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Are people becoming intolerant?

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posted on May, 19 2016 @ 09:03 PM
This post is about Democrats and Republicans becoming polarized and that resulting in them not mixing well. I know that in the past, I could disagree with someone on a topic and we could have a discussion about it and even concede a few points to each other and then get on with our friendship.

The transgender bathroom issue is a hot topic these days, and it is just one example where I think people could lose a friend or family member over their disagreement on the issue.

I am on a dating website, and I'm talking to a Christian girl on there with very conservative beliefs and she is currently grilling me on what I believe. Don't get me wrong, I think this particular interaction is a healthy one because if you are going to date someone you might want to be compatible with them. It also gives me practice in telling someone what my beliefs are. But it does seem weird that she is going to decide whether or not to hang out with me (we agreed to just be friends) based on my political beliefs. She is super serious about it!

That was a conservative example. But let's not leave out the liberals - especially the ones on the far left - they have a tendency to be very intolerant of other beliefs besides their own, and I have a few liberal friends who routinely delete their conservative Facebook friends, for example.

What happens to someone like me, who is in the center? I have to be careful about what I say, or else I might lose all of my friends! Oh no! If I decide to be a liberal or conservative 100%, how much of that crap do I actually believe and how much am I saying I believe simply to fit in?

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: darkbake

Be just who you are,say what you believe.Friends and prospective romantic partners who are suited to you will find you in that way.Always be true to yourself and what you deeply believe.You may have less friends and take longer to find a partner-but the ones you do find in this way,will be true friends and partners.Be yourself,be authentic and honest and be true to yourself.The ones who cannot accept you and your worldview,beliefs and opinions were always gonna be a sham anyway.
edit on 19-5-2016 by Raxoxane because: Spelling

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: darkbake
This post is about Democrats and Republicans becoming polarized and that resulting in them not mixing well. I know that in the past, I could disagree with someone on a topic and we could have a discussion about it and even concede a few points to each other and then get on with our friendship.

The transgender bathroom issue is a hot topic these days, and it is just one example where I think people could lose a friend or family member over their disagreement on the issue.

I am on a dating website, and I'm talking to a Christian girl on there with very conservative beliefs and she is currently grilling me on what I believe. Don't get me wrong, I think this particular interaction is a healthy one because if you are going to date someone you might want to be compatible with them. It also gives me practice in telling someone what my beliefs are. But it does seem weird that she is going to decide whether or not to hang out with me (we agreed to just be friends) based on my political beliefs. She is super serious about it!

That was a conservative example. But let's not leave out the liberals - especially the ones on the far left - they have a tendency to be very intolerant of other beliefs besides their own, and I have a few liberal friends who routinely delete their conservative Facebook friends, for example.

What happens to someone like me, who is in the center? I have to be careful about what I say, or else I might lose all of my friends! Oh no! If I decide to be a liberal or conservative 100%, how much of that crap do I actually believe and how much am I saying I believe simply to fit in?

Call things as you see them and let the cards fall where they may.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 09:21 PM
ever watch WWE? Thats what American politics is...all hot air and bad acting on top of phony slaps and acrobatics.

Behind the scenes however.....everyone is friends and out for the same goal.....

A good show for the masses.

DO you smelllllllll what barrack is cookin?

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: Raxoxane

Thanks, I agree with this. I believe if you are fake, you will be surrounded by people who are not compatible with you and instead are attracted to the fake you.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: darkbake

Tolerance, by it's very definition, requires the ego to exercise respect and understanding.

Respect is something that is earned over time once the individual ego determines that it is something that is warranted and deserved.

The definition of "Tolerant" is relative to the accepted customs and traditions of that community.

Therefore ask your family members and friends to advise you as at what point it becomes necessary to desist from tolerating that which the individual ego determines is disrespectful? - I mean, how long should an individual or society tolerate other individuals or communities being intolerant towards them?

