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Why are British Press intent on terrorizing us!

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posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

ha! my bad i thought i was commenting in a different thread! sorry guys! carry on.

posted on Jan, 13 2016 @ 10:45 PM
Fear sells.

The tabloids in my country are found off quoting British tabloids so we are told each and every day how Isis is eating babies, killing and raping their mothers,having sex with dead bodies and whatnot.

They always quote "anonymous" sources from various alphabet agencies.
So my question is,if they know so much about Isis why is it we can't eradicate them once and for all?

They know every single detail about every prominent member of Isis yet the "mastermind" behind Paris attacks got past 3 police checkpoints in the heart of the Europe just a few hours after it happened ?!

Either they don't know jack # or we all are being played.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 12:10 AM
The express is the deformed, angrier and less intelligent little brother of the mail. It exists purely to galvanise the lower middle classes by playing on their inherent fears of foreigners, non christians and the poor who are to be blamed as the cause of all society's ills and the breakdown of the nuclear family.

It also serves as a way of selling the right wing policies of the political establishment directly to a carefully cultivated and politically naive voting bloc in much the same way as the left wing papers do with labour's policies.

The goal of both sides is to keep the citizenry in a state of political stasis within very carefully defined parameters where they never step outside and question the legitimacy of the system itself or exercise any true power in determining their own destiny.

You could call left and right the thesis and the antithesis parts of the hegelian dialectic with political gridlock as the synthesis which keeps the political elite perpetually in power via a revolving door, the media is just a big arse cog in the machine that drives it.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 12:21 AM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

What he said....

At the end of the day, it's about shifting papers off the shelves, nothing more, nothing less. And given the printed press is suffering terribly these days, they'll do anything to drum up sales..

Personally, I don't read the newspapers, so I don't particularly feel "terrorised". If you do, I suggest you put the paper down... There, problem solved

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 12:31 AM
Because they'd much rather you be worrying about the terrorists on TV than the ones walking your streets and working in your government.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 12:42 AM
a reply to: Noobarino

Well that would just be a fail then - I don't know a single person who is "worried" about terrorists. We lived through the blitz, rationing, IRA terrorism etc - a few dozy god botherers who in all likelihood won't actually do anything at all is not going to phase anyone in these islands.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: stumason

Oh my bad, I was under the impression the OP felt " terrorized " by all the propaganda

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 01:30 AM
You sure you are feeling terrified?

I know that the media like to tell us all that everything causes cancer and that the world is ending. Pretty much every time you read the story though, it turns out to be rather less spectacular.

I must admit, my first thoughts on seeing this thread title were that it was going to be an argument for suppressing inconvenient news stories in the name of not upsetting people.

I'd rather feel a bit angry at a headline than see no proper news ever.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 02:09 AM

originally posted by: anxiouswens
The British press are really starting to get me down now. Every other day there is a story telling us what ISIS are planning for us here in the West.

Since New Year they have reported ISIS have told cells in UK and Europe to sit and wait for orders, we have then been told there were threats at New Year, then just this week we have been told jihadists in West have been told to shave off beards so they can blend in, that they should go to night clubs to discuss attacks where they cant be heard and now today in Daily Express they are planning chemical attacks on shopping centres and football stadiums in the West.

What purpose do these stories really have other than to terrorise citizens. Who needs terrorists when the British Press do the terrorizing for them. Even if these plans are true there is nothing we can do about it, we are just like sitting ducks. I wish the Press would just give it a rest now. I am not really one for conspiracy theories but I did notice MPs are calling for ID cards to be introduced once again. Maybe they think if people are terrorized enough there will be no one against the idea.

Notice how none of these things happen when there is a sudden and large influx of immigrants.

Govts say immigrants are welcome when there is rush of them 'fleeing' from some traumatic event but once they are settled in and things have settled down out comes the govt fear porn about supposed terros.

I think there's a pattern here a?

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 02:19 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

I appreciate the way of your thinking, terrorism plus isis or whatever they called re very dangerous for human being after they start kill chidern on in today attack in Afghanistan but i read this article in u.k based n still got surprise they support Muslims" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">
Do not blame all Muslims for terrorism

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 02:57 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

I don't feel terrorised by the British press.

It may have escaped the OPs notice, but ISIS are merrily killing people all over Europe. If the media report this, then is this bad?

edit on 14/1/2016 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 03:40 AM
No I follow what is happening with ISIS in Middle Eastern Countries and like everyone I have no words to describe what these people are doing and of course the facts should be reported on for all the world to see.

