posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 11:40 AM
I have read (and own) all the Harry Potter books and have the new one on pre-order as well. I'm Wiccan, and have been into the occult for over 30
And having said that, Rowling (who so richly deserves her success) knows LESS about witchcraft, wizardry, Rosicrucians, Masons, the Order of the
Golden Dawn, etc) than you do. She's a nice woman, she gets all sorts of kooky letters accusing her of secret knowledge and weird insider stuff,
including things that she knows nothing about... like NWO and so forth.
I heard author Mercedes Lackey go on at length about this sort of thing. It seems that she and other fairly popular writers who write about
semi-occult things (it's way too complicated to go into the Valdemar stuff here) such as Anne McCaffrey, Stephen King, Marion Zimmer Bradley (etc,
etc, etc) quite often get letters accusing them of being in collusion with or having secret knowledge of stuff that even the ATS members would find
both strange and laughable.
And then there's the letters from the stalkers who believe they are on a holy mission to kill the author before the author can reveal more of the
secrets of the universe and bring on ... some sort of horrid disaster.
I've talked with some of these authors at scifi conventions, seen them, read their books, and they are just making the stuff up. Rowling's
"magical universe" is heavily borrowed from all the other fantasy books and authors. And none of them could tell an OTO symbol from a Temple of
Isis sigil.