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Spiritual Dream EVP

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posted on May, 1 2016 @ 11:06 PM
So the past week I found out that my old Manager from Rite Aide died of Stage 4 Colon Cancer after they thought it was gone from what I know it came back stronger then ever 2 weeks ago and he died this Saturday and I found out Wednesday missed the wake but made the funeral due to me not working there anymore. Lately I have been doing experiments in the form of Recording Audio through an App called "Dream Talk" on the apple app store to see if I talked in my Sleep. Turns out i almost never talk in my sleep except under very rare occasions I do make a lot of random moans though lol. I have captured well over 200 evps but my doing this experiment even though I originally had no intentions of capturing EVPs or doing Ghost Hunting. I just wanted to see if I talked in my sleep. Turns out I seem to attract Spirits in my Sleep and they get pissed when I dont respond to them. Sometimes they just end up swearing at me even dropping the occasional F Bomb. I have even had Spirits tell me how they died and how they supposedly need my help to cross over. Some have died from an Overdose of Painkillers, Car Accidents and even Murder through Gang Warfare. I also have some Guardian Spirits around me as well. Most likely keeping the other Spirits in Check. I have deciphered that they are my Great Grandparents. Because they use terms that only they used. Sometimes it even sounds like the Guardian Spirits and other Spirits are arguing about stuff.

But the latest clip I captured just 1 week after my manager died i find very interesting because in the dream i had all i was dreaming about was random Catholic and Jewish Symbols. (He was Jewish so thats why I think it might have been him). Usually when I wake up if I have any dreams that I remember i will play back all the clips I got throughout the night to see if anything correlates with what i dreamt about and the Spiritual Dream which sticks out the most and sure enough I get a EVP SAYING AMEN (Unenhanced). When I heard that Amen part I was #ing shocked and it made my hair stand up cause that # is just creepy as #. Even when you are a true believer in the power of Spirits and God. Even after havinga Religious Dream I get Amen on my recorder now I know I had a Religious Dream. is the Unenhanced Clip) saying Amen. Clip)

In the enhanced clip I used wavepad to amplify the volume to peak loudness and then slowed down certain parts which sounded funny to me. And whats shocking is the slowed down Parts say "Pray for His Spirit" "Just for today" "Pray for his Spirit" "Ross Pierce" and then ends with "Amen". Which is the part I heard without any enhancements to the original file. The only problem that bugs me is I dont know who "Ross Pierce" is. Tell me what you all think.
edit on 1-5-2016 by Stevemagegod because: Fixed Link

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 11:11 PM
By the time I finished posting in your initial thread you made this one, which is probably the correct forum compared.

In case on of them get removed...

Two things;

Work on paragraphing, nobody enjoys a wall of letters in an illuminated screen.

Secondly, I didn't hear any of what your quoting, though I only listened to each recording once, nothing stood out.

Maybe headphones would help, but it's too loud and noisy for my fine receptive hearing, maybe someone else can verify for you.

Seems you really believe what your talking about though.

One last thing, how does a "spiritual dream" differ from any other dream?

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: Elementalist
By the time I finished posting in your initial thread you made this one, which is probably the correct forum compared.

In case on of them get removed...

Two things;

Work on paragraphing, nobody enjoys a wall of letters in an illuminated screen.

Secondly, I didn't hear any of what your quoting, though I only listened to each recording once, nothing stood out.

Maybe headphones would help, but it's too loud and noisy for my fine receptive hearing, maybe someone else can verify for you.

Seems you really believe what your talking about though.

One last thing, how does a "spiritual dream" differ from any other dream?

I wasnt sure which forum to post it in my bad. lol Both forums seemed to fit the topic discussion.

posted on May, 2 2016 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: Stevemagegod
Where can we hear the "amen?"
At what second of the recording does it start?

posted on May, 2 2016 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: donktheclown
a reply to: Stevemagegod
Where can we hear the "amen?"
At what second of the recording does it start?

I heard the Amen Part at 0:46 Seconds which would be the end of the clip.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 11:40 AM
You're definitely getting something there! I downloaded the 25 second unenhanced clip, and heard a few possibles, when I quickly went through the clip in an audio editor. I do not think "they" are what you think they are though.
I can easily hear the "amen," by the way; you are not imagining anything.
If there's anywhere I can upload, I might cut out and enhance some of the others you caught. If not I may come back later and just list the times and what is possibly being said.
It's not always easy to understand them without having any context, it's best if you can interact with them, rather than passively recording. It's very much like when you're talking with someone, and they mumble an answer back to you, and you easily understand what they meant.
Consonants are always tricky, due to the lack of definition and noise, but time and space is a little different for them. They appear to be able to take advantage of non-locality and time, at least to some degree, the speed of words and phrases can sometimes be a little odd to us.
I'm also not sure how they actually record their voices, it is not sound and it doesn't appear to be simple electromagnetic waves.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 12:52 PM
I would never post an EVP and says what you think it is. That automatically will have people hearing the same thing. Best to have unbiased listens to the EVPs without being pre-biased as to what they might say

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 12:59 PM
I hear it Steve

I hope you avoid the same nightmare I did with all this,

take everything you hear with a grain of salt, these are forces we don't even come close to fully understanding

watch out for the "Kool-Aid"

Good Luck

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 01:06 PM
Heya Brian!

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: vlawde
I would never post an EVP and says what you think it is. That automatically will have people hearing the same thing. Best to have unbiased listens to the EVPs without being pre-biased as to what they might say

Problem is, EVP recordings are rarely clear and usually have a low signal to noise ratio. If you mumble something to someone, usually they can understand what was said, based on context and amount of syllable like peaks in the sound.
What can happen listening to EVP without context, is that you get phrases somewhat like when you mime a word (elephant...?) and it looks like you've said "I love you," easily causing misunderstandings.

There are other weird things that happen if you're not careful too, such as hearing your subconscious thoughts in random white noise. This can get out of hand with some people, especially people who're prone to negative thinking. Not to mention the ease of being tricked by apophenia like random patterns, too.

With time though, you learn to tune out certain frequencies, just like we do in normal conversation, and it becomes quite easy to spot when you've caught something.

edit on 3-5-2016 by 65536 because: Spelling...

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: vlawde
I would never post an EVP and says what you think it is. That automatically will have people hearing the same thing. Best to have unbiased listens to the EVPs without being pre-biased as to what they might say

I don't know how to do the spoiler code on above top secret unless you can show me. Other websites allow me to use the spoiler code and thats what I use before i post my EVPs.

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