The problem I havr is with all this doom porn here in the UK. A lot of it is speculative as if the West knew so much of theit plans then why arent they stopping them. On the one hand the press tell us we are in imminent danger amd then on the other hand the Government are letting people into our country illegally every day. If the press believe what they are writing then why arent they calling for the Government to better protect us at our borders. It doesnt make sense..a reply to: paraphi

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 04:02 AM
If I felt terrorised by the British media I wouldn't read it. Most headlines are dramatic for a reason. If it bleeds it leads is a popular phrase in journalism. People also enjoy feeling scared. It's why doom porn threads are so popular on ATS and why people want to watch horror movies and go on scary rides at amusement parks. It tickles the senses. The media is there to make money by selling news the people want. It's supply and demand. It's too eSy to just blame the media, but if fear is what the people want you can't blame the media for providing it.

My only advice would be to stop consuming it, but you like it really

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 04:23 AM

originally posted by: ErrorErrorError
Fear sells.

As the man says....although newspapers already knew they sold more during times of crisis, the bean counters at 24/7 news channels were still taken by surprise with the 9/11 viewing figures so decided that this "effect" could be monetised by turning every story on every news channel into a rolling 9/11.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

Who do you think controls world media. Look at the individuals and then their backgrounds. You will find most of them have one think in common a link to Israel. The only country who profits from us fighting Islam.

One thin the media has rightly alerted us to is that we have a group of disloyal people to this country whose roots have come from abroad and they have turned against this country and carried out horrendous atrocities. Quite wrongly we have allowed some of them back. Something we should all be focusing on and not the propaganda that the media thinks you should be brainwashed with.

I thought people stopped believing the news back in the 1970's when it first became a joke. Sadly today its a far more sinister joke against us that we ever thought it could become then.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 04:33 AM
Fear sells, so they spread fear, particularly the Mail and the Express, but most papers do it now, the only ones that don't seem to buy into this theory is the i Paper, Guardian and Telegraph, although The Guardian seem to buying the myth that Jeremy Corbyn is an evil Commie who eats children

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 06:48 AM

originally posted by: anxiouswens
The problem I havr is with all this doom porn here in the UK. A lot of it is speculative as if the West knew so much of theit plans then why arent they stopping them.

Firtsly, I don't think there is too much doom porn in the media. ATS is a sufferer of doom porn.

Secondly, if you believe the official sources then the security services in the UK are working had to foil terrorism directed at the UK. This means that there is a real threat. You may beg to differ, but there are regular court cases against prople who have been planning outrages and it would be remiss if these were not reported.

edit on 14/1/2016 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 07:51 AM
Well I'm not feeling terrorised by anything .. Do you know why? I don't read any of the U.K. Newspapers, why? Because they are all full of complete bull sh** I can't even remember the last time I paid for a paper. I remember when Ebola was the newspapers top agenda and seeing headlines like '1000s of people in the UK to die from Ebola' .. And look not a single death! The newspapers are nothing but fear mongering celeb gossiping crap!

Want to stop worrying or want to stop getting terrorised by the headlines? Don't buy a paper just walk straight past them.

Hell, I don't see why people bother countinue to by The Sun, Daily Star etc .. Oh wait yes I can because most people are all wrapped up in their little worlds with cotton wool over their eyes. Most people are happy to work your average 9-5 finish work have dinner and watch the soap operas ... There's no hope

But yeh bottom line is ... IGNORE the papers pretend they don't even exist

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

I guess that would then be making the news instead of reporting it... barring the rampant fabrication of news just because every day needs some kind of story. reminds me a tad of the song title or lyrics that say: "wake me up when September ends." in all honestly war has perpetuated that one month that one day of news world wide for a solid 15 years... its a fancy feast for news... that one day reported in various ways over and over and over, like a recursive loop that keeps the hydra growing heads with more and more instability hoping force will end force... thats impossible it just transfers and spreads eventually wearing everyone down until they quit throw up arms and gather strength for the next go round solving really nothing in the entire process on a mass scale.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: stumason
I agree with you Stu. What do you people really want. You are the same people shouting about why the media didn't report about Jimmy saville or Cyril Smith, now you moan about "doom porn" and talk about the media frightening the public.
The public are not as gullible as the majority of people think they are. Take ALL media with a pinch of salt. Eccept if it happens to you personally or someone you know. There are an awful lot of crimes that are not reported nationally but if you live in that area you get firsthand information and know it's true.
That's the failure of the national media because the authorities keep a tight lid on the crime figures, that's the number of crimes but more importantly the type of crimes. Now if the media really reported on those THEN you would be frightened.

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