busy doing the most ridiculous # I can imagine.

It's a Goddamn shame and one that had taken a faaaaar back seat to the moral injustices of bathroom laws lol.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: RomeByFire

I think burgerbuddy makes a good point above.

So what if they sell it.
It's not gonna change how much is owed, just the party who is owed.

And why would anyone want to be in SAs pocket if they did indeed kill nearly 3000 Americans.

Doesn't make sense to me, Rome...
Cos for 15 years I've heard nothing but Saudi Arabia this and that...
& I've seen nothing to convince me.

Those redacted pages would, but like I said, I don't think it points to SA but fingers much closer to home than some would like.

People like David Rockefeller & Larry Silverstein.

edit on 31-5-2016 by Hazardous1408 because: Autocorrect!

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: CyberGarp

In April, Saudi Arabia warned it would start selling as much as $750 billion in Treasuries and other assets if Congress passes a bill allowing the kingdom to be held liable in U.S. courts for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, according to the New York Times.

I assume that the average American is still a tiny bit ticked off about the attack (murder really) on thousands of civilian Americans, and, you know, sort of bear a grudge against those responsible.

So .. if I were a Middle Eastern country about to exposed as a sponsor of terrorism against The United States of America .. I would say pretty please and double down on those US investments.

And I would NOT would follow through on a threat to royally piss off those with big, REALLY BIG, money interests in the world's greatest economy (and war machine) WHILE pissing off its populous equally royally.

Unless I were in need of some preemptive democracy, of course.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: Hazardous1408
a reply to: RomeByFire

I think burgerbuddy makes a good point above.

So what if they sell it.
It's not gonna change how much is owed, just the party who is owed.

That's not quite how it works. Robert Newman offers the following analogy. Salvador Dali goes out to eat. He orders all the finest wines, and dishes for all his friends. At the end of the meal, the check comes, and he writes out a check for the total. But, right before handing it over he has a look of inspiration, flips the check over and doodles. The restaurant owner, then frames the check on the wall instead of cashing it. The only problem is, if the art world ever decides that Dali isn't a great artist, then a whole bunch of checks come off walls and he's left with a massive overdrawn account. Saudi would be cashing the check, the account is mostly empty. We could pay by printing money, but we all know how that ends. Or we could reissue another treasury to cover it, but this would probably fall short of what's needed, and we'd be expanding the monetary base to cover it. Ever know someone fall into the check into cash trap? It doesn't end well.

So in essence, SA threatens to cash the check and we quietly do what they say. It's all off the books, and the citizens have no idea how much leverage is out there.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 10:00 AM
So if it's not on the books how do they collect?

US says, nope, we don't owe you anything. SA says "yeah huh!" And then what? If it's not official debt then the US isn't defaulting on anything and there shouldn't be issues, right?

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 11:22 AM
It would seem then, the entire presence, this entire agenda, of working in the middle east...

Is only puppet work, as USA "owes" Saudi Arabia a favour?

Maybe SA wants as much control in ME as possible, using USA as their means to pave that way?

Maybe USA is funding and working with Israel so much, as to have a backup plan to take down SA if things go south.
The amount of funding and investing in Israel, is unreal. Lots of American $ going that direction.

The USA part in middle east is so confusing, the entire thing over the past couple decades is. Very sketchy and obviously not what is seems or has been told, including 9/11.

But if SA owns America's debt, it would make sense America owes them in favors.

Their military/oil relationship is the only thing keeping them tied together?

I don't know much about politics and positioning history etc of this entire thing in the ME.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: CyberGarp

Not happy about it. However, if it's not on the books, how can they prove they own part of our debt? In return, blackmail the USA? The Treasury debt is well documented and has been in the news a few months. I just don't get the off the books statement. A big difference in not public knowledge vs off the books.

This artice says something like 115 billion? It's from May 2016?

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: burgerbuddy

originally posted by: intrptr

Just a question, the big threat is selling off bad US debt?

Who'd buy that?

Who's got $750 bil anyway, to blow?

Let em sell it off. Better than owing them all that money.

They can't sell it, its worthless. The threat is manufactured as cover to prevent the opening of lawsuits against Saudis, complicit in 911.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 11:52 AM
Bomb them.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: CyberGarp

Only its not a very good analogy as you cant choose to 'cash' US national debt. You can sell it in which case the owner changes but not much else or you can keep it till its maturity date (which is not all at once) in which case your US debt becomes US dollars.

The US can raise as much revenue through debt issue as the US wants. There remains a huge demand for US debt both domestically and overseas and this shows little sign of changing in the near future. In the case that there was a shortfall of demand to buy US debt from overseas the only consequence would be a drop in the value of the dollar and decreasing imports and increasing exports, A bit of short term pain as overseas produced goods become more expensive but is more jobs being created in the US really a bad thing?

The US is in enviable position of having pretty much all the natural resources it needs domestically. It may benefit the US to sell debt overseas but it certainly doesn't need to.
edit on 31-5-2016 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: CyberGarp

Isn´t it the same with china?
Heared that they own even more US debts than SA.

Kind of doomed US citizens, ruled by billionaires, multinational corporations, the chinese and saudi arabia, suppressed by the military-industrials complexes militarized police, the NSA and all that three letters agencies, divided by races, skincolors, a nation full of exploited workers(slaves), while you have to "choose" between Trump and Clinton(Death and Devil) for "your" future...

And i thought we have problems in europe, with that US made refugee crisis, that US warmongering in europe(against russia) and the ruling of the US in europe, with the submissive help of german and french "politician" puppets, our submissive secret services...

People here asking how much the US pays to individuals like Merkel, Hollande and these puppets, so they do everything that is only good for the US. Or what the US uses to blackmail those puppets.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 12:00 PM
Saudi's also have too much power in Canada.

They seem to have total control over our national Prime Minister and even our Quebec province Prime Minister. Islamic schools, like everywhere else that Saudi's manipulate, push the Wahhabism side of Islam which is the source of most terrorism by muslims.

My take is that they are mostly Zionists than Islamics in the first place. Wars in the ME seem to only give more power to the satanic Zionists than anything else, at least, more than bringing freedom and democracy.

I hate wars but it feels like the best thing that could happen would be that Russia and their buddies clean up the mess that's been going on since the early 50's in the Middle East and a total reset of the financial system.
edit on 31-5-2016 by theMediator because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 12:00 PM
Oh, here is the link saying the Saudis only own 117 billion.
edit on 31-5-2016 by neutronflux because: (no reason given)

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