Now, read that again and this time put yourself in the mindset of the other perspective.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: darkbake

"Becoming"?? always have been, to one degree or another, I'd say. At any rate, I agree; the dating issue, you should be compatible. It's great that tow teo of you can go through all of that, to be sure everything fits. Better to know ahead of time!

And, yeah, I could see such polarization being an issue. I have friends that disagree on things, and we manage it alright, but it can be tough at times. People who are very serious on one topic or another can have a hard time being close to someone whose thinking is very different. I have a relative with whom I just avoid politics, for that very reason. Some places, we simply aren't going to agree!

For friends, though, if they can't handle your honest beliefs, they aren't likely to be good friends. Disagreeing is workable, but refusing to be civil about it isn't.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: darkbake

Wise person once told me that the people you want to stick with are those who can have a different viewpoint and yet not attack yours.

A good example: I started a conversation with someone on a dating site myself, because she didn't like that I said I was Agnostic (apparently, Agnostic is lumped in with Pagans, Satanists, and Scientologists to many Christians). We actually made a good debate of it, and I think both of us learned a bit from the discussion.

In general, yes, people are becoming more intolerant - People just don't know how to accept another's viewpoint anymore. They don't know how to debate, just kick and scream until they get their way.

I've learned to stop fearing for what I say - if I lose all my friends, then I'll buy a house, get a bunch of cats, and call myself Catman.


FYI: If you ever get told "You're going to hell" on a dating site...nothing ticks them off more than saying something like "Well, according to Dante, most of the philosophers, authors, and people who lived a good life but were yet unworthy of entering Paradise ended up in the first level or in I'd say I'm in good hands"

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 10:11 PM
No, actually people are just becoming extremely annoyed.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 10:15 PM
Man, you can't do this "people" thing, there's over 7 billion individuals living their own version of reality internally, interacting with thought-forms floating around the whole of the universe, maybe so.

Question might be, why do you tend to focus on this one point in time and what is affecting you personally to pull that out of all the other possible things you could be noticing?

My suggestion? Tune out of politics for a while. Might be getting to you. There are, and always have been intolerant people, always will be. On the macroscale, cultural enlightenment and ignorance ebbs and flows. Tension arises when we internally perceive reality a bit too extreme to what it really is, this leads way to an opposite extreme in time.

Then we got, not one culture, a collective inner expression, but a society, a collective outer set of actions, that are co-forming one to the next, affecting each other in ways never to be understood in full.

You know what I see? I see people. Any more than that probably just not really seein.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 11:15 PM
Yes, I see it everyday. I own 6 retail stores, I have owned and operated my own retail store(s) for over 16 years now. I see the change. I am among the people. Its way different now.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: darkbake

If someone is so set in their views, it's great she is putting it out there in the beginning. I have gained and lost friends because of our political views. You know those three topics that are no-no's to talk about, religion, politics and sex? While starting up a relationship, they should be discussed. You each can then see where either of you is flexible and where you're not. Before any emotional attachment.

If ATS is any reflection on people at large, you can see there are some that are more tolerant than others.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 11:24 PM
Be very careful. Supercilious jackholes are one of my triggers.

I'm definitely becoming more and more intolerant. I can eat a bit of ice cream. Butter is still ok. And I hardly ever drink a glass of milk. a bowl of milk with cereal can leave me ripping loudly for hours.

I am becoming more intolerant because tolerance is just some supercilious jack-hole (@&#$&!!) telling my that I am supposed to cherish whatever fresh steaming log of poo they have just launched into the social world. That I'm supposed to put up with someone else's bee-yes.

Tolerance is having a mugger tell you to "smile more" and "stay nice" while he takes your stuff.

Eff that.

edit on 19/5/2016 by redempsh because: Do not alter this sign. Prosecutors will be violated.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 11:28 PM

Tolerance, by it's very definition, requires the ego to exercise respect and understanding.

Respect is something that is earned over time once the individual ego determines that it is something that is warranted and deserved.

That's an interesting point and explains exactly why the internet is ripe with Intolerance.

