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The Political See-Saw

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posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 01:55 AM
For a long time now, I've noticed this see-saw. It's a game, designed for adults, to keep our discontent in check & to keep us complacent; to keep us from uprising.
It's also known as the left-right paradigm. Have y'all ever noticed that every eight years, the power shifts from red to blue, back and forth & two presidents from the same party are rarely elected in a row? Conspiracyscope has a great video on Youtube illustrating this point. He said before 2004, he was shouting conspiracy & rubbing shoulders with all these democrats, railing against Bush, the patriot act, spying on us, 9/11 Fraud, illegal wars for profit and conquest in the middle east, ect. And they called him brother. Then when Obama got elected, and Conspiracyscope saw him to be the same puppet that Bush was, they turned on him. Called him a hater and a racist. They turned a blind eye to all the illegal activity the govt continued to do under Obama, and even defended it, all in the name of their team which took the throne. At the same time, all the republicans and conservatives suddenly joined his ranks, and shouted conspiracy right along side him. "Obama is spying on us!" "He's selling Weapons to the drug cartels!" "He's supplying arms to al Qaeda!" "He's transformed the Free Syrian Army into ISIS; Our new boogeyman to turn in our rights to!" And they call him brother.

But soon, a new actor will be sElected. A republican this time. Hillary is not gonna win. It's the red teams turn. That's how this game works; It goes back and forth. Soon the blues will rejoin the discontent and you will hear about govt corruption and lies and how the republicans love the rich & they're making America worse for the poor, & the spying and whatnot. And Conservative America will forget all about govt excess, because it's Trump thats doing it. He's on our team. He's got a red tie. It's only bad when the blue Obama does it.

Behind the scenes, both Blue and Red bow down to the same master; to the truly elite; the Blue Bloods. It matters not to them who wins the election. Both candidates are given the same game plan, and either one will put in work to move their Great Work forward. When Bush increases govt surveillance and reins in our liberties, Repubs don't win. When Obama creates new boogiemen for us to fight, or forces us to buy healthcare, the Dems don't win. The bloated beast of Govt wins & gets stronger, and it is not run by either party, but by the Hidden Hand.

And we the people don't do snot about it because divided we fall. We all know our govt sucks and it needs some major housecleaning, but we all think it's the other teams fault, and that our team will fix everything when they get in office. That's divide and conquer at work. Neither team will fix it. They are both the ones breaking it, dolts! Both parties are the same! There is no difference!

They control the ballot machines, & they control the elections! THEY decide who our candidates are, not us! Voting fraud is not new; it's always been this way! We need to stop taking our eight year sedatives. I don't want to see all you eight year pissed off conservatives go back to sleep. We need you! Don't be fooled by Trump, and your team taking power. Keep your eyes open, it's almost naptime!

And you Dems that are about to snap out of it need to take a good objective look at the blue leaders & see all the bullspit they've done; to see that the Red Team wasn't talking outta their asses this whole time; they've made a lot of good points about Obama & the Dems these last few years. The Red Team needs to remember what it looks like when the govt is overstepping it's boundaries & not excuse it when it's a Red Trump doing it; just like many Dems did for Obama when he did the same things as Bush. We need to stop being so easy to play.
America is like a bunch of suckers.[/rant]
edit on 3202016 by MayanBoricua because: Mistakes Were Made

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 02:00 AM
a reply to: MayanBoricua

The problem for them is , Trump is neither Blue or Red , he's Undefinable .

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Hopefully he is a new color red,white and blue

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 02:19 AM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: MayanBoricua

Trump is neither Blue or Red , he's Undefinable .

He runs as Red, claims Red, looks Red, sounds Red, and gets Red criticisms thrown at him. He will be elected as Red, and the Red people will sleep. This man was born on Wall St, & he can pretend to be conservative all day long, fooling many people in the process, but he's not fooling me. He serves the Hidden Hand same as Hillary and any other big name, He may not be a politician, but I'll bet my left nut he's been attending Bilderberg since before I was born, & he hangs out at Bohemian Grove. He's telling the Red what they want to hear; they've been pissed for almost a decade, & if they don't get a release, they're gonna explode. Time for the Blues to simmer for a while. That's how the Elite keep power. Divide and conquer. There's a reason it's called Political Theater; it's all an act.
edit on 3202016 by MayanBoricua because: Mistakes Were Made

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: MayanBoricua

The Age Old Conundrum , The Lesser of Two Evils if that's All there is . In this case , it's Mr. Trump . There is no more Freedom of Choice in America Today , but Freedom From Choice , in a Rigged Political System Perverted by those who Hold Power over others .

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 03:25 AM
Nice explanation. One of the theories I took into consideration. If they really do back him this is why.

Many have commented that Obama is Bush 2.0. Now that there's the illusion of an "anti establishment" candidate people who don't want the 3.0 will be all for it.

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