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David Icke Confirmed For an ATS "Ask Me Anything" for May 10th, 2016.

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posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 02:50 PM
Would it be too much to ask if people here could make an effort to be respectful?

He may not be your kind of teacher, but I know there are posters here who follow Icke. Maybe we can tone it down a bit and do our best to appreciate his time.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: MRuss

I'm a not a fan of Icke. I have many negative opinions about some of the work he has done, but I still find some of his content fascinating.

But considering that my questions for someone such as Icke would be considered "abrasive", I will have to sit this one out and will read what he has to say on the other's questions.

This is a rare opportunity for a site like ATS and I think it would be out-of-line for someone with negative intent to ruin this for those on ATS that have an interest in his work and would benefit from their ability to ask him questions.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 03:21 PM
seriously - the video where he says yes when asked if he is son of god just shows how smart he was already back then and how dumb the tv-culture has always been.
i feel he is a smart cookie and not a wacko at all. i think he was thinking well back then and he still is. my old teacher would have liked him.
edit on 13-4-2016 by glowdog because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 04:57 PM
I'll ask him what he takes.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

Fantastic I can't wait. Very happy to see you guys being proactive in creating these guidelines. That's great.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 05:53 PM
David hasn't been asked this yet, and he hasn't responded to similar questions raised on other sites about it.

Did David actually name and shame notorious pedophile Jimmy Savile before he died in late 2011, as many alternative websites suggest? There are no references to Savile in any books, lectures, or online articles by David Icke before he died in 2011. However, there are lots of references post-2011 of David having "exposed Savile for years".

David has been unusually silent on this particular question. It's a pretty big, glaring question that needs to be cleared up.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 02:54 AM
Really looking forward to this ama please can my fellow ATS member's by mindful of the guidelines.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 03:55 AM

edit on 14-4-2016 by Dr X because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

I'll be sure to mark the date on my calendar! This is gonna be interesting.........

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: paranoia

I wanted to know this too , I thought he suggested that the royals were involved and thats the real reason diana was killed because she was trying to get the truth out about the peadophile ring

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: bandersnatch


For 20 years i believed in alien life on other planets,i witnessed a UFO myself hovering over a chemical plant in 1999 and went to a talk by Col. Holt about his UFO experience in Suffolk.I am also a christian believer for the same period & have had plenty experience of the Holy Spirit in my life and believe in the appiritions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Medjorgorje etc "The Father has placed me on this mission of being a Mediatrix between God & man".
She appeared to the visionary Veronica at Bayside USA between 1970-1994 and among subjects covered were UFO's. A couple of quotes "UFO's as you call them are used by SATAN & other demons from hell as transports to confuse & confound mankind into thinking there is alien life in the universe the only creation of the Father has been given in the book of love & life" (bible).
We are now living through the Book Of Revelations, these are the end times, "in this final battle because of the sins of mankind there are many agents of hell now loose on the earth". There is our natural world and the supernatural Heaven, Hell & Purgatory.
The Devil knows his time is now short and so when the christian church is RAPTURED, news medias will report to those left behind that a mass UFO abduction has occured to explain the disapearance of these people,covering up the Divine Act from you.And as in surveys at least half those surveyed believe in alien life, abductions etc thanks to the UFO phenomenon most will probably accept this explanation.
This and other subjects covering the end times can be found under directives on the shrine website the Warning, Great Miracle & Chastisements to come.As ever in this spiritual battle prayer is key, please don't let the evil one fool mankind.
Regards John

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: MRuss


For 20 years i believed in alien life on other planets,i witnessed a UFO myself hovering over a chemical plant in 1999 and went to a talk by Col. Holt about his UFO experience in Suffolk.I am also a christian believer for the same period & have had plenty experience of the Holy Spirit in my life and believe in the appiritions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Medjorgorje etc "The Father has placed me on this mission of being a Mediatrix between God & man".
She appeared to the visionary Veronica at Bayside USA between 1970-1994 and among subjects covered were UFO's. A couple of quotes "UFO's as you call them are used by SATAN & other demons from hell as transports to confuse & confound mankind into thinking there is alien life in the universe the only creation of the Father has been given in the book of love & life" (bible).
We are now living through the Book Of Revelations, these are the end times, "in this final battle because of the sins of mankind there are many agents of hell now loose on the earth". There is our natural world and the supernatural Heaven, Hell & Purgatory.
The Devil knows his time is now short and so when the christian church is RAPTURED, news medias will report to those left behind that a mass UFO abduction has occured to explain the disapearance of these people,covering up the Divine Act from you.And as in surveys at least half those surveyed believe in alien life, abductions etc thanks to the UFO phenomenon most will probably accept this explanation.
This and other subjects covering the end times can be found under directives on the shrine website the Warning, Great Miracle & Chastisements to come.As ever in this spiritual battle prayer is key, please don't let the evil one fool mankind.
Regards John

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 10:12 AM
David Icke famously described The British Royal Family as having been part of some kind of ritual sacrifice shape changing acts. (If not ritual sacrifice, then eating animals and humans, it seems, in the shape shifted form of reptilians.)