So many people interacting with each other without knowing each other in most cases so there is no respect given as there has been no respect earned.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 11:38 PM

I am on a dating website, and I'm talking to a Christian girl on there with very conservative beliefs and she is currently grilling me on what I believe.

Run away. Run away fast. Even if you agree with her that's weird as f.

You don't have to have politically charged conversations with people, and if you do and they don't want you as a friend because your beliefs differ you're probably better off without them in your life. People like that are toxic.

How did that even come up?

"So tell me about yourself."


posted on May, 19 2016 @ 11:51 PM

Run away. Run away fast. Even if you agree with her that's weird as f.

Don't listen to Domo1. That's all bad advise. Instead tell her everything she wants to hear. Make her think you're perfect for her then ask her out. She'll be so thrilled about your answers that she'll fall in love with you and fall in bed with you as well. Now for the best part.

Use her for whatever you can get and just throw her away forever.

That will teach her a lesson. What lesson you may ask???


(This advise should not be taken seriously by anyone. Any harm that may result by taking this advice seriously is the fault of the person taking it seriously. Also, it might be Domo1's fault as well just because. Legal outcomes may vary.)

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: darkbake

No people have become more accepting. The problem is the thin skin trait being bred into people nowadays.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 04:37 AM

originally posted by: Domo1

I am on a dating website, and I'm talking to a Christian girl on there with very conservative beliefs and she is currently grilling me on what I believe.

Run away. Run away fast. Even if you agree with her that's weird as f.

You don't have to have politically charged conversations with people, and if you do and they don't want you as a friend because your beliefs differ you're probably better off without them in your life. People like that are toxic.

How did that even come up?

"So tell me about yourself."


I'd say the vast majority of people do think that.

Nothing odd about it really.

Like otgers have said however, one should try to be oneself. I they don't like you fo who you really are, it was never meant to be anyhow.
People are becoming more and more intolerant of extremists and dictatorial gevernment yes. But thats probably a good thing.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 04:57 AM
People have generally forgotten how to mind their own business. People want to mandate how others should live, what they should eat, what ideas they should accept, and even wether they should be allowed to live or preserve their own life.

People are fantastically abusive when given just a little hint of power over others. When you are talking about a legitimately established government that abuse can take extremely ugly forms.

There's a tone of little hitlers you will meet every so often. They're people who want summary executions, they want fair trials to be done away with when someone is "obviously guilty", they want to tell people what to believe regardless of what is true for their own purposes.

It doesn't matter what party they are in, what sex they are, the color of their skin, ethnicity, religion, or national origin; you give just about anyone power over others and eventually it turns into a tyranny.

You don't even have to look far to see it. It may even be in you own homes. It could be you. We all have the tendency to do and say irrational things. The rational thing to do, at a national level, would be to severely restrict the power of government over people so that those tendencies don't manifest as a weapon against us.

But neither side actually wants that. People who have power tend to crave it. They won't let a silly thing like justice and rights get in the way.
edit on 20 5 16 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 05:10 AM
a reply to: darkbake

An answer to your title query is, oddly enough, no.

People are not BECOMING intolerant. People have been intolerant for a very long time, and in fact, if anything, are becoming less intolerant. That is to say that intolerant people are becoming less common. There are less people hating on persons of colour than there were, on a percentile basis, than there used to be. There are less people hating on Jews on a percentile basis than there used to be. There are less people hating socialists, less hating homosexuals, lesbians, and transgender persons than there were forty years ago, as a percentage of total population.

However, those who still retain the ability to hate whomsoever, for what ever invalid reason, are becoming more vocal and intolerant, as their numbers dwindle. Entropy will eventually grind those views out of existence, along with those who hold them. One day the world will contain only a negligible, statistically irrelevant number of such persons, not by reason of war, or government crackdowns, but simply because eventually, their attitudes will be seen as so disgusting, that no one will want to breed with them, that they will be prevented from accessing the minds of the young with their cancerous mind plague. Eventually, their paradigm will perish, and new problems will arise instead.

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