I'm sure David has had much attention about this through the years and might tend to disregard people who still bring it up, perhaps understandably.

Though I'm very much interested in what it means, and have always wanted to ask and have an answer I could keep.
I'm not sceptical of what Icke says here, particularly. I have experienced many things, myself, while I seem to think more and more lately that all, normal or abnormal, add up to nothing more or not much more than a pre-written story to be enacted, anyway. Pre-determinism without sense.

One thing I remember is that David later said he didn't actually think The Royal Family really were actual lizards.
(And I guess people have threatened him at times with referring mental health people to him to listen to what he says - a special branch of the thought police. So he has to be wary anwyay. Remembering the British working definition of thought disorders and schizophrenia, being delusional, can be only that you have experiences or see things which other people don't. For that sector, it's not even a question of if what you claim really happened or didn't - it only needs to be a matter of social upset and non-compliance for they to take action. And I know these people are used frequently by powerful people - from Jimmy Saville when he was alive - I remember - to anyone with an Illuminati style attitude.)

But, these things aside, I'd like to ask David what inter-dimensional really means? And if he thinks that the standard, visible plain or dimension we are used to most overtly, holds any special worth in itself? Or could it even be a sham, more or less totally? What I wonder is, if there is any potential for this standard dimension we are used to to be really genuine. For more and more, I tend to feel thst is not the case. I tend to feel that any dimension so shammed consistently cannot be anything in itself at the end of the day. And indeed at the start - which I think may be where the problems came from. In that we are born with a false delusion over that this experienced dimension - this universe, if you like, is something special. Created by God, if you like. Isn't this a complete fallacy, though? If it can be so hijacked, surely it was only ever a delusion that it had any potential for the here and now anyway? Isn't it only a delusion that this is God made, God's place? When most animals in order merely to stay here, alive, find they have to kill another animal, end its unique, precious identity and distinct consciousness on earth. There are exceptions, animals and those who can "opt out" - including many modern humans. But not all, depending on location & circumstances.

Are people mad in thinking there is anything worthy, or much really potentially worthy even, in the here and now here? (Not meaning the self, or other 'selves' of value, but rather, the place, dimension, context itself, whatever it is, if it has even the potential to be known in terms where it is not a fallacy.)

Returning to the Royals, sacrificial reptilian priests of human flesh, or shape-shifting lizards simply having their natural dinners, first I want to ask could it be that they are controlled against their wills by powerful, evil entities?
Secondly, if animals eat animals, pretty typically, and shape-shifting lizards eat humans (shape-shifting lizards, being shape-shifting lizards after all and perhaps not able to help being a species which they are), is it so bad?
Is it bad?
Is the human eating ritual? And is it about manifesting dominance, if so, rather than merely having lunch of frog's legs, deer, lamb and duck stew, and, oh, a portion of human?
Can it not be the context which is the problem, or perhaps the dimension, if it is accurate to use that word?

These are serious questions.
I am not (at least when I'm best aware, so I add I hope) a shape-shifter nor a cannibal nor human eater (nor even a meat eater as I'm vegetarian for a number of years except for odd deviations I cannot seem to help, having grown up eating flesh.)

I'd really appreciate it if you could put these questions to David.
I have a feeling our words might not be able to describe everything satisfactorily, which, unfortunately only makes one more hungry for the real, or unreal but actual (if that makes sense) truth.
Best wishes.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 10:43 AM

originally posted by: chelsea1
a reply to: MRuss

We are now living through the Book Of Revelations, these are the end times, "in this final battle because of the sins of mankind there are many agents of hell now loose on the earth". There is our natural world and the supernatural Heaven, Hell & Purgatory.
The Devil knows his time is now short and so when the christian church is RAPTURED, news medias will report to those left behind that a mass UFO abduction has occured to explain the disapearance of these people,covering up the Divine Act from you.And as in surveys at least half those surveyed believe in alien life, abductions etc thanks to the UFO phenomenon most will probably accept this explanation.
This and other subjects covering the end times can be found under directives on the shrine website the Warning, Great Miracle & Chastisements to come.As ever in this spiritual battle prayer is key, please don't let the evil one fool mankind.
Regards John

So, John, if you're saying we're living through something pre-written, such as The Book of Revelation, and are in pre-destined "end times", what is the point of this?

If it is pre-written, pre-ordained to happen, beyone choice, like a stage play where there are only actors who can never deviate from the lines someone else decided and enforced that they speak, what is the point?

You say things are pre-written, pre-ordained, but seem to suggest that, still, there is some point or great worth in all of that?

How? How can there be any worth in something that has been decided to happen anyway a long time ago? How can it possibly have purpose, as, really, it is all done anyway, done and dusted but for the minor point of the actual enactment of things in the way pre-written?

Surely being pre-ordained, pre-determined, beyond current choice or will of any party necessarily means thst there can be no point or worth to any it.

You can make robots and program them in a certain way, whereby, of course they are only going to act in that way. Indeed, having no other choice, there is no point to the robots in being the robots at all. The maker or makers may have some pleasure, whiling away their leisure time in play. But there is no serious point to playing out a pre decided scenario - play or playing out is the opposite of serious. It cannot mean anything seriously. It cannot mean anything at all, really - that is the point of this type of play or escape, beyond the sensation it gives the player from the experience.


I think I can and probably do agree in some way as to that this place, this world can be pre-determined, possibly totally. Actually it's hard to escape for me.

However, ane again this is my main point and question - pre-determinism here means just that the context, the place itself is wrong and fallacious, and can have no inherent meaning. We are characters in a 4th rate movie for the whim of someone malevolent, or very stupid, unseen.

In other words, this IS hell, I suppose.
Maybe it is just the gates of hell, though, still within the boundaries of hell itself. But that some lucky people (if there could be such a thing as luck!) will be able to escape, because their characters have been written well for them a lojg time ago, wheras others haven't been. Play escape then? Who knows?!

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: introvert

I don't think such an event, whether with Icke or anyone else, needs to be an exclusive venture into fandom. Adults have adult discussion, and that should include the ability to be critical. After all, critical thinking is one of the most valuable things and if it excluded being always thoughtful of things critical or questioning of something or someone, it would be nothing essentially.

Just because Icke can be associated with legions of followers, online or in the many halls and events he talks at, surely should not mean he himself ought to be excluded from the normal parameters of mature discussion and thought.

I believe all the organisers of this event, and some others, ae saying is for those who don't like Icke to refrain from being abusive or pilloring him.

I suppose there ought to be every opportunity left, however, for any serious persons of mature position, to question Icke in critical fashions which are reasonable. Otherwise, what's the point?

I guess it depends what you mean by abrasive in your personal position, Introvert.

But generally, honouring fandom in itself is nothing to do with mature human discussion and thought. And in the longer picture, of course, it would neither honour nor aid, either the people who do follow Dafid Icke, or the people who don't or David Icke himself.

Why should David Icke be excluded from sensible, critical questioning? As doing that would only be likely to hinder his own development prospectively.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

My question-de-jour for David Icke would be: What's your currant ATS-member name?


Sorry, I just had a full blown laughter-intoxication, send down on me from ..... you name it.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 11:48 PM

originally posted by: bw1000

I believe all the organisers of this event, and some others, ae saying is for those who don't like Icke to refrain from being abusive or pilloring him.

I suppose there ought to be every opportunity left, however, for any serious persons of mature position, to question Icke in critical fashions which are reasonable. Otherwise, what's the point?

Yes, that's correct. We are a civilized site that seeks critical thought, combined with CIVIL and POLITE intercourse.

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 12:14 AM
a reply to: Springer

We are a civilized site that seeks critical thought, combined with CIVIL and POLITE intercourse.

I'm glad that you emphasized those two words, polite and civil.

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 03:48 AM

originally posted by: Springer

originally posted by: bw1000

I believe all the organisers of this event, and some others, ae saying is for those who don't like Icke to refrain from being abusive or pilloring him.

I suppose there ought to be every opportunity left, however, for any serious persons of mature position, to question Icke in critical fashions which are reasonable. Otherwise, what's the point?

Yes, that's correct. We are a civilized site that seeks critical thought, combined with CIVIL and POLITE intercourse.

I agree with what you say but if you see video of David Icke before he discovered the colour purple and claimed the Queen etc are lizards and how looks now he seems a total fruit loop.

Now after the damp squib that was the Tom Delonge AMA our AMA guest(s) really need to start producing the goods or the whole AMA principle becomes a joke.

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: wmd_2008

I've been in the peanut gallery for years and will remain zip-lipped and quiet during the upcoming AMA. It won't be because I suddenly agree with his views or that I'm cultivating my hypocrisy. It's because the fans should get a chance to hear him out and connect with the guy.

It's like going to a movie with friends and complaining all the way through or pointing out the plot-holes and goofs. Or if you've ever been to a comedy night and a table heckles the acts. Sure, it's fun for a certain type of person and appeals to a particular audience, but it spoils it for the others.

The middle ground is to put forward doubts or tough questions in a polite, respectful way. I know, some members see that as weak sauce and have eyes on 'thread killing.' If we want to get AMA guests, future guests will look at past AMAs and will base their decisions on them